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词汇 example_english_virtually

Examples of virtually

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Even 10 years before there was some cooperation and sharing, but by 1989 there was virtually none.
The lifting of these twin threats has been a vast human benefit, confidently predicted by virtually no one well in advance of the event.
With a causation-based criterion of identity in place, some materialists claim that the sciences have virtually established the truth of materialism.
However, the head and left foot are virtually finished, in contrast to the lack of finish of the rest of the figure.
However, members of the nucleus virtually always outnumbered others, giving a noticeable stability to the composition of the group.
Virtually nothing is known about what indeed appears to have been the very first systematic survey conducted at the national level.
After 1893 expenditure fell although enrolment remained virtually at the 1890 level.
Virtually everywhere the political potential of urban mayors within national political systems is growing stronger.
The gradualist emphasis was explicit and virtually universal up to the mid-1820s.
From counting for virtually nothing in positivist criminology it now seemed to count for everything, as it had originally done in classical criminology.
Virtually every organisation, large or small, uses a logo to express its identity to the public.
Batch processes and multipurpose plants are virtually ignored.
Also in most cases there is virtually no evidence for these lines as leys of any description, let alone as important ones.
Many of them are under review and some of them may be virtually ignored in practice.
Virtually every dramatic protagonist takes a moment to puzzle out the relation between vision and reality in these plays.
Virtually anything can fit these broad categories of definition, with the effect that the defining criterion is no criterion at all.
Younger over prints are virtually absent in the former group.
The size of the drop is virtually independent of surface tension.
The results of the next two paragraphs make the conclusion virtually certain.
In both cases, the final steady-state temperature and velocity patterns are virtually identical.
Their activity in glutamate synthesis has always been virtually zero, whatever the pretreatment.
In the experimental cross a total of 3 red-eyed flies were observed among virtually the same total number of progeny as in the control cross.
However, in common with some other contributions, this chapter is virtually unreferenced.
Virtually unaltered amphibolites may have subordinate, late, randomly oriented biotite laths overgrowing the main foliation.
The samples are basaltic in character and essentially holocrystalline, with virtually no intersertal glass or mesostasis.
She seems to have been so intoxicated by her own verbiage as not to realize that, in the end, she says virtually nothing about gender.
Virtually nothing has been done so far with regard to this problem.
The fact that he was penniless by the turn of the sixties is virtually a postscript on the final page of the text.
The language is stilted, typical 'translatorese', so much so that some sentences are virtually incomprehensible.
None of their developmental curves are pictured here, because there is nothing to see, except a virtually zero-rate flat line over the months.
The youngest children offered virtually no non-basic terms, showing that the basic terms were learned before the non-basic terms.
The great majority of the female subjects and virtually all of the male subjects would undergo the operation again.
They lost virtually all their cattle and were left with the choice of abandoning the lobola system or finding a new lobola currency.
Therefore, a concave body may be virtually cut into several convex subbodies at the stage of creating the geometry model of the body.
Insurance for non-occupational disabilities, by contrast, had no established network of interests; such insurance was virtually non-existent in the private sector.
To be sure, virtually any work of history or social science invokes some species of causal argument.
Virtually all patients with primary autonomic failure are found at postmortem to have severe loss of intermedio-lateral column cells.
At a more clinical level, virtually all cognitive screening tests have a correlation with compromised driving ability.
In this context, pancreatic calcification and a normal small-bowel biopsy virtually establishes an exocrine pancreatic cause of diarrhoea.
Results are also virtually identical when using a two-way random effects model (data not shown).
Because the outcome of the two regression analyses was virtually identical, we will only report the results for the overall end-adjusted latencies.
Quantitative studies may be virtually impossible when the observer is at ground level and the canopy 30- 50 m high.
With programmable control, the prosthetic team can create virtually any control scheme that suits a person's unique abilities.
Their recruitment rates were virtually nil prior to, and 1.6-3.2% for intervals following, the four cyclones.
Otherwise, virtually all studies (99%) included some type of direct healthcare cost.
Virtually all of these efforts presume, encourage, and sometimes even require modeling to accompany systematic reviews of clinical evidence (10).
Tenants, and proprietors and their families for that matter, virtually lived in a ®shbowl, on public display at all times.
With virtually all the tenements being extant throughout it is possible to make comparisons and reach conclusions.
The latter oocytes and control oocytes bathed in normal solution showed virtually no fluorescence.
The depth of modulation in response to these two stimuli was virtually identical.
Virtually complete bath changes could be achieved in a few minutes while holding bath temperature constant.
Natural seawater is isotonic ipso facto and artificial seawaters are virtually isotonic.
There is something to think about on virtually every page.
The commonplace subjects and plots of seventeenth-century serious drama (opera included) are such as to make application virtually impossible to avoid.
Reference to "stimuli" in the commentaries virtually always pertained to antecedent stimulation (not the stimulation involved in operant consequences).
Virtually all respondents have people who make them feel accepted or socially comfortable.
Virtually no cells bound to wells that were not coated with adhesion molecules after 30 min of incubation.
Declining participation in collective action was mainly due to people's perception that construction of a new weir virtually eliminates maintenance efforts.
However, the overwhelming majority of this literature focuses purely on government coalitions; pre-electoral coalitions are virtually ignored.
Deciphering the signatures of those who added their names is far from easy, but identifying them with certainty is virtually impossible.
Without a score available, it is virtually impossible to discern what this moment sounded like.
Extreme events of size 100 or greater are highly unlikely, and more extreme events are virtually impossible.
At age 4 months, 90 % of infants have become non-immune, and at age 9 months virtually everyone is non-immune.
In conversational style, however, there are exceptions to turnfinal full release, and these are virtually all short-vowel items.
Just three very short paragraphs later, comes (11b), virtually an identical sentence except that the verb of the subordinate clause is in the indicative.
My interest was in the neuroendocrine system and on the peptides that control virtually every bodily function.
All medrese students thereby were awarded a virtually unrestricted exemption from the draft.
Virtually all the older employees beneath management level had been offered redundancy, and the majority took it.
The results are virtually identical to those reported and are available from the authors by request.
Because of the size of these congregations, the appointment of a fulltime pastor among the students would seem virtually automatic.
The intrusion of meta-cognition into such cerebellar-dominated and virtually automatic movements would doubtless disrupt or destroy the performance.
Virtually all autonomous control systems fall into this category.
Real fluids virtually never conform fully t o this approximation, although they may come close.
Despite their enormous numbers, the role of the lesser gentry in the epic battle of commercial versus gentle mores is virtually never mentioned.
Interactions of gender with familial loadings and temperament traits were virtually all statistically non-significant.
Famines, which have virtually disappeared elsewhere in the world, visit the land every decade or so.
By ages 17-18, this gender gap has virtually disappeared (70% vs 65%, respectively).
Of the three groups, the rural-black households were worst off and the most disadvantaged on virtually all indicators.
Other important dimensions of coalition politics, however, remain virtually unexplored.
As noted above, it is in fact virtually absent.
Despite a staple of legislative studies, we know virtually nothing about the statistical properties of these scores.
The responses to this question confirm the sharp divisions that so characterized virtually every aspect of the 2000 presidential election.
The inequalities are broadly patterned by rural or urban residence, with those in rural areas being markedly disadvantaged on virtually all quality-of-life indicators.
During the 2000 and 2004 primary and general presidential election campaigns, virtually all candidates appeared on daytime and late-night, entertainment-oriented talk shows.
The international swap business has grown from virtually nothing in 1980 to a huge volume today.
Habits are enacted by virtually all labour market participants.
As the study of developmental psychology devotes virtually no attention to the adult years, the assumption is that development has ceased by this time.
Virtually all known aspects of genome instability following mutagenic insult resulting in transmitted germ line mutations in mammals are based upon specific locus mutation experiments.
The economy virtually shuddered to a halt and the modest growth that had been achieved was lost.
Cabinet appointments are the most important personnel decisions in parliamentary systems, and traditionally such appointments have been virtually monopolized by the governing political parties.
Aside from an expanded introduction by all three authors, the chapter headings remain virtually the same.
Virtually almost every word which can be guessed by the morphological rules is guessed exactly correct (97% recall and 97% precision).
Virtually every behavior analyst would agree that facial expressions of pain probably have an evolutionary origin.
Furthermore, each of those alternatives can be combined with virtually any of the others, along each of the other two dimensions.
Since the institutional variables remain virtually constant, focus can be put on variation in economic factors and policy manoeuvres alone.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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