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词汇 example_english_whereby

Examples of whereby

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
In contrast, when hosts are dexamethasone-treated the mucous cell discharge is inhibited whereby the total cell count increases significantly accompanied by a reduced response.
Of newer vintage are the so-called 'cheap talk' games whereby costless signals provide limited information to decision makers.
A possible system-wide solution would involve a negotiated or 'market-like exchange', whereby the winners compensate the losers.
They seemed to follow a fixed route, whereby they returned to the same flowers at regular, short intervals.
Similarly, new forms of education will be devised whereby computer games skills are integrated into learning curricula to make learning more enjoyable.
An analogy may be a symphony orchestra whereby, aurally, instruments are added when required and removed when no longer required.
Such a situation, whereby 'democracy becomes the only game in town ', is what the donors hope for.
There may be economies of scale whereby the levels of staffing required to meet the need reduces as prisoner numbers increase.
Therefore, we first derive the dynamic equations for the general case whereby both contact edges are in the air.
Secondly, our analyses did not support a specificity model, whereby only certain anxiety disorders contribute to depression.
Possessed-heart constructions therefore provide a resource whereby speakers may make relatively good inferences about others' intentional states, and provide relatively good evidence for their own.
His conceit, in this essay, is that of convergent evolution, whereby different species develop in similar ways in response to similar environmental pressures.
Potential criticisms may be directed at our method whereby participants' sort their own clusters.
A microbiological ecosystem occurs whereby crystallized salt, lying in near-saturated salt water, is laden with microbial activity.
In part, this reflects a natural division of labour whereby older and married men stayed out of the firing line.
A 'one in, one out' rule for regulation, whereby new regulations have to be matched by deregulatory measures.
Naming latencies were collected using an indirect method whereby the experimenter pressed a key on the computer keyboard when the child initiated a response.
In the parallel system, there were huge problems of attendance, with almost a part-time system in operation whereby students turned up only for the examinations.
Consider 'public legal education', whereby the state helps citizens to be better able to recognise their legal rights and responsibilities?
We could then use an adiabatic approximation whereby we could maintain the electrons in their instantaneous ground state.
The discussion is of community involvement whereby the public is empowered to make decisions about policy.
Of course, the educational setting will not be the only route whereby such a terrain is mapped.
Object-oriented software is based on the concept of object encapsulation whereby every data type is strongly associated with the functions that operate on it.
However, a number of weaknesses can be identi ed in the process whereby the assessment tool was developed.
The mechanism whereby variation takes place, however, is not known but the answer may lie with genetic recombination as we propose.
The government should create an avenue whereby women can borrow money to purchase land.
One such movement phrase involved a reaching gesture whereby the dancer's hand would touch the air and play with its texture between the fingers.
Each session includes also a teacherled component whereby specific skills of high-level academic writing are scaffolded and discussed.
After an introduction, a simple "neutral" model of linguistic divergence is investigated, whereby geographically isolated groups innovate randomly because of imper fect learning.
We have adopted an organizational perspective whereby language alternation is seen as consisting of various medium-related activities: medium selection, medium repair, and medium suspension.
One column indicated electrical conductivity in microsiemens per centimeter, whereby higher conductivity was seen to correlate with increased aridity.
In general, however, boundary dispute posturing had many facets whereby that process's village identity production mechanism was not always so evident.
The interior cylinder, on the other hand, leads the entire plasma flow, whereby the electric conductibility is constant.
However, memoria seems also to be closely associated with oblivio as absence, whereby forgetfulness points to a search for remembrance.
There is a recurring pattern whereby as an individual or an occupation rises in status, so it retreats from direct body contact.
The distorted forms were created using center clipping, a process whereby the center part of the sound wave is eliminated.
A challenge that will need to be surmounted involves the determination of the mechanisms whereby different levels of analysis interact across developmental time.
In this way we aim to develop a thorough theoretical understanding whereby the processes involved may be optimised.
How these modifications in synaptic structure (and, ultimately, function) underlie the process whereby repeated drug use leads to addiction remains to be determined.
Table 1 gives a brief summary of several mechanisms whereby tumours can influence host defence networks.
The mechanisms whereby tissue-specific transcriptional activation is achieved in the intestine will be discussed.
One possible mechanism whereby changes in growth patterns become irreversible is by permanent changes in sensitivity to the homones regulating postnatal growth.
Moreover, a consistent pattern emerged, whereby the negative terms associated with relatively short lags give way to positive terms over longer periods.
Thus, some farmers are interested in 'identity-preserved marketing' whereby specific varieties are grown for quality and sold at a premium.
The converse, whereby the lid everts, exposing the conjunctiva, is similarly troublesome and causes watering.
Actually this process, whereby music history itself becomes increasingly an intrinsic property - the subject of an individual piece - started centuries ago.
As a practical matter, it is impossible to have a rule whereby only those about to vote wrongly are forced to reveal their voting intentions.
The mechanism by which these improvements are achieved may be a learning curve (22) whereby professionals learn through experience how better to deliver their services.
What is more, the chicken-and-egg process whereby modern technology and strong organization reinforce each other led to a decline in the number of players.
I am suggesting a second type of agent-relativity, whereby lying to those close to one is worse than lying to strangers.
The due process of correction, whereby the corrector detects obstinate heretics, entails an aspect of inquisitorial deterrence.
As for a more democratic architecture, we already have democracy in the planning process, whereby the elected representatives vote on design quality.
There is a slippage of meaning whereby ' health ' becomes a concept which extends beyond a narrow medicalised focus on the body.
Generally speaking, policy diffusion is the process whereby policy choices in one country affect policy choices in other countries.
Perhaps, then, this is also a means whereby what is threatening in cultural forms is tamed, made palatable for mass consumption.
The outcome was a vicious circle whereby women's work, perceived as low status, was poorly rewarded and therefore regarded as unimportant.
They were not the formal way whereby leaders were chosen and did not represent the linkage between the rulers and the ruled.
Instead, it seems to be a consequence of stress assignment, whereby a disyllabic compound usually forms a foot.
He proposes instead a system whereby stratal assignment is determined by the base.
In general, the main limitation of the book is its lack of direction, whereby contributions are disjointed.
Our results suggest that the key communication issue may lie outwith our study, namely the process whereby the decision to refer for therapy is reached.
A guide to further reading is provided, thereby offering the student a means whereby he or she can pursue the issues at further length.
Negotiation is the process whereby two agents seek a mutual agreement and commitment on the delivery of a service.
In the next subsection we discuss mechanisms whereby deliberation might induce greater (unidimensional) single-peakedness, via agreement at a meta-level.
Ensuring the institutional means whereby alternative developments are possible has to be a high priority in any discussion of reform.
There appears to be a linear relationship, whereby left governments are more supportive of integration than right governments.
The segregation was obtained by cooling down the mixture, whereby the hydrophobic particles segregated in droplets.
Attention is drawn to the common hypocrisy whereby this kind of neogovernment undertaking is often protected in law.
First, does our hypothesis about marginal tax rates correctly specify the mechanism whereby left government is associated with compression of 90-50 ratios?
Our optimized task creation, whereby the arguments are placed directly onto the newly created task's stack, would not be possible.
One must distinguish between this scenario and the more obvious interpretation, whereby the child is simply immune to corrective input in some cases.
Similarly, the literature on governance stresses the non-linear nature of governance change, whereby old and new (hybrid) forms of governance exist side-byside.
The literature which assesses the impact of these reforms highlights the complexity of new governing arrangements whereby professional selfregulation co-exists with other forms of governance.
There are a number of mechanisms whereby a male promotes his paternity.
Top-down methods include topic-centric browsing whereby documents are classified by topics of interest.
After initialisation, there is a loop whereby examples are selected for labelling using a given active learning method and a corresponding set of models.
Instead, it emphasizes acting skills and the tradition whereby theatre is a means towards education and improvement.
The modern system is characterized by a process whereby nonauxiliary verbs must be 'supported' by do in certain familiar contexts.
They are the instruments whereby political reforms are put into practice.
Electricity and water industries have in many cases been ' unbundled ', whereby the enterprise is divided into separate operational units.
In the next example, there is a further development - a phenomenon whereby employers deliberately manufacture uncertainty to further their own control.
The world sugar market can best be described as ' residual ', whereby most markets are protected and domestic production is given priority.
One might argue that participation can have other indirect effects whereby participation would lead to higher legitimacy for participants and non-participants alike.
The emphasis must be on total patient care, whereby the learner has responsibility for particular patients.
One method whereby the aggressive and destructive energies of mankind are sublimated is through work.
We therefore see a type of linguistic conspiracy, whereby one process produces a certain surface structure, which becomes the target for subsequent processes.
The specific mechanisms whereby the maternal environment affects temperament are unknown.
She regards subjectification as a pragmatic-semantic process whereby meanings become increasingly based in the speaker's belief or attitude towards the proposition.
In, finally, a general procedure is being described whereby any two women's eggs can be used to create an embryo.
The first modification requires the introduction of environmental lease contracts whereby the flexible pricing mechanism can be implemented.
Contamination consists of processes whereby particles settle or adsorb on a clean surface forming layers which reduce the efficiency of the surface.
Because heuristics are not perfect, there has to be a process of verification whereby trial solutions are tested against criteria for success.
The script also contains information about appropriate discourse routines and activates a turn-taking script whereby the balance of power lies with the lawyer.
The second layer contains an active memory component whereby the memory of the specific association can be maintained during a delay.
The second is a product-based approach, whereby designers select multiple products from a product family and try to increase the commonality between the selected products.
Experiences of conscious will thus arise from processes whereby the mind interprets itself - not from processes whereby mind creates action.
One option is of reciprocal inhibition of polar opposites, whereby when one mood is dominant, its polar opposite is suppressed, but can later be released.
Werning mentions the "co-oscillation" solution, whereby neurons in anatomically connected regions registering different properties oscillate in synchrony if the properties belong to the same object.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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