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词汇 foliar

Examples of foliar

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This point serves as the fulcrum for mechanical support of the foliar area.
The need for a rapid response favoured the adoption of the foliar method of application in contrast to soil application.
It should be noted in addition that foliar application of micronutrients, especially copper might have a fungicidal eect.
At three months after planting, foliar diseases as well as plant vigour were measured on a scale from 1 to 9 (1 = low, absent).
We speculate on the basis of foliar morphology and the association of the foliage with araucarian seeds that the community was dominated by this group.
We numbered each new leaf and used a plastic grid to estimate foliar area (1-cm2 grid) and area damaged by insects (0.25-cm2 grid).
Under these circumstances foliar application of micronutrients is recommended.
Foliar-applied seaweed and fish powder do not improve yield and fruit quality of organically grown processing tomatoes.
A further challenge for assessment of nutrient limitation by foliar analysis in tropical montane forests is their high biodiversity.
Because the induction by all galling insect species studied only affected leaves, we restrict our study to foliar galls.
We recorded the foliar area of newly expanded leaves and counted abscised leaves on these same branches.
This effect is much greater than that observed for foliar nitrogen in both forests.
This may reflect high foliar leaching due to frequent and abundant rainfall.
The effect of altitude on foliar nutrient concentration of shrubs and herbs was similar to that on foliar nutrient concentration of trees.
There are three main methods of adding micronutrients to crops: soil fertilization, foliar sprays and seed treatment.
The differences in plant architecture referred to in this work are inherently linked to differences in host or foliar quality in addition to secondary chemistry.





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