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词汇 thesaurus_articles_used-to-say-you-are-not-certain

used to say you are not certain

These words and phrases are all used when you want to say you are not certain about the truth of something, or you are not certain that something will happen.

One of the most common words for this is maybe. Maybe can be used to say that it's possible for something to happen, or it's possible that something is true.

"Do you want to go to the show tonight?" "Maybe. Let's see how I feel after work."
Maybe he'll win the award, maybe not. Who can tell?
My package has been delayed again, but maybe it'll get here tomorrow.

Another common word for this is perhaps. Perhaps is slightly more formal than maybe.

Perhaps he'll decide to join us tonight.
She may be a good candidate for the job, but perhaps there are other applicants who would be a better fit.

Possibly is used to say that is it possible for something to happen or not happen, or it is possible for something to be true or not be true. It is used more often than maybe or perhaps to say that something is unknown or cannot be known with the amount of information you have right now.

There are four, possibly five people who have been injured in the explosion.
This seedling could be a tomato plant, or possibly a weed – it's just too early to tell.
"Do you think he'll move to London?" "Possibly? I could also see him just staying here."

You can use potentially to say that it is possible for something to be true or to become something specific. Potentially is often used with negative words like harmful, dangerous, or fatal.

These potentially unsafe chemicals are present in our groundwater.
The meteorological office is tracking a potentially dangerous storm a hundred miles off the coast.

Some words are used to say that it is very possible for something to happen or be true, though still not certain. Conceivably is used to say that you can imagine something happening or being true, though you don't know for sure it if will happen or is true. Plausibly is used to say that it is likely that something will happen or is true.

It would be hard, but a burglar could conceivably shut down your electronic alarm system by hacking into it.
"What happens if they tie for first place?" "Conceivably, both cyclists could move on to the next round of races, with the order decided by a coin toss."
She argued, rather plausibly, that her neighbour was the one who took the tools from her allotment.
You cannot plausibly blame your horoscope for all the terrible decisions you've made – you do have to take some responsibility!

If you want to say that it is possible that something is true, you can begin your sentence with the phrase it is arguable that.... This phrase appears in writing more than in speech.

It is arguable that an increase in tax rates will bring more revenue in to the government.

Perchance is an old word that means "maybe". When it is used today, it is to make a sentence sound very formal, or to be humorous.

If, perchance, His Majesty approves, we shall ride north directly.
Do you perchance know how far it is to town?

For words that describe being certain about something, see the article at certain.





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