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词汇 silty

Examples of silty

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Note the erosional base of the mottled silty sandstone unit at the extreme left.
The soil texture is silty clay loam with 29, 47, and 24% sand, silt and clay respectively, and illite is the dominant clay mineral.
The top of section 3 is marked by a 20 cm thick, reddish brown silty sandstone unit.
The coarse-grained lower part is chiefly composed of cross-bedded sandstone and the finer-grained upper part includes rippled silty sandstone and bioturbated sandy siltstone.
The calcrete is of two types; the first one is rich in silt with low clay content, and generally overlies the mottled silty sandstone lithofacies.
The sequence is lithologically rather uniform and consists of silty clay, fine-grained sand and clayey silt.
The upper part of the formation differs in being a greenish grey silty shale.
Internally each unit shows several cycles, each cycle being capped by a 2-5 cm thick silty layer.
Several cycles of silty-heterolithic associations are vertically stacked to produce a multistoreyed complex of fine-grained sediments without involving any river channel event.
Intercalated are thin units of mudstones and mixed silty to sandy layers.
What follows is a succession of medium-grey mudstones, which are also shelly and locally silty, interbedded with thin cemented horizons and organicrich layers.
The fine silty layers are characterized by larger phytoclasts and represent terrestrial input.
The new cycle begins with the deposition of mottled silty sandstone over the mottled mudstone unit of the underlying cycle.
The formation consists of fine-grained, thinly bedded, silty sandstones and siltstones which were deposited in a turbidite setting.
These comprise calcareous silty clays, containing some very fine-grained sand; interbedded with coarser grained, better-sorted units that are commonly fairly well cemented.
Textures ranged from loamy sand over sandy loam on sandstone to silty clay over clay on shale.
The second type of bedded calcrete is composed of very thin non-calcretized silty bands alternating with 2-3 cm thick calcretized clayey bands.
This is a 130 m long and 10 m thick succession, made up exclusively of different lithofacies of the silty-heterolithic succession.





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