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词汇 thesaurus_articles_refusing-to-change-your-actions-or-opinions

refusing to change your actions or opinions

These words all refer to doing what you want or thinking a certain way about something, even if others do not want you to.

The most common word for this is stubborn. A stubborn person has decided they will do what they want and refuses to do anything else. They can be stubborn about doing something, or they can be stubborn as part of their character. Stubborn is a disapproving word.

She's so stubborn, she'll never admit that she was wrong.
He was a stubborn child who grew cross when he didn't get what he wanted.

If someone is being very stubborn, you can say that they are as stubborn as a mule or that they or their actions are mulish. Mulish is slightly more formal and less common than both stubborn and as stubborn as a mule.

Ah, she's as stubborn as a mule. You might as well give her what she wants.
He was generally an easy-going child, but could be mulish when upset.
They were frustrated by the government's mulish insistence that the regional flooding did not merit a national response.

One opposite of stubborn is yielding. Yielding is a formal word to refer to the personality of a person who easily does what other people wish them to do. You can also call such a person pliant.

He was too yielding to be able to control a rowdy class.
Management wanted pliant employees who would do as they were told.

If a person is headstrong, they are very determined to do or think whatever they want without listening to what others say.

She's too headstrong to listen to reason.
There's no arguing with a surly and headstrong teenager.

Self-willed is a slightly more disapproving and negative word than headstrong. It is also used to refer to a person who decides to do something without listening to what others say. It is not as common as either stubborn or headstrong.

The novel's main character is frustratingly self-willed, and all the bad things that happen to them are their own fault.

If you are strong-willed, you have decided to do something even if that action does not make sense to others. Strong-willed is a more positive word than stubborn is.

Their screenplays were known for their strong-willed female characters.
Our father was strong-willed and hardworking.

Similarly, a strong-minded person is someone whose thoughts or actions do not change once they have decided to do or think that. Strong-minded is also more positive than stubborn.

He was a quiet but strong-minded leader who fought fiercely for his country.

Many synonyms for stubborn are negative or disapproving. Someone who is pigheaded refuses to listen to others or change their plans or their opinions even if those plans or opinions are unreasonable.

You need to stop being so pigheaded and listen to reason.
I've never met a more pigheaded person in my life!

If someone is bullheaded, they do what they want without listening to others or thinking about the feelings of other people. Bullheaded is less common than pigheaded, but it is also disapproving.

No, I don't want to spend the evening with your bullheaded, know-it-all brother.

In informal language, someone who is hell-bent on something or hell-bent on doing something has decided on an action or a plan even though that action might have negative consequences.

He was hell-bent on getting married before he turned 30.
I told her that the weather would be miserable, but she was hell-bent on going to the beach anyway.

A person who is wilful does what they want even if they know it is wrong. Wilful is a disapproving word that implies the person is not able to be reasonable. The US English spelling of wilful is willful.

UK He was far too wilful to quietly do as he was told.

Obstinate can be used to refer to a person who has decided to do something and will not change that plan, no matter what people say or whether their actions are reasonable. It can also be used to refer to the action that is taken. Obstinate is often a disapproving word.

I was an obstinate, rebellious child.
His obstinate refusal to apologise only made the situation worse.

If someone will not change their mind even if you are doing your best to persuade them to, you could say they have dug their heels in.

I kept telling them that we could go on the weekend, but they dug their heels in and demanded we go today.

For words about being determined to do something even though it is difficult, see the article at .





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