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词汇 thesaurus_articles_continuing-for-a-large-amount-of-time

continuing for a large amount of time

These words are used to describe things, actions, or events that continue for a large amount of time.

The most common word for this is long.

He's been gone a long time.
We have another long meeting scheduled for tomorrow.
The winters in Siberia are long and cold.

The opposite of long is short.

The days are getting shorter.
Several short breaks during the work day can help you to maintain focus.

For more opposites of long, see the article at short.

Something that is prolonged happens for a long time. Prolonged is often used in more formal contexts such as business writing or medical writing.

She returned to work after a prolonged illness.
The country experienced a prolonged period of economic growth.

Lengthy is less common than long. It can be used to describe things that are unpleasant, or that take a lot of attention or effort to complete.

Airline passengers may face lengthy delays during holiday travel.
They began the lengthy process of getting government approval of the project.
The contract negotiations were lengthy and complex.

If something is sustained, it happens for a long period of time without stopping or becoming less.

We continue to see sustained economic growth.
The storm brought with it heavy sustained winds.

Something that continues for longer than normal can be described as extended. Extended is often used before a noun, and can be used to describe things that are longer versions of existing things.

Standing for extended periods of time can be bad for your back.
I bought an extended warranty (= a warranty that lasts longer than a regular warranty) for the new washing machine.
USThe extended weather forecast (= the weather forecast for further into the future) calls for more rain in the coming week.

Protracted often describes things or events that are made to last longer than necessary. Protracted is used in more formal writing and is often used of negative or difficult things.

Management was locked in protracted negotiations with the unions.
They wanted to avoid a protracted legal battle.

Drawn-out or, less commonly, long-drawn-out can also refer to things that last longer than usual or than is necessary. Both drawn-out and long-drawn-out are less formal than protracted and are not as negative. Both words are usually used before a noun.

It is likely to be a drawn-out discussion.
Their divorce was a drawn-out affair.
Applying for a work visa is a long-drawn-out process.

Something that is lingering lasts for a longer time than it should. It is used before a noun.

He had a lingering cough.
She agreed to the plan though she had lingering doubts.

The adjective lasting is close in meaning to long. It is used to describe things that continue to exist for a very long time or for ever.

The medication can have lasting side-effects.
They brokered a lasting peace.




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