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词汇 example_english_vocalization

Examples of vocalization

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
An important point about these data, however, is that the anticipatory response (vocalizations) continues throughout the play encounter.
The periaqueductal grey in the midbrain would be another place where stimulation appears to produce vocalizations in monkeys and humans.
Wood notes that in addition to crying, infant signaling modalities include other vocalizations such as fussing and facial expressions.
Second, intention attribution is crucial in learning to talk because, without sympathetic others, infant vocalizations make little sense.
Parents have no trouble extracting their infant's first words from the abundant primate vocalizations that they have been listening to since the baby's birth.
Furthermore, we would stress that these affective interactions involved not only vocalizations but also gestures, body movements, facial expressions, and so forth.
The vocalizations are a by-product of the pups' physiological response to cold stress that involves non-shivering thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue.
He suggests that manual gestures were integrated into spoken language after vocalizations were brought under voluntary control.
In newborn and very young infants, occurrence and quality of vocalizations are closely associated with arousal state.
Early vocalizations are largely expressive, manual control develops more rapidly than intentional vocal articulation, and vocal and manual activity are linked.
Implicitly, then, the theory suggests that falls stabilize at the time of the child's earliest speech-like vocalizations.
We further explore whether pause time is a valid indicator of relatedness by examining child vocalizations and utterances within their full interactional context.
The prosodic features of these vocalizations have been rated subjectively.
Thus, in order to examine pitch patterns in infant vocalizations more adequately, one needs also to investigate the role of rhythm and variations in timing.
Our results indicate that solitary activities with objects are often accompanied by an acoustically distinct set of vocalizations in infants around one year of age.
Moreover, in this study it was demonstrated that communicative vocalizations were shorter compared to 'investigative ' vocalizations (approximately 0.35 vs. 1 second).
Consonants are grouped into three major categories for ease of comparison with infants' vocalizations : labials, alveolars and velars.
Quasivowels, representing the least advanced category theoretically, are the first vocalizations with speech-like quality to be produced in very early infancy.
Laboratory assistants kept a rough count of vocalizations during sessions.
Studies of cetaceans have uncovered a number of patterns of behaviour and vocalizations, which some cetologists have ascribed to cultural processes.
One is an unstable volatile substance that elicits ultrasound vocalizations in male mice as an unconditioned response.
Other mammals have only rigid, species-specific, limbic vocalizations.
No single consonant or vowel segments, vegetative sounds, or vocalizations not determined to be canonical babbling were analyzed.
Crying and whining were both considered to be negative vocalizations, as were sighing, fussing and sounds of discomfort.
The modelled species responded 26 times during trials that included their vocalizations, and five times when they were considered heterospecifics.
The procedure described above yielded a total of 193 vocalizations (mean rate of vocal production : 1.97 vocalizations/minute).
Since these vocalizations are emitted before and during a play bout, they may carry some metacommunicative value.
Other differences between the repertories appear in the neumatic notation and in the vocalizations known as teretismoi.
Species-typical vocalizations such as crying and laughing are under minimal conscious control and are poor candidates for behavioral shaping.
Falk is right that the phonetic aspects of motherese are derived from primate vocalizations.
All behaviors were recorded as durations in seconds, except vocalizations that were recorded as frequencies.
Modification of final-syllable effects or occurrence of new aspects later in infant vocalizations would presumably be the result of language-specific, or learned, influences.
In addition, vocalizations from deaf infants were recorded when they were interacting with the speech-language pathologist during intervention sessions.
The leave-one-out method produced an optimum pitch pattern that distinguished between ' communicative ' and ' investigative ' vocalizations.
We also hypothesized that insectivores increase their foraging from associating with the babblers, and would thus be most attracted to babbler vocalizations.
In this and other cases, the tears and corresponding vocalizations, in concert with the facial expression of distress, are powerful releasers eliciting parental care.
Acoustic patterns of infant vocalizations expressing emotions and communicative functions.
However, recent evidence implicates voluntary control of vocalizations in apes, which suggests that intentional control of vocal communication predates the hominid-pongid split.
In more naturalistic interaction situations, the quality of vocalizations might be different.
The non-nouns encompassed five heterogeneous categories : actions and requests ; personal-social words and conventional vocalizations ; modifiers ; activities, games, and animal noises ; and pronouns and functors.
The two of them start to move and vocalize together excitedly, their arm movements and vocalizations mimicking each other.
On the other hand, ' investigative ' vocalizations that may be regarded as more 'thoughtful ' do not require any response.
Nonlinguistic vocalizations can warn others or enlist help from a distance, but facial expression of pain provides more specific information.
All other vocalizations were coded as neutral, and typically consisted of children's reference to, or description of, the prize.
The studies of infant vocalizations that were cited in the preceding paragraphs confirmed some expectations of one theory or the other.
The immediate background research for this study, however, was based on vocalizations that were only one syllable in length.
Parents were encouraged to elicit vocalizations from infants by eye contact and reciprocal vocalizations.
A second judge coded a randomly selected subset of vocalizations (10 % from each infant group).
The infant was particularly quiet during this session, but produced the minimum number of vocalizations during the interactive sessions of the same week.
The notion ' utterance ' included both babbling and early meaningful vocalizations of the children.
The vocalizations of children born to deaf and hearing parents.
In other words, long before infants can actually talk, there are close connections between the pointing action and 'speechlike ' prelinguistic vocalizations.
Nevertheless, these studies do not provide any information about the acoustic form of the vocalizations.
In two of the three treatments that included drongo vocalizations, exemplars without alarm calls were more attractive to insectivorous birds than exemplars with alarm calls.
All species responded equally to babbler as compared to drongo vocalizations.
Each toy set had a particular sequence of actions and accompanying vocalizations associated with it.
Verbalizations and vocalizations were further categorized as low or high positive, and low or high negative.
One way of demonstrating social transmission of vocalizations would be to show that calls are indeed transmitted across generations matrilineally.
In early infancy, caregiver contact is necessary for soothing, but as infants grow older, caretaker vocalizations alone may be sufficient for soothing.
Perhaps, turning the argument around, selection favored those children who were capable of turning inchoate vocalizations into structured linguistic elements.
Phonological organization in effect digitizes vocalizations, making a large vocabulary reliably discriminable and learnable.
Second, among all speechlike vocalizations, complex f0 contours were excluded by analyzing only those in short utterances.
Both the infants' spontaneous vocalizations and adults' child-directed speech were transcribed, compiled and analyzed for frequency of occurrence of the major prosodic patterns.
Falling intonation in the one- and two-syllable vocalizations of infants and preschoolers.
Reformulating requests at 18 months : gestures, vocalizations, and words.
In chapters 9 and 10, the other side of the infrastructural model is highlighted with a discussion of the functions of early vocalizations.
In bonobos, peep sequences are among the most important vocalizations, and croaks, muffled barks, and panting laughs are used mainly by young individuals.
Cries, gasps, screeches, whispering, laughing, and other non-speech-like vocalizations were not transcribed.
Turns were generally single utterances separated by pauses or gestures, or by child vocalizations, verbalizations or gestures.
Accompanied by adult smiling and soft, repeated vocalizations, mutual gaze in an infant's early weeks accomplishes more than joint attention.
The problem is to explain how we evolved from not moving our tongues during vocalizations to doing it all the time.
Further, functional analyses with playbacks are needed to determine whether observed group differences in vocalizations are meaningful to the animals themselves.
Vocal behavior is, however, motoric - muscles produce vocalizations.
The study of emotional vocalizations has been important in understanding the integrated roles of multiple levels of the evolved neuraxis in emotional experience and behavior.
Closely related to social pain and abandonment are distress vocalizations.
As stated earlier, during periods of separation from the attachment source, these infants exhibit a despair response, which includes distress cries or vocalizations.
Level contours were produced more frequently than rising contours in both infants' vocalizations and adults' child-directed speech.
Both infants' vocalizations and adults' speech were transcribed and analysed for consonant-vowel co-occurrence patterns.
Further, we hypothesized that insectivores would prefer babbler vocalizations, as babblers could facilitate their foraging in several ways.
Indeed, acoustic analyses have revealed that relative to vocalizations produced alone, vocalizations co-occurring with rhythmic movement have significantly shorter syllable lengths and formant-frequency transitions.
Instead, he notes, prelinguistic vocalizations are themselves articulatory gestures, and a "gesture-first" hypothesis is therefore unnecessary.
The acquisition and use of conspecific signature whistles within adult male coalitions suggest that shared vocalizations act as an affiliative indicator of social bonding.
Note that this argument involves no conscious control by infants over vocalizations, and that the initial adaptation was not designed for information transfer.
Factor 1 showed high positive loadings with vocalizations, selfdirected behavior, and behavioral withdrawal (passive).
Factor 1 showed high positive loadings with vocalizations, self-directed behavior, and behavioral withdrawal (passive) and, thus, was designated as chronic despair.
When vocalizations accompanied gestures, approximately 96% of them did not involve recognizable words, that is, they were nonverbal.
Both parties, that is, stand to gain from producing more compelling vocalizations and from better ability to appraise those of the other.
She also observes that chimpanzee listeners learn much from the sequences of vocalizations that pass back and forth between individuals.
Communicating partners not only adjust to each other's specific behaviors, facial expressions, vocalizations, and so on, but may also attune to one another cross-modally.
Periodically throughout the cruise, a hydrophone was used to listen for seal vocalizations.
Given a purely mechanical basis, the effect would be expected to manifest itself in vocalizations which do not draw directly on phonological knowledge.
In addition to infant vocalizations, caregivers' speech in caregiver-child interactions was analyzed to study the phonetic characteristics of infants' language environments.
Genuine imitation of within-repertoire vocalizations is stated to begin at stage 3 (ages 0 ; 4 to 0 ; 8).
Furthermore, by the same age infants sought out referential cues to decide to which of two toys the experimenter had directed disapproving vocalizations.
Parents were asked to repeat any vocalizations they believed to be meaningful.
The goal was to ensure that spontaneous vocalizations, as opposed to elicited and imitated sounds, were recorded.
First, to incorporate all possible precursors of later speech in infants' vocalizations, an inclusive definition of ' speech-like ' sounds was adopted in selecting data for analysis.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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