词汇 | thesaurus_aggrieve |
释义 | aggrieveverb These are words and phrases related to aggrieve. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of aggrieve. PLAGUESynonymspain afflict embarrass haunt prey on one's mind plague torment trouble distress worry disquiet perturb persecute harass disturb bother vex irk peeve nettle gall harry chafe fret badger annoy try the patience of get on one's nerves go against the grain HARMSynonymswrong harm impair injure hurt wound maim ruin cripple pain abuse maltreat do violence to misuse ill-use damage blemish mar spoil deface disfigure debase degrade undermine Antonymsbenefit help aid assist improve better ameliorate cure heal SADDENSynonymssadden grieve depress dishearten discourage crush deject dispirit sorrow subdue damp dash burden Antonymsdelight cheer gladden please encourage HURTSynonymshurt offend sting wound one's feelings grieve distress trouble cut to the quick Antonymsconsole calm soothe please compliment compensate |