词汇 | thesaurus_approaching |
释义 | approachingadjective These are words and phrases related to approaching. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. PROSPECTIVESynonymsprospective future coming impending to come close to hand to be forthcoming about to be eventual destined in prospect in view foreseen on the horizon expected looked-for intended hoped-for in expectation in the wind looming threatening COMPARABLESynonymsparallel approximate close a match for in a class with up to comparable similar like equal equivalent as good as on a par with akin to roughly the same as analogous tantamount commensurable commensurate Antonymsincomparable different unlike dissimilar incommensurable incommensurate unequal THREATENINGSynonymsimminent impending threatening ominous menacing sinister baleful grim alarming ill-omened foreboding portentous fateful forbidding inauspicious unpropitious COMINGSynonymscoming next forthcoming subsequent arriving advancing future imminent impending to come prospective on the way in view on the horizon in the wind Antonymsdeparting past previous prior UPCOMINGSynonymsupcoming coming forthcoming nearing pending prospective imminent drawing nigh nearby impending momentary looming in the offing Antonymsdistant remote far-off postponed delayed IMPENDINGSynonymsimpending immediate coming due momentarily imminent near oncoming forthcoming in prospect brewing looming threatening menacing CLOSESynonymsclose near similar akin almost like almost alike much the same as resembling nearly even nearly equal well-matched nip-and-tuck Antonymsfar dissimilar unequal uneven unmatched |