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词汇 example_english_wave

Examples of wave

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Here we consider some dustcharging effects on plasma waves on the macroscopic level.
The disper sion equation for the waves was obtained as the product of two equations.
To illustrate this effect, we solve (1) numerically for right-hand polarized waves.
Such a distribution function is formed mainly owing to pitch-angle scattering caused by ultralow-frequency hydromagnetic waves.
The stabilization of self-excited (linearly unstable) ionization waves (using centre manifold theory) is a topic that will be presented in a forthcoming paper.
The resulting (not self-generated) wavepackets are called waves of stratification.
In the compressible case magnetosonic waves should also be taken into account.
The moon and sun's gravitational forces mostly drive the longest waves (tides).
To take advantage of the benefits offered by this approach, four waves of data were collected across the 3-week time span of this study.
The movements are worm-like, the contractions passing along the body in waves.
Future research with multiple waves of data collection will help to better quantify these associations.
They showed that the intrusion initially propagates along the middle layer as a bulbous head, leaving a train of interfacial waves in its wake.
Special attention is given to solutions for which there is a train of waves on each side of the distribution of pressure.
In particular, it is shown that (depending on the values of the parameters) short waves may appear on either side of the pressure distribution.
Therefore, the waves of shorter wavelength are now on the back.
We study plane shear waves in a continuum model for a saturated soil, assuming a hypoplastic flow rule.
A mean of each subscale formed the coping variables at each of the three waves of measurement during adolescence.
At all three waves family, school, and peer, but not neighborhood variables had significant betas.
Activity items assessed general activity level (waving arms, moving around the crib, squirming).
Family structure was operationalized as a dichotomous variable (living with both biological parents throughout the adolescent waves [77%] vs. any other family structure [23%]).
Interviews required 1 - 2 hr, and individuals were paid for their participation (up to $65 over the waves).
Data are from a general population studied longitudinally between ages 10 and 36 in four assessment waves.
Evaluation of these potential hypotheses can only occur with additional waves of data.
The block construct was created by calculating the mean of all valid waves in the early adolescence age block.
The first three waves of resilience research provide crucial clues to "hot spots" for multilevel work.
There are again several branches of solution, including the curly waves and the steepening sharp waves.
The nonlinear solution algorithm of 4 also calculates these low speed waves.
Piezoelectric transducers are frequently used for the generation and detection of sound waves.
After 4 s waves in positive and negative y-direction can be detected.
The method gives a new proof of existence of such travelling waves.
The latter exist only below a certain speed, and involve a subcritical stream above the body, on which waves occur.
The stability properties of travelling waves are the subject of a separate future study.
The following theorem summarizes the basic relationship between travelling and stationary waves.
The collisions of other combinations of waves that occur in solving (1.1)-(1.4) are simpler.
Plane shear waves and loss of stability in a granular body.
The loadings for child risk in both waves were identical for the two groups.
The free long waves also satisfy the no-flux boundary conditions along the sidewalls of the harbour basin.
The free long waves inside the harbour may be resonated in a low-frequency range which is relevant to the harbour resonance.
Since the gas expands into a vacuum, shock waves cannot form, and all gradients will decrease with time.
Inside the harbour, the analytical expressions for the locked long waves are obtained.
They demonstrated that the free long waves can be resonated inside the harbour.
In the higher frequency range both locked and free long waves could be resonated.
As already noted some evidence or these waves is seen in figures 5-7.
What is the interaction between the body and the waves?
The characteristics of these neutral waves have been carefully examined.
Conversely, a t small gaps the longer waves correspond to the most dangerous modes and so the flow is destabilized.
The first two are the well-known synchronous, resonantly forced longitudinal standing waves, and the subharmonic, parametrically excited transverse (cross) waves.
We have also calculated the maximum run-up amplitude of two colliding waves.
I n all the cases they considered the solutions were limited by contact of adjacent waves.
Then we choose a reference frame in which the waves are steady, as is the fluid motion, which is assumed to be a potential flow.
The driving mechanism results from unsteady coupling between flame structure and acoustic waves through temperature fluctuations.
Large structures for offshore exploration must be able to withstand the forces due to powerful storm waves.
The effect of the trailing edge is to diffract sound waves generated by the leading edge.
First, only long waves are unstable, and disturbances of great wavelength are not often excited by slight irregularities in an experiment.
Given a dirty surface, then, it is clear that the dissipation of the waves will not be identical to that for a clean surface.
They may break on the crest of, and transfer momentum to the long waves.
The behaviour of the step profile solutions may be discussed in terms of a superposition of sinusoidal waves.
In the present problem it is convenient to treat the capillary waves in a frame of reference in which they are stationary.
Also, we wish to establish formulations of the steady waves that will enable a stability investigation to be carried out.
In a linear non-dissipative theory, such waves reach infinite amplitudes of velocity and pressure.
The theory is relevant to the dynamics of planetary waves in the atmosphere, and may also be applied to some oceanic problems.
The remaining celerity will be related to the motion of waves in the bed surface.
Thus, our theory is limited to medium or coarse sand, or weak waves.
A set of self-similarsolutions for blast waves associated with the deposition of variable energy at the front is presented.
The acoustic waves are usually very weak, and in any case vanish for normal incidence.
Furthermore, it is interesting to point out that the waves outside the harbour entrance do not decrease uniformly as the distance from the harbour increases.
The frequency dependence of the velocity and attenuation of sound waves in a gas which undergoes vibrational relaxation have been investigated theoretically.
As a consequence of this assumption, equation (8) may be applied also to waves other than shock waves.
I n the third photograph, the waves have moved away from the bubble which has now, clearly, been transformed into a vortex ring.
The approximate solutions also show that infinitesimal, critical, waves will not exist, since their energy will be infinite.
Figure 14 shows the relative energy in the waves as a function of distance from the boundary.
Numerical accuracy is checked for mass balance excluding the leading waves.
Within a passing band waves are able to propagate through the array without change of amplitude.
Here, we generalize this problem to bichromatic incident waves and sumand difference-frequency forces.
Their asymptotic, far-wake, phase velocities are the same but the waves keep a fingerprint of their passing through the near-wake region.
A reference condition with no mechanical waves is also shown for comparison.
Because this radial motion involves dissipation, some energy is removed from the waves, so that they are attenuated as they travel in the bubbly liquid.
In the latter case, however, the results are valid only for infinitesimal waves.
Only for highly overcompressed detonation waves does the influence of the chemical reaction vanish.
By using the conditions (5.3) it is possible to show analytically that long waves are always stable for any intrusion with a nonnegative energy loss.
An important aspect of the evolution shown on figure 6 is the interaction of the waves.
The whole gamut of linear oscillations is run, from hydromagnetic waves to electrostatic plasma oscillations.
From this special case the waves due to a small pressure distributed over a finite area may be deduced by integration.
In addition, assume the existence of a limiting form of these waves in which the fluid speed at the highest crest is zero.
A rabble of waves spits on him, shapeless openings half devour him.
The use of high and low frequency ultrasonic waves in polymer chemistry is followed by polymerisation together with references.
The small accomplice waved us into the lorry.
In the foreground, sea waves break at the temple- or city-gates.
Moreover, the previous waves occurred during periods when the economy and economic theory were much less highly developed.
They counted waves and the flow of rivers and talked to fishermen.
Evidence from the first and second waves of reform does not give great comfort to reformers.
Consider first the case when the approaching waves have colinear polarization.
Prior to the collision, the waves may be described by the familiar line element.
Here, as with the prediction of electromagnetic waves, the logical consequence of an empirical observation was shown to imply an unsuspected phenomenon.
I am framed in the struggle and embrace of the two opposite waves of darkness and of light.
Most probably he had the breaking of waves in mind.
The current study's two waves of information are not sufficient to adequately represent what are certainly complicated sequences.
Sample retention across the first four waves of measurement was uniformly high, in excess of 90%.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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