释义 |
sf adverb music specialized written abbreviation forsforzando SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases Technical music terms acciaccatura accidental aeolian aleatory alto clef antiphonal discordant harmonic harmonic progression harmony hemidemisemiquaver inversion overtone ritardando rubato scherzando scordatura secco recitative voice part whole step SF noun[ U ] uk /ˌesˈef/ us /ˌesˈef/ abbreviation forscience fiction科幻小说(science fiction的缩写) SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases Types of film, play, book etc. action thriller adaptation Afrofuturism allegorical anime bodice-ripper boy-meets-girl director's cut noir non-documentary non-literary one-shot paean parody period piece potboiler sequel stream of consciousness tragicomedy weepy |