词汇 | peridotite |
释义 | BETA Examples of peridotiteperidotite isn’t in the Cambridge Dictionary yet. You can help! Anastomosing shear zones in basal regions of hanging wall peridotites. Melting of a dry peridotite at high-pressures and basalt magma genesis. These features suggest generation of the lamprophyre by partial melting of a metasomatized, garnet peridotite mantle source. The possibility exists, therefore, that the peridotite blocks have been emplaced from an ultrabasic intrusion above that has subsequently been completely eroded away. Based on microprobe analyses, the chrome spinel detritus was predominantly supplied from peridotites of mid-ocean ridge as well as suprasubduction zone origin. Peridotite-gabbro complexes as keys to petrology of mid-ocean ridges. Despite a diligent search no peridotite or other deepseated xenoliths have been encountered. Anhydrous partial melting of a fertile and depleted peridotite from 2 to 30 kb and application to basalt petrogenesis. The fine-grained peridotite blocks exhibit excellent internal rhythmic layering characterized by alternating olivine- and feldspar-rich layers. Similar serpentine, hornblende, chlorite, anthophyllite + talc-filled faults also cross-cut the peridotites above and amphibolites below the contact. The shear zones have a mylonitic fabric composed of mainly hornblende and chlorite, which wraps around phacoids of peridotite and gabbro. These data may indicate that the melts were formed in the spinel-peridotite field, although a garnet-peridotite source cannot be excluded. These arguments imply that the melts were not originated from a single source material, either spinel- or garnet-peridotite. Chromian spinel as a petrogenetic indicator in abyssal and alpine-type peridotites and spatially associated lavas. |