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词汇 example_english_week

Examples of week

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
One group performed the task once, whereas the other performed a second crossword puzzle 3 weeks after the first one.
However, the results after three weeks were quite low.
Early in the season, cluster parasitism increased continuously over a period of five weeks.
When the same adjuvant course was given 2-4 weeks after mastectomy [28], there was no benefit.
Plant and ear heights were determined approximately 2 weeks after anthesis.
In the present study, most pods harvested from the treated plants after 15 weeks were without blemishes and of adequate size, therefore marketable.
After weaning at about 16 weeks of age, all lambs were moved to one field so as to minimize variation in exposure to infective larvae.
The data were used to examine the model predictions for trial means (4 weeks each trial) over all treatments.
Plots receiving the drought treatment were also irrigated every 2 weeks until 30 days before anthesis, when water was withdrawn.
The bites are extremely irritating, causing nodular, inflamed swellings that itch persistently for several days or even weeks.
Stalk pieces were taken from plants that were 4, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20 weeks old.
Furthermore, all four were asked for selfassessed feedback three weeks later and reported improved ability in dealing with their problem.
Knowing what to do is therefore a key task for the first few weeks in secondary school.
On the other hand, they were sceptical that these positive effects could resonate for more than a few weeks after the end of the project.
After three weeks, these cultivars showed severe stunting, sometimes resulting in plant death (table 1).
Two weeks later, blue termites were once again found only in these seven monitoring stations and the prebait station.
Approximately 12 weeks were spanned from the time that the first nymphs and then first adults were collected.
Not all extra-judicial killings ceased, especially dur ing the chaotic first weeks of the post-civil war per iod.
She presented 4 weeks after reoperation with fresh haemoptysis and was subsequently found at delayed emergency surgery to have a leaking false aortic aneurysm.
One tiny residual shunt is still patent (4 weeks follow-up).
Transfusions of albumin and immunoglobulins were needed every 2 weeks, as well as substitution with calcium, magnesium and, later on, zinc.
On admission at the age of five weeks, aortic coarctation, an arterial duct and a subaortic perimembranous ventricular septal defect were diagnosed.
One patient with unbuttoning without embolization, developed hemolysis and was operated on two weeks after implantation; the other patients are doing well.
Median age at the time of the arterial switch was 4 months, -with a range of 4 weeks to 18 months.
The pain can last less than 24 hours or recur on and off for weeks.
He was hospitalized at nine years of age for endocarditis requiring intravenous antibiotics for six weeks.
At 37 weeks, a cesarean section was performed because of severe oligohydramnios and abnormal cardiotocography.
Within the first 2 weeks he developed clinical signs of severe heart failure and was treated with digitalis and diuretics.
According to them, the most changeable period for fetal heart rate is between 28 and 30 weeks.
Cardiac catheterization was performed at 4 weeks of age to verify the echocardiographic findings and to exclude associated cardiac malformations.
All the lesions became smaller, and although 10 were detectable at 4 weeks of age, none were seen after 4 months.
Neither this, nor an obstetric scan two weeks later, demonstrated hydrops.
Colonization of experimental pats by dung beetles after three weeks was expected to be minimal.
The trials were conducted over a period of 8 weeks using five replicates for each treatment.
After two weeks when plants were established, they were transplanted into 1 x 1 m field plots.
A draft bill stalled for weeks owing to lack of resources.
Within weeks of taking control, this local resistance police officially punished eight women with radical croppings for so-called intimate relations with the enemy.
Within weeks, there were reports of several local residents who apparently died from having eaten the dead fish.
Which customer did the mechanic fix the wheel for two weeks ago?
Up to eight weeks after treatment, no pupae were recorded in any of the three treatments.
Two complete episodes were documented during the admission, each of which was about 3 weeks.
In about 2 months, 100% of the subjects showed recovery 2 mild mood symptoms for at least 8 weeks!.
We would perhaps live it up one day and not live it down for weeks.
In our opinion, 23 weeks should be considered the threshold of viability.
Gestational ages at diagnosis ranged from 18 to 32 weeks with a mean of 24 weeks.
The pulmonary valve was not patent at autopsy three weeks later.
Almost half died before two weeks of age, and 90% did not survive six months.
When you think you have finished a manuscript, put it away for four to six weeks, and then reexamine the work.
Several periods of haemodialysis were required before the patient could be discharged, but this proved possible after several weeks of hospitalisation.
The patient developed congestive heart failure 4 weeks later.
The median age was 10 months (range 6 weeks to 26 years).
The median age at the surgery was 5.7 weeks.
Complete occlusion or significant shunt reduction could be demonstrated 2-4 weeks after implantation.
The preterm infants were tested 1 - 3 weeks after birth and again at term.
They were caused by serratia species, and were treated with appropriate antibiotics for 4 weeks each.
In the remaining 10 cases (6<12 weeks), the initial examination was inconclusive.
Repeat study two weeks later demonstrated hydrops fetalis with a large pericardial effusion requiring intrauterine pericardiocentesis.
In this group of 76 fetuses detailed echocardiography was performed at 16-20 weeks.
Only the covered stents were patent after 3 weeks and 3 months.
The mean delay of diagnosis was 8 weeks.
Thrombolysis is suitable only after a minimum interval of three weeks from the operation.
The low risk group consisted of infants who were full term (38-41 weeks gestational age) and required no special care.
The process of neurulation takes approximately 2 weeks.
Stover was left in the ®eld and weighed after sun-drying for three weeks.
Nonclinical children were also tested twice with roughly 14 weeks between testing sessions.
However, treatment is not a panacea: reinfection can occur within months or even weeks from the time of treatment.
Oviposition continues over several weeks, and is most prolific in sunny weather.
No catch for two weeks, all staff being on tour elsewhere on the line.
By 8 -10 weeks of age, the ducts have reached the limits of the fat pad.
Second, platelet counts should be followed during the pregnancy, as often as every 2+4 weeks, in order to detect thrombocytopenia as it develops.
After four weeks, the tubular heart starts to loop to the right, due to the different growth rates along the heart tube.
In this procedure an endoscope is introduced transcervically or transabdominally into the extracoelomic cavity to visualise the fetus before 11 weeks.
However multiple regression analysis demonstrated that the only signi®cant predictor of spontaneous preterm delivery at 32 weeks was the cervical length at 23 weeks.
Women may become deficient in thiamine in just a few weeks.
The resprouts were cut and incorporated at the time of maize sowing each season and again five weeks later.
Figure 3 shows the relative yield loss as a proportion of the previous four weeks' harvest.
The response is biphasic, with an early response at 24-48 h, and a late response at 3-4 weeks.
In the majority of individuals, the disease is self-limiting within 3-6 weeks and no specific treatment is required.
The median gestational age of fetal deaths was 21 weeks with a similar range of 12-27 weeks in both groups.
Histological ®ndings in a case of alobar holoprosencephaly diagnosed at 10 weeks of pregnancy.
Females were recorded as infertile approximately 3 weeks after remating.
Females that showed no evidence of having mated were allowed to cohabit with the same male for approximately 3 weeks before being remated.
The animals were immunized three times, once every two weeks.
They had normal appetites and gained in weight over the 3 weeks following surgery.
Respective groups of rats had free access to water and their diets for periods of either 25 or 60 weeks.
None of the patients or control subjects were on any medication for at least six weeks prior to the study.
He was adopted at the age of 6 weeks.
Repeated training can cause changes that last for several weeks.
Thus, it should be possible to monitor the same plants continuously for up to several weeks.
The study patients had persistent synovitis (>6 weeks) of at least one peripheral joint, which had been present for less than 1 year.
Tissue samples were collected three weeks after treatment in the regression trial.
There was one abstract with data obtained at 3 and 6 weeks, which is not included.
Two hundred and forty of the 317 randomized patients had exercise test done with good compliance at four, 12, and 24 weeks.
The most common statutory period for the challenge of administrative decisions is six weeks.
There can be no sound objection to time-limits of some sort, but six weeks seems an unnecessarily and even unfairly short time.
After about eight weeks he was discharged home, although he was still confined to a wheelchair.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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