词汇 | thesaurus_advancing |
释义 | advancingadjective These are words and phrases related to advancing. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of advancing. PROMISINGSynonymsrising up-and-coming promising giving promise full of promise favorable hopeful reassuring assuring encouraging inspiriting bright cheerful cheering rosy optimistic happy propitious auspicious of good omen lucky fortunate looking up Antonymsunfavorable unpromising discouraging COMINGSynonymscoming next forthcoming subsequent arriving approaching future imminent impending to come prospective on the way in view on the horizon in the wind Antonymsdeparting past previous prior PROGRESSIVESynonymsadvanced progressive concerned with progress supporting change dynamic forward-going forward-looking going ahead enterprising up-to-date liberal reformist Antonymsreactionary conservative FORWARDSynonymsforward moving ahead onward frontal fore anterior progressive go-ahead forward-looking up-to-date enterprising Antonymsbackward regressive ONCOMINGSynonymsoncoming approaching looming onrushing imminent impending nearing coming bearing down close Antonymsreceding retiring retreating withdrawing ONWARDSynonymsonward forward moving ahead frontward progressive ongoing Antonymsretreating regressive advancingadverb AHEADSynonymsahead forward in front advanced along ante first fore foremost leading progressing superior triumphant Antonymsbehind trailing last advancingnoun WAVESynonymswave moving row rank file line string train column tier LOANSynonymsadvance giving credit accommodation loan permission to borrow lending |