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词汇 example_english_warrant

Examples of warrant

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Thus, methods to identify communities warranting a combined control approach, will enhance the efficacy of this approach.
Before examining downgraded forms, however, a few comments regarding phrasing are warranted.
However, caution is warranted in drawing such strict comparisons since denominators for animals tested were not considered.
Further work trying to assess the effects of racial and class identities simultaneously is certainly warranted.
However, further monitoring of amphibians maintained under aquaculture condition is warranted.
Nevertheless, some caution is warranted in devising supportive measures.
If all members of a population have a decent living standard but there are large inequalities, foreign aid is arguably not warranted.
The same proposition might be justified and warranted for one person and not another, even when both have access to the same evidence.
However, the practical aspects of the effect were immediately apparent and warranted further investigation.
Presumably, then, mercy can be legitimately expressed only when justice warrants but does not require punishment.
We have no plausible explanation for this association, but its consistency across different data sources and study designs warrants further investigation.
Other referring expressions which evoke entities that are not explicitly referenced may not have these entities so highly ranked, unless warranted by their semantics.
Additional experiments are warranted to investigate the significance of these pathophysiological mechanisms in vivo.
Rather than focusing so much on anthropomorphic avatars, recognisable visual environments, and spatially flawless acoustic cues, perhaps more investigation of compositional issues is warranted.
Additional characterization of these isolates including biochemical testing and electron micrography is warranted.
At this point the answer is not clear, but warrants serious thought.
Realigning the co-payments with cost-effectiveness data, also known as value-based insurance design, warrants further investigation.
The authors felt a phase 3 study was warranted to confirm its value.
As with all new empirical claims, healthy scepticism is warranted.
In view of the persistent interest of demographers and others in the influence of birth order on behaviour further research along these lines seems warranted.
Further investigation of these semantic characteristics warrants study, particularly in laboratory-controlled experiments.
However, it is argued in this paper that the distinctive presentation of the concepts in the community environment warrants articulation and clarification.
Clinical depression in the terminally ill is not normal and warrants psychopharmacolog ical as well as psychotherapeutic intervention.
However, the results indicated further investigation was warranted and so more accurate data was required.
What role the back-reaction plays to have such an effect warrants further investigation.
The specific problem in her reasoning is in warranting her delusion.
The temporal stability of prosaccade task performance in psychiatric patients is clearly an issue that warrants further investigation.
Indexical orders are established through (perceived) ritualization, in which micro-contextual indexicality is warranted by recurrence of links with the macro-social.
One alternative that warrants consideration is use of a 'most-liked group' prompt.
Although it may turn out to be true in some future, "final" analysis, the conclusion is not warranted on the basis of the available evidence.
Another aspect of the conversation log that warrants further consideration for the oldest old is the subjective rating scale.
With food rationing at the time of this survey, the difficulties of older people in food queues warranted a separate section in his report.
Further examination of the role of crossmodal integration in the stop task may, however, be warranted.
However, the present results were statistically weak, and the dosage range rather narrow, so caution in interpretation is clearly warranted.
If music in this novel were a completely literary construct, musicologists might wonder why it warranted their attention and expertise.
Based on the responses to these, the speaker can then decide whether a repair mechanism is warranted.
In short, although we find the theory intriguing, we believe the evidence presented warrants caution.
Reanalysis of other pain studies may be warranted.
Although the available evidence is consistent with the notion of culture in cetaceans, caution is warranted due to the many gaps in the data.
We need to be careful and not attribute to culture more than warranted.
While minor residual hemodynamic abnormalities appear well tolerated over the intermediate period, continued follow-up is warranted.
Hence, to fill the gap in research, empirical investigation using children of a tonal language is warranted.
A sense of outrage and of action is warranted.
In each of these settings, failures after radiotherapy have warranted research to understand their underlying causes and how to overcome them.
Low effect sizes for the neurophysiological results require very cautious interpretations of the data and necessitate replication before firm conclusions are warranted.
Another issue which warrants further research is the role of corruption and rent seeking in a renewable resource context.
We believe the strategy aiming for univentricular repair should be warranted.
Although careful angiographic visualization of these channels is warranted, we have not found a need for intervention to occlude these connections.
As the risk factors are similar at different developmental stages, addressing similar factors at each stage is warranted.
Any ambiguous situation warrants at least the consideration of early diagnosis by following the steps outlined above.
Depending on the characteristics (the 'precision') of the intended users, specification of a larger or smaller solution space might be warranted.
Efforts by the for mal seed systems to promote improved pearl millet varieties are warranted.
Further studies are warranted to investigate these issues.
How this combination of features affects spreadsheet programming warrants some discussion.
In the event, it emerges that the value for sociolinguistic research is questionable and, at the very least, some re-evaluation is warranted.
The extensive efforts needed to directly test the proposed mechanism are warranted by the clear pattern of results reported here.
Thus, further examination of the developmental trajectory of the influence of phonotactic probability and neighborhood density on word learning is warranted.
Future studies that test this hypothesis more directly are warranted.
With no damage to the overall system, geographical connections can be strengthened or left to decay as the changing flow of capital warrants.
A brief note regarding the author's sources is warranted.
Prospective studies, preferably with neuroimaging, genetic typing and neuropathology are warranted.
Replication of this study is warranted using lower limb tasks.
A belief is warranted if, and only if, it is produced by a process which produces true beliefs most of the time.
Should new data emerge indicating this finding, then further work to develop this aspect of the model would be warranted.
The most common model is still the "third party warranting the payment" associated with various forms of copayment.
In these conditions, the fear to hit structures like the capsule is no longer warranted.
Further investigation, however, into actions of serotonin in older ferrets is warranted.
Such a characteristic is not typical of orthodox seeds and warrants further investigation.
Finally, the biotechnological potential of these enzymes warrants future efforts to elucidate their allergenic properties.
To his credit, he frames his discussion in terms of moral theory, making only limited - and warranted - excursions into political philosophy.
On the whole, however, my unease was not warranted.
If 2 were to be acceptable, the literal p would now be warranted.
Further efforts to lengthen and augment the resolution of chronologies constructed from this species are warranted.
Caution is warranted when drawing conclusions based on small numbers of animals from different subgroups.
Furthermore, their interpretations and generalizations of neurophysiological data do not appear warranted when a broader view of the extant data is taken into account.
Parametric tests were used when warranted; otherwise nonparametric tests were used.
Collectively, soil biota affects both agricultural productivity and environmental quality and, therefore, warrants careful consideration when evaluating the sustainability of cropping systems.
Perhaps more importantly, our findings suggest that additional theoretical exploration of the nature of coalition negotiations may be warranted.
If science aims to identify parsimonious models with large explanatory power, the inclusion of other factors into the theory is not warranted.
If orbital stability of terrestrial planets is warranted within a certain distance from the star, studies of habitability are motivated.
The authors' caution in advancing this conclusion is warranted by the admittedly super ficial nature of the comparison.
One can accept in practical reasoning what one recognizes not to be evidentially warranted : but that recognition will surely exclude the possibility of accepting believingly ?
Given these findings, further research with medications that specifically affect the glutamatergic system is warranted.
Since it will only protect a small number of children who are at increased risk, an extra early vaccination seems warranted only in epidemic years.
I will use the term in both senses, switching to the specific terms only when the occasion warrants it.
Longitudinal analyses of larger samples to confirm the present findings and to test the above hypothesis are warranted.
Indeed, dopamine's multiple effects (even at low doses) make it the perfect pressor/inotropic agent when such a combination is warranted.
While the predictions that are below the significant threshold may not be reliable, some consideration of them may be warranted.
A statement is true if it "works," if its assertion is warranted by a state of affairs it produces regardless of referential questions.
A clinically significant response was achieved, but a tolerance effect developed after 60 - 70 days warranting discontinuation of the drug.
A transitory increase in exports may lead to an expansion of investment which will not be warranted in the future.
The extent to which these factors explain common versus unique variance in the development of children's aggressive behavior warrants study.
Future efforts to validate attachment assessments with respect to external measures of the parent - child relationship are probably warranted.
Further research, using a prospective design that focuses on such explanatory variables, is warranted.
If the results indicate neither memory nor symbolic play deficits, then further consideration of the executive dysfunction hypothesis is warranted.
Because there is some controversy about difference scores, a brief discussion is warranted.
The application is largely illustrative and, therefore, warrants caution when using its results.
Before proceeding to the presentation of our results, a brief discussion of some data issues is warranted.
Nonetheless, some caution is warranted with respect to far-reaching generalizations.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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