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词汇 example_english_when

Examples of when

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Selective participation could be an important source of bias when investigating seroprevalence of vaccinepreventable diseases given the low participation rate in some age classes.
More than one membrane was used for each sample when needed.
When venturing beyond empirical data, scientists often bring in unnecessary and unnoticed conceptual baggage which can obstruct constructive consensus.
Needed to make a high vowel non-back (front) when an onsetless vowel is word-initial.
The other is that such a system generalizes locally when there are many similar elements that share a property.
When the subject follows the verb, there is no number agreement.
When the subject is in front of the verb, full agreement appears, see (6).
Note, though, that these verbs can take the nasal prefix when the applicative/causative suffix -ke is present.
Exploratory expressions should be seen as another important source of variation, on which reanalysis can work when grammaticalization takes place.
Uninterpretable features, on the other hand, are erased when checked and therefore only trigger movement once.
Eventually the cluster beam intensity will reach a minimum when the appropriate beam slice is directly in front of the target during ablation.
In this case, when the cone angle is lower than a critical value, the collapse of the cone is done without jet production.
When languages are in contact with each other, what changes do we expect to occur in their grammatical structures ?
We suggested that information structure and heaviness are among the factors determining when one variant is favored over the other.
By contrast, when the subject is in preverbal position, first conjunct agreement is ruled out.
Hence, his reliance on those precepts when tackling hard cases is not something that he is legally at liberty to eschew.
Seeing precedents as examples calls attention to the actionguiding capacity of decisions when whole categories have not been set.
He criticises the company's behaviour when the evidence leads him to that conclusion.
As such, they provide a tangible link with the celestial, especially when they are cared for, venerated and carried in procession.
However, when asked about personal knowledge of a case, the lower group is the only one with higher than average figures.
The courts do the requiting when they apply some secondary duty to the defendant in virtue of her wrong.
When general institutional facts about the law prioritize justice, this gives the demands that justice makes on the law a genuinely moral priority.
The question takes on particular force when we are dealing with felonies that have quite mild punishments associated with them.
When viewed this way, some of the purportedly tough cases are not tough at all.
In fact, one gets the impression that when people think about this topic, they think about equality.
Similarly, when two legal rules conflict, the rule that was last enacted governs.
The book, he notes, got a cool reception when it appeared in 1977.
Indeed, when we include the political scale variable in the regressions, all of the other variables that gauge perceptions about distribution are rendered insignificant.
The first comprises the years between 1970 and 1979, when, as might be expected, productivity increases.
In addition, these reforms establish a basis for subsequent laws to institutionalise them, and they justify protests when new constitutional rights are violated or ignored.
When private and public insurers compete for the same patients, it is inevitable that issues concerning selection bias arise.
Even when different countries are implementing similar restructuring initiatives, these reforms often lead to different outcomes.
When it came to the justification of the actual intervention, the idea of pre-emption did not arise at all.
Do you claim that you are now entitled to a pension or will be entitled at a future date (state when) ?
When he could, he delighted in unpacking what he saw as the admiral's vague pronouncements.
In short, we need, when dealing with memory, to be as conscious of the power of the medium as of the intended message.
Moreover, the sale was made during his lifetime when his library was, in a sense, a work in progress.
The platoon is crossing on a pelican when the green man starts to flash.
Twenty-one percent agreed with the statement that their doctor was strongly influenced by health insurance company rules when making decisions about their medical care.
Other leading tariff reformers were more tough-minded when it came to the question of what they could offer the agricultural community.
Primarily, the principle of cost-effectiveness was used when limiting/conditioning or totally rejecting a subsidy.
The results did not change when we used these alternative measures of heart disease.
There is also an issue to consider when regarding the circle of reconstruction.
The picture of the sector changes fundamentally, however, when volunteer employment is taken into consideration.
When a married man with children dies, his wife has lost a husband and the children have lost a father.
To illustrate, a similar analysis can be presented when altruism takes a different form.
When either or both factors are present, however, a window opens.
The third cause was the problems caused when patients need hospital transport.
When we continue to warm up, we move from equilibrium state towards an unstable state far from this equilibrium position.
Locating neighborhoods, even when computationally expensive, facilitates the fast incorporation of up-to-date information.
When the application moves to a new space, the context may be different.
When government policies privilege an industry, firms in that industry become more profitable.
When we introduce other factors into our analysis, however, the effects of government partisanship are transformed.
A person co-operates with other people only when he or she sees it is in his or her own interest.
Parties and interest groups target open seats, yet these seats are only most promising when the national tide is weak.
When the party loses an election, the party's leader loses the post as national leader as well.
The system will settle into a stable alignment when no actor can further reduce its frustration.
In practice the updating is stopped when the changes become very small and the corresponding optimal policy does not change.
The last ingredient is a means to connect a program to the first machine state encountered when it is run.
In general, a structure is called free when it is left-adjoint to a forgetful functor.
Deallocation is done by the garbage collector once for each segment when there are no more references to a segment.
One potential concern when using monads to structure programs is that standard program optimisation techniques might not be applicable.
Of course, when augment combinators based on both distinctions are available, the programmer is free to choose between them.
Cells are larger when heap profiling is used, as we need to attach producer and constructor information to them.
The improvement is not specific to the benchmark proposition, though of course the benefits are greatest when most conjuncts are tautologous and can be eliminated.
They know the methodology to be used when facing a specific problem.
When the pict is to be rendered, the drawing procedure is called with a target drawing context and offsets.
Two memory contexts are considered the same if they are the same when viewed as functions.
There is no 'return' when the evaluation of the function is complete.
Most, if not all, have compromised themselves and are best advised not to denounce their own personal practices when encountered elsewhere.
He himself will not forget to claim his ' kola ' or rightful ' part ', as occurs when the potential donor seems distracted or recalcitrant.
Based on data when the child was symptomatic.
Cats may acquire infection only when they begin to eat prey.
When asked, 79% had conducted patient satisfaction surveys.
Parents felt that general practitioners were often willing to prescribe antibiotics when they would prefer not to have had them.
When patients indicated that their subjective overall quality of life was higher, time also seemed to pass subjectively faster.
Most importantly, it reminds the reader that mutual fund fees should be a key aspect to consider when investing.
Invisible costs are expected to be high when trustee governance is poor.
When doing this, it is convenient to give each state a unique identification number.
Further, the firm will exit when continuation is efficient.
Follow-up clinics that can be accessed when patients or carers choose to are worth piloting and evaluating.
The second point of comparison is ten years later, when the worker is age 60 with 30 years of service.
Unfortunately, such schemes induce variations in the contribution rate when the age distribution changes.
On average, both the replacement rate and the contribution rate decline when the degree of wage-bill indexation is increased.
The results of this approximate model are very similar to those of the full diffusion equationwhen modelling the particular laboratory experiment described above.
In fact, when you get home, your son brings up the incident and asks why the boy said what he did.
Give an example of something that you hoped for when you were younger.
When the copings arrived from the laboratories, all 36 copings were checked regarding their fit.
When we compare our brain to those of other animals, the first thing that strikes us is its size.
In the first round of infection, when all virions are pure wild type or pure mutant, the mutant virions cannot benefit from phenotypic hiding.
When using these references, summarized below, auditors should ensure that the most current version available is used.
When you gather background or other data, ensure that they are from the best available source(s).
Legislatures usually establish the program purpose when they provide authority for the program.
When public accountants are engaged, the engaging organization should ensure that the report is distributed appropriately.
When her son dies during the fox-hunt, the accident is caused by a motorbike which frightens one of the horses.
How could they think of themselves when their class and party needed their help?
When they tried to explain their idea of women's place in the party, they liked the analogy to a large trade union.
The acquisition cost of stewardship land shall be considered an expense in the period acquired when determining the net cost of operations.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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