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词汇 example_english_weigh

Examples of weigh

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
At each visit, children were weighed and details of their health, diet and home environment were recorded.
To ensure that slugs were fully hydrated they were placed on moist cotton wool for > 1 h before being weighed.
Once the ash had cooled, it was transferred into plastic bags, which were weighed and labelled for each burn.
However, a few angular blocks, weighing about 30 kg each, have been ejected several metres out of the pit.
He had weighed the brains of 29 normal men and found an average figure of 1323 grams.
The contents of the litterbags were then gently brushed clean, and weighed.
Each larva was weighed to the nearest 0.1 mg as soon as it was detected and removed from the fish.
Rather, both come to be weighed by him as by a pure, impersonal intellect; without touching the subjective sphere.
The faecal samples from each day and hamster were individually pooled and weighed.
Students completed the questionnaire and were individually weighed out of the sight of the other students.
Gynogens of the tiger puffer (23 individuals weighing approximately 100 g) were tagged to recognize them individually.
Dubious weighing procedures set off countless disputes between planters and mill owners.
At autopsy, the heart weighed 160 grams with marked enlargement of the right atrium, right ventricle and moderate enlargement of left ventricle.
Each of the three trays was filled to overflowing with the surrounding dried feed (weighing approximately 1.2 kg) and the contents emptied monthly.
Subadult individuals were all black-coated wild boar whose carcass weighed <50 kg, supposedly corresponding to 13- to 24-month-old animals.
The livers of these infected mice weighed less (1.14 6 0.14 g) than those of controls (1.32 6 0.13 g).
At maturity, plants were cut at soil level, and spikes and foliage were separated, dried and weighed.
At natural maturity, tubers from the whole trial were harvested immediately and weighed to determine tuber yield (kg).
The merits of relativism, however, must be weighed against the trap of exceptionalism.
The labour requirements of the sugar companies had to be weighed against the political realities of mass unemployment and the rise of popular nationalism.
The media also weighed in, besides providing news and analysis.
On his view, the "reasonable avoidability" of the conduct weighs against criminalization.
All voles were culled and weighed, and blood smears prepared from blood taken from the heart.
Seeds were regularly removed from the germination paper and weighed after quickly surface-drying with a paper tissue.
All foxes were weighed, measured, and ears permanently marked with tattoo before being replaced in the trap of capture and released once fully awake.
The soils were weighed, and air-dry bulk density was calculated.
The research therefore shows that people were weighing up their own needs against those of their children and grandchildren.
Livers from infected jirds weighed, on average, 8.3% less than those from controls.
Right and left paired glands were weighed separately.
The gut contents from each section were squeezed out, weighed and an egg count carried out on each section.
Every two weeks the heifers were weighed and clinically inspected.
Marketable fruit were weighed and yield was determined.
I weighed them up-were they rational or not?
In side pumped laser head geometries good extraction of energy has to be weighed against diffraction effects of the amplified beam.
Each bird was weighed to the nearest 5 g each week.
Three grams (wet weight) of each sample were weighed and placed in a labelled vial.
Suggesting that the four attributes should be considered when weighing the purported advantage of one drug over another.
Of course, the bene®ts of this must be weighed against the need to provide scalability.
Just for the sake of argument, let us suppose that it weighs in at about 90 percent.
Rats that got saccharin weighed more than rats that did not.
In altruism, the agent is weighing costs and benefit vis-à-vis someone else who is passive.
However, non-parasitized third instars on the same day weighed, on average, 0.37 0.04 g (n 18).
All goats were weighed to the nearest 0.2 kg every month and 1 day prior to any shearing.
Daily feed intake was measured by weighing feed refusals 2 h after each feeding.
Analysis of survivorship was performed on logit transformed data (ln live/dead) with weighing for sample size.
A subsample of 100 g of seeds was weighed, and dried to assess the grain dry matter yield per plot.
At that time, a male infant weighing 2.3 kg was delivered by cesarian section.
At autopsy, the heart was enlarged, weighing 620 grams.
She was apyrexial, irritable and weighed 9.4 kg (10th percentile).
The heart weighed 110 gm (compared to a normal for this age of 85 gm).
The heart was flabby and weighed 70 grams.
On physical examination, she weighed 2.48 kg and was in mild respiratory distress with marked cyanosis.
The programs, too, might have insufficiently analyzed and weighed the data and peer reviewed literature that is available on the diagnostic problem.
The merits and limitations of the transaction-centred view can be weighed up.
However, several facts need to be weighed against this evidence.
The three fractions were weighed after drying and the percentage of fine sand used in further analyses.
Clean aphids were placed in pre-weighed aluminum dishes dried, and weighed.
The total produce of maize cobs and pods of any intercrops from each plot were weighed and subsamples taken to determine oven-dry grain weight.
All patients were term infants weighing 2800-3560 gm who were referred to our institution for treatment of pulmonary hypertension.
The stents were placed under general anesthesia in piglets (n=7) 1-3 days old, weighing 1.4-2.25 kg via a cutdown in the neck.
Seeds were weighed and adjusted to constant moisture levels of 12 % and 10 % for teff and faba bean respectively.
Two-kg portions of air-dry soil (< 5 mm mesh) were weighed into pots.
Less than one-third of the children in this sample, weighed towards low income children of color, constructed secure child-teacher relationships.
Seeds and pods were threshed, cleaned, identi®ed to species, weighed and counted.
The capsules were carefully inspected and weighed before and after welding, and after the run.
At this stage, individual larvae were weighed to the nearest 0n1 mg.
Using spring balances, milk was weighed on the same day each week for the three far mers.
Of course, not every single word is weighed in such a way in speaking, since that would lead to too much loss of speed.
With 40 chapters and over 1,000 pages, and weighing in at about a kilo, this is a big book.
However, modern technology needs to be applied with appropriate caution and tangible benefits weighed against the sometimes less tangible risks.
All animals were weighed once per week on the day of their birth from 1 to 20 weeks.
The very mass of information provided by the author weighs on the narrative and this does not make for effortless reading of some chapters.
An infant born weighing less than 250 kg is considered to be a low birth weight infant.
Infants are weighed naked immediately after birth but neither the scales nor the method of weighing is standardized.
Even for deliveries in primary health centres, there is often a paucity of suitable weighing scales.
The plastic version in our experiments weighs roughly 240 g and is 70 mm in diameter.
Besides arithmetical works, he wrote a treatise consisting in a collection of problems about weighing with hydrostatic a and normal balances.
Before spreading, the doses of farm manure were weighed and their nutrient contents determined in laboratory analyses.
All feeds were removed and weighed before the next feeding.
The benefits of screening mammography must be weighed against its potential harms.
When weighing the evidence presented in systematic reviews, however, an additional issue must be addressed.
Concerning these considerations, health economic evaluation, by weighing the benefits of medical interventions against their costs, has an important role to play.
Seeds were carefully washed from each of 40 berries and were air dried; the plump, well-filled seeds were separated, counted and weighed.
One hundred caryopses weighing 5.0 + 0.2 mg, 10.0 + 0.2 mg and 15.0 + 0.2 mg were selected, representing the main size groups in the seed population.
Samples were collected at the same intervals as in the first decay experiment, and similarly dried and weighed.
Similarly, 3 truckloads of mail weighing 3 ounces per piece get the same dropship discount as 1 truckload of mail weighing 1 ounce per piece.
There is considerable variation in size, from one large trachyte specimen weighing 1.4 kg to a quartzite specimen weighing only 50 g.
The justification must come in weighing the new beliefs against other beliefs.
After incubation, displacement solution (39@) was added to fill the pycnometers completely, after which they were weighed.
At the end of the session the rats were weighed again.
The old object is too weighed down with the clutter of history.
Each whole brain weighed between 395-454 mg.
Second, instead of weighing each related article equally, a weight is calculated for each article that is related to two or more kernel documents.
The security problem must be weighed in consideration of the testing context and purpose.
Aesthetics is presented as more protean, as one would expect, but the impression is still of an architect weighing clearly definable objects in the balance.
There might be other values than welfare but the gains or losses in these values can be weighed against gains and losses in welfare.
Instead, they are made in accordance with the individualist weighing principle.
Earmarking of financial resources to subsidize environmental investments is controversial, and the pros and cons need to be weighed in each specific case.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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