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词汇 example_english_village

Examples of village

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Facilities such as schools and health posts have been built in most such villages, but are said to be poorly stocked and staffed.
All fuel, for homes and for industry, has to be brought to the towns and villages which are isolated and small.
Travel has been easier than in the upper course valleys and so a few villages have grown to become market towns.
The main cause for this was the great extent of poverty in both towns and villages.
They would also naturally form themselves into these villages, agreeing to live near together for their mutual security.
Though these villages exhibit a low level of infrastructural development, common property in both land and water is not a new concept in these villages.
Controlling for soil quality with regional dummies, we regressed the biomass density on annual rainfall in the villages for which biomass density data were available.
Ground-truthing and field checks were made by resurveying selected villages using a light aircraft and a jeep.
Initially, intercept dummies were introduced to represent these three categories of villages.
Since any villager is eligible, the pool of managerial candidates refers to all the villagers in our sample villages.
Hence, there are still many villages in our sample that have yet to reform.
They had little contact with the people living in the villages and consequently were able to maintain their life style.
The members of 92 households from 20 villages were interviewed taking a 35% (+5%) sample from the 238 households.
In addition, the integration of different ethnic groups in the villages was expected to lead to better relations.
The fragmentation of villages and the formation of new villages by inhabitants of existing ones can be seen as another dimension of the same phenomenon.
The necessary condition was that the characteristics of the selected villages were as close as possible to the average villages in the area.
Statisticians selected six villages from each of the poorest areas and only two from each of the others.
They were exposed to a number of harmful consequences, at a far more frequent rate than those who lived in cities or villages.
The book would have gained another dimension if specific chapters had been devoted entirely to the analysis of cultural influences from cities to villages.
If plaintiffs lived in remote villages, they had to make overnight trips to the yamen courts in designated cities.
Cross-sectional studies in similar villages revealed relatively uniform prevalence of parasitemia across age groups during the first year of exposure [20].
In many villages, leaders have specified strict rules in their agreements with water managers that they cannot exclude households from water allocation schedules.
The agrarian landscape of the area soon began to resemble that of conventional villages, with fields driven into very different directions and gradually left fallow.
The free miners are abstracted from the agrarian life of the villages in which mining took place.
During the intermediate stops in villages on the way to the predetermined clinic site family planning counselling, pills, foam and condoms are provided.
Roads are the main source of human disturbance in these forests, because villages are sited on the roads.
The 'free people' were mainly farmers, who lived in villages among their estates.
In the office, immigration agents recorded the passage of travellers not known to be permanent residents of the adjoining villages.
Most farmers would not need to resettle because the new lands are at commuting distances from the villages.
Remarkable for its natural beauty, its past fertility, its historic landmarks, and its potential for investment, the small collection of villages stood in virtual ruin.
Our findings demonstrate that in villages that provided water managers with strong incentives, water use fell sharply.
The phenomenon of the weavers running away from their looms and villages was, therefore, increasingly becoming a grim reality.
Through loans from the banks, the villages purchased vehicles and opened restaurants and shops.
In many borderland villages, social boundaries between locals and exchangees persisted, together with negative views about the other group.
At this point, villages were teetering on the brink of famine as locust invasions threatened to consume the limited food crops that had been planted.
Only in the 1978/79 cropping season was the rainfall markedly lower than the indicative values across the five villages.
Dotting the shores of the inlet were about sixteen villages whose residents made their living primarily by fishing in the inlet.
A second reason is the failure to formally settle the rights of local villages.
All villages were in rural and impoverished environments, there was neither on-site electricity nor functional community-based sanitation facilities.
The cooperative insurance financed by villages and/or townships as well as participants covers part of the medical costs.
A chapter detailing the defence of a village's communal lands is based on the work of another scholar.
Institutions are also associated with differences in forest degradation across villages.
There, the parasite's lifecycle is maintained by owned or semi-feral dogs kept in villages, which frequently feed on rodents inside or near human habitations.
He visited rural villages and witnessed how the different groups lived in close proximity to one another.
At the outset of the eighteenth century it had some 800 inhabitants, and around 1860 approximately 1,300, who lived in sixteen mostly very small villages.
In all, eight villages (4.7%) were wholly or partly endowed.
Neighbouring villages would typically share a common grazing area to prevent stock rustlers from attacking boys caring for livestock far from the settlements.
Centrifugal forces arose from within villages, besetting religious life with internal contradictions and contestation.
In spatial terms, districts were informal clusters of villages within a loosely defined geographical area whose inhabitants practiced intermarriage and exchanged trade and prestige goods.
Since open wells are usually not more than 40-50 feet, the average depth has saturated at 50 feet in all the villages.
Numerous farms and entire villages were deserted in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, and not one single market town was founded between 1350 and 1400.
Thus, credit to purchase current inputs is not critically important in our sample villages.
They are not confined to the cabeceras municipales, but they are located in smaller villages.
Thus, the 185 villages each having one malik (owner) results in 185 ownerships at an average size of six dang.
Similar surveys were not undertaken in other villages.
In addition, larger vessels home port in larger urban areas rather than in the traditional fishing villages and hamlets strung along the coast.
From there they attacked villages in the vicinity.
Appropriating the colonizers' claims to bring ' progress ', migrants attempted to achieve status and influence in the villages from which they had migrated.
Cricket hunters normally look for crickets in the vicinity of their own villages, where they have full knowledge of the crickets' habitat.
While at loumas they interact avidly with extralocal merchants, they have not allowed outsiders to settle permanently in local villages.
Workers far from their home villages with time and money on their hands often spent both drinking.
The recruiting agents went to the villages to recruit the workers who were then handed over to the labour contractors.
Groups that made the transition to cattle pastoralism often built houses in small villages, where they lived for at least part of the year.
In other words, agricultural villages grew and spread and eventually became the base for a new kind of social structure.
Remote sensing as a landscape epidemiologic tool to identify villages at risk for malaria transmission.
Livestock are allowed to roam unrestricted in these villages.
In reality, in many villages this requirement was not met.
The current transformations are different from those in the past, when fishery villages were seen as important aspects in building a modern industrial nation state.
Even within the small villages there are diversities among people, based on such features as age, educational background, class, gender, and nationality.
Firms in the villages were no longer necessarily owned by locals, as was usually the case before.
In only three of the 12 cases were women not born in their villages of residence.
Each of these villages was, in turn, located in a broader territory under the charismatic leadership of a senior woman or man.
We do not want to see them here in our villages at all.
They are rather small entities, dispersed throughout communities and in villages.
Within each tabia, two villages were selected randomly.
There have been episodes of violent conflict between these communities, yet they continue to live together largely peacefully in many of the region's villages.
Their political involvement in these villages was characterized by restraint.
A case study of six villages in the late 1980s showed that households spent on average 10 -15 days per year on road works alone.
Even if the villages are far apart, we belong to the same father.
Over eighty per cent of the population lives in the 100,000 villages whose manpower is the country's principal asset.
Appeals could be taken to the maniagar, who controlled a number of villages, and finally to the king.
The women of these castes were more readily de-linked from their villages: '[a] large proportion of their women came to stay'.
People in the villages generally expressed a very low degree of trust in local political leaders' ability to work in the best interest of villagers.
Another is those who do not maintain close ties with their villages.
Long before war actually broke out, the little villages and once-sleepy hamlets had become busy centres of militia activities.
The court cannot ignore the pitiable and helpless condition of the poor residing in villages.
Settlements of boundaries between villages were by all accounts tremendously contentious issues.
Understandably, inhabitants of villages adjacent to the colonization centres were reluctant to be resettled.
Most workers, in consequence, were non-migrants, living in villages fringing the town that were relatively free from colonial control.
In all three villages there is generally a positive association between the marital fertility of each age group and their age at marriage.
Navarrese villages for which family reconstitutions have been carried out for this study.
Nonetheless, even though this feature is common to all three villages, it should be noted that there are considerable differences between them.
They are an agricultural people and live in large, well-built and cleanly-kept villages.
When women succeed to headship in rural villages, their role is described in several ways.
On the one hand, there were those who came to live in the villages from outside upon marriage.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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