词汇 | thesaurus_abutting |
释义 | abuttingadjective These are words and phrases related to abutting. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of abutting. NEXTSynonymsneighboring adjoining adjacent proximate alongside beside close hard by next following ensuing after coming subsequent succeeding consequent later NEIGHBORINGSynonymscontiguous bordering lying close close near next at hand near at hand neighboring nearby adjacent adjoining close by surrounding circumjacent Antonymsdistant faraway far-off remote CONTIGUOUSSynonymscontiguous adjoining bordering adjacent next-door neighboring tangent touching conterminous nearby close close-by handy Antonymsremote distant far-off faraway ADJACENTSynonymsadjacent next to beside right beside touching adjoining bordering tangential next door to contiguous with conterminous proximate juxtaposed Antonymsfar from remote from distant from separated from |