释义 |
GMT noun[ U ] uk /ˌdʒiː.emˈtiː/ us /ˌdʒiː.emˈtiː/ abbreviation forGreenwich Mean Time格林尼治(平均)时,世界时(Greenwich Mean Time的缩写) SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases Days & times of day afternoon afternoons all day am arvo high noon hour in broad daylightidiom in the dead of night/winteridiom last orders night noontime o'clock office hours opening time overnight the witching hour twilit workday working day
GMT | Business English GMT noun[ U ] MEASURESuk /ˌdʒiːemˈtiː/us abbreviation for Greenwich Mean Time: the time at Greenwich in London on which times around the world are based: They began moving toward their vehicles shortly after 2000 GMT. Compare
standard time |