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词汇 example_english_vocabulary

Examples of vocabulary

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Focusing on some two thousand dialect expressions, it traces cultural and historical forces that have shaped speech regions and given them their characteristic vocabularies.
The character of children's vocabularies cannot be predicted solely on the basis of the words they hear and the concepts they possess.
The relative weakness of children's vocabularies may prevent them from using their lexical knowledge to help them interpret partially masked speech.
Each draws on overlapping vocabularies of contract, invested with distinct sets of meanings, as the analysis of the flexibility discourses was designed to explore.
The two contexts may use different vocabularies, and the treatment of the object may be easier in one context than in another.
The basic idea behind these approaches is to represent a case at multiple levels of detail, possibly using multiple vocabularies.
There was also variation in the closed-class scores for children with vocabularies under 400 words.
Given that one-year-olds have vowel-initial words in their vocabularies, it seems likely that such words, though difficult to segment, can in fact be segmented.
Finally, it examines the role of frequency in the development of comprehension vocabularies as well as production vocabularies.
If underestimation is specific to object names, the extent to which nouns predominate in infants' early vocabularies might be understated.
The words children learn: evidence against a noun bias in early vocabularies.
There is a noticeable difference between simply reconstructing vocabularies and teasing history out of them, however.
Different societies have different color vocabularies, but that does not make the fact that the cloth in front me is magenta into an institutional fact.
A concerted attempt to reconstruct the vocabularies of languages in prehistory has been underway for decades.
Such strategies should also enable students to enrich their vocabularies over time, especially in the case of synonymy and paraphrase anaphors.
107 unable to form name-based categories, despite having expressive vocabularies that were much larger than those of typically developing 20-month-olds.
Genetics of course moves on, and whole areas of work get new foci, and acquire new vocabularies.
Finally, there are also frequency differences between nouns and verbs in their distribution in the vocabularies of different languages.
The words were bisyllabic and had been selected from age-appropriate spoken vocabularies in each language.
The eclecticism and diversity of reforming cultures and vocabularies underline the dangers in attempting to classify these movements in accordance with any over-riding thematic unity.
In this section we have described a number of processes of 'discursive articulation' in which consumerist discourse is reworked through professional vocabularies of meaning.
Are they his own collections in the field, those of others in manuscript, or published dictionaries and vocabularies ?
Problems such as inhomogeneous vocabularies and different conceptualisations of the same domain will become much more urgent than they are today.
The rarity of cross-disciplinary work may be explained by different philosophies, vocabularies, and social roles.
Critical vocabularies are, after all, the medium for communal expression of those values, the vehicle for ongoing conversation and debate.
My discussion on why ontology development is challenging is intended to explain the difficulties in coming up with and justifying proposed vocabularies.
College students with smaller vocabularies were more likely to use large units than those with bigger vocabularies.
The words children learn : evidence against a noun bias in early vocabularies.
The former defines the vocabularies for expressing symbolic representation of space, and the latter for expressing spatial relations for qualitative spatial reasoning.
Examples are approximate reasoning, trust, task-independent formulation of knowledge and reconciling multiple vocabularies.
The time it took them to get from vocabularies of 100 words to 25 patterns ranged from 3 to 9 months.
Clearly, children's early vocabularies contain words that pertain to things and actions that are of immediate relevance to their lives.
The size of reconstructed vocabularies varies according to distance from the present and the quality and quantity of the data underlying the reconstructions.
Growth in the two vocabularies was non-linear, with a sudden spurt occurring in each after a period of relatively slow expansion.
The outcome for the two adult groups was not unexpected, as skilled readers have been shown to have larger receptive vocabularies than less skilled readers.
In this sample, it appeared that the benefits of bilingualism were limited to children who had relatively large vocabularies in one of their two languages.
The importance of derived words in the developing vocabularies of school-aged children should not be underemphasized.
Furthermore, their comprehension was on a par with that of monolingual children, again, even though they had smaller vocabularies.
Distinctive vocabularies often arise within groups engaged in a common occupation, pastime, or goal.
Most of the words are unlikely to become part of the active vocabularies of the general population.
In the previous subsection it was made clear that the aforementioned research areas try (with a few exceptions) to relate the vocabularies of two ontologies.
More extended discussion around a topic by families at the dinner table was associated with stronger vocabularies in their young children.
However, there has been very little research on the growth of early vocabularies in late talkers.
The early vocabularies of children contain proportionally many more nouns than verbs.
The sources are autonomous and highly heterogeneous in the sense that they use very different data models and vocabularies.
As suggested by the previous experiment, we only include words with frequency > 100 in the source vocabularies.
Text 3 is easy to align in terms of both the complexity of the alignment and the vocabularies used.
Taxonomies are primarily used to classify documents and are often linked to vocabularies to support this process.
Again, the question of how to reconcile multiple vocabularies on the same topic becomes of primary importance.
Taggers create folksonomies, an alternative to author/expert-generated controlled vocabularies; tagging is user-generated.
Table 4 compares the ages and productive vocabularies of the individual matched pairs of late talkers and comparison group children.
We reasoned that children with large vocabularies should be able to demonstrate superior word learning and word usage in the laboratory.
Both were able to increase their prestige via a mutual interchange of their vocabularies.
Such controlled vocabularies are less common in the social care literature and indexing can be inconsistent, making specificity in searching difficult.
Establishing semantic links between the vocabularies using off-the-shelf ontology mapping tools.
The norms and vocabularies elaborated confer a new visibility on the workings of the family and new ways of identifying its malfunctions.
The words selected for the task were all well within the active vocabularies of 5and 6-year-old children.
The words selected for the task were all within the active vocabularies of 5- and 6-year-old children.
Such a translation is necessary as designers and manufacturers often use different vocabularies to say the same thing.
We abstracted the different vocabularies used by estimators to describe the design conditions that affect construction costs for the types of conditions that we studied.
Judicial reformist activity, occurring incrementally within the technical vocabularies of law, tends largely to be disregarded.
Therefore, the lack of cognitive state terms in the vocabularies of the late talkers cannot be attributed to a difficulty with the use of verbs.
There his knowledge of the society and vocabularies allows him to penetrate to many overlapping layers of practice.
However, comparison of the word and sign vocabularies over development revealed a different pattern.
Data were also obtained for a smaller, fourth group that consisted of 30-month-olds with advanced vocabularies.
The presence of cross-language semantic priming has been taken as evidence for the shared view of the conceptual organization of the bilingual's two vocabularies.
Predicates show continuous growth across this period of development, levelling off near the checklist ceiling for children with vocabularies of 400 words or more.
Because of cultural and linguistic differences in talk addressed to children, it is reasonable to expect cultural and language-specific differences in early vocabularies.
Since the children's vocabularies were small, caregivers did the majority of the talking.
To conclude, both groups of late talkers began with relatively small intake vocabularies.
Early noun vocabularies : do ontology, category structure and syntax correspond ?
Our results, however, go further by suggesting a progressive tendency towards shorter utterances and smaller vocabularies the earlier a child is born.
Also, ontologies can provide vocabularies and additional semantics to sensor predicates- such predicates can represent context attributes specified by an ontology.
The use of controlled vocabularies, or thesauri, has been fundamental to document indexing in library science.
The meetings of the three working groups created new vocabularies and, in so doing, shaped the interests of the participants in new ways.
Although the two teams develop the same kind of product, their vocabularies are different.
More specifically, recognition of abstract forms was strongly related to the number of object names in the children's productive vocabularies.
Their large vocabularies were also evident in the verbose language they used during play with the examiner.
The proportion of grammatical function words slowly increased all the way from the very small vocabularies up to a lexicon size of nearly 600 words.
However, studies that have examined the balance of nouns and verbs in early vocabularies have not consistently found a ' verb bias'.
Because the experimental homonyms were demonstrably in children's vocabularies, poor performance cannot be a result of a tendency not to learn homonyms.
We are at pains to integrate temporally bounded case-studies that employ different methods and different vocabularies.
How can present projects dealing with structured vocabularies benefit from new developments in folksonomy.
The experiments were done on parts of speech, not on words, because we could not get a sufficiently large corpus with a limited number of vocabularies.
Later on, literacy exposes children to more words, and it is likely that the gargantuan vocabularies of some adults (over 100,000 words) could not arise without the ability to read.
The difference score for agent changes was significantly related to the number of words in the productive vocabularies of children aged 1 ; 8, r (22) l 0n45, p l 0n04.
Figure 3 shows the mean number of the names for the 16 test objects that by parental report were in the productive vocabularies of children in each group.
Top-down effects may, however, not be a source of significant variation between individuals with vocabularies of by and large similar sizes, for instance, children of the same age.
An examination of similarity neighborhoods in young children's receptive vocabularies.
In general, when researchers have reported a noun bias in children's early vocabularies, they have reported a disproportionate number of noun types, relative to other types of words.
They are perhaps the most in need of analytical tools to explain the plethora of new designs in the field, and in need of vocabularies to transmit them.
Concepts and relations describing product function, structure component hierarchy!, states, events, reliability, and failures, for example, are common to vocabularies and taxonomies required for building models in both disciplines.
Thus, she concluded that while children's sparser neighbourhoods are more likely due to children simply having smaller vocabularies rather than to organizational differences, this sparseness belies children's perceptual abilities.
There are notorious puzzles about the concepts and vocabularies involved in discourse relating to corruption - both in regard to analysis of the problems and in framing suitable anticorruption measures.
In period two, verbal, but not behavioural, measures predicted children's vocabularies, with specific responsiveness and supportive directiveness as positive predictors and intrusive directiveness as a negative predictor.
An examination of similarity neighbourhoods in young children's receptive vocabularies.
Our disciplines have developed separate vocabularies and conceptual traditions for discussing two kinds of power, the real and the imaginary, that are not always distinguishable in our own environment.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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