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词汇 example_english_vertex

Examples of vertex

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The algorithm may introduce multiple edges, and by a vertex's 'degree' we mean the number of distinct neighbours.
Let us first introduce the smallest cubic graphs, the only two on two vertices.
The network is dynamic in the sense that the vertices join and leave the network.
The network is robust under adversarial deletion of vertices and edges and actively reconnects itself.
Note that if a pair of vertices is joined by two rainbow paths then they have the same length.
By deleting vertices of small degree we can assume that the minimum degree is at least d/2.
To play the game, some number of counters, or pebbles as we shall call them, are distributed over the vertices of the grid.
In we have to take the pairs involving exceptional vertices into account.
Instead of dealing with the end vertices of a chain we look at the vertices in the stable set.
To reduce the number of colours required, we perform a preprocessing step of 3colouring the vertices in all short cycles in the graph.
We say that two vertices of a graph are uniquely connected if there is precisely one arc that connects them.
Moreover, it is easy to see that at most half of the vertices in the trail can be left turns.
We generally think of a cycle as a cyclically ordered set of vertices, where the basepoint is unimportant.
Note that a bridge is a block connecting two cut vertices.
Nevertheless, for the sake of our construction, we treat them as disjoint, cloning the vertices as much as necessary.
Such a jump between vertices corresponds to a short-cut between two places which is only known to the evader (like a rabbit using rabbit holes).
Note, however, that all our graphs are allowed to have loops and multiple edges and, for reasons made clear later, do not have isolated vertices.
The non-terminal vertices are labelled by propositional variables and the arcs are labeled by the assignments 0 or 1 of the originating variables.
The remaining factor corresponds to all assignments of the remaining vertices.
Furthermore, b1 must connect 2 of the n mutually non-adjacent vertices, or else by the same reasoning filt would be disconnected.
Two vertices x and y are at distance d if they differ in d coordinates.
As such, individuals can be considered as vertices in a network, connected to each other through links called edges.
The object used in the experiment has 40 vertices, which are all used as feature points.
If the associated proof structure of has no border vertices, must be simple.
Non-terminal elements are called hyperarcs, and terminal elements are vertices and edges.
Any two vertices may either be linked by one edge or not be linked at all.
The graph is said to be connected if there is a path between any two distinct vertices.
By looking at the degrees of these vertices we see that (s - 1) 1 (s - 2) 3s.
A k-bond is a loopless graph with two vertices and k edges.
Moreover, the biclique on n/2 plus n/2 vertices is the 2 only extremal graph for this problem.
We compute the expected changes of the numbers of vertices with all different types, and use a system of differential equations to approximate the process.
Computing 0 means computing a colour for n vertices.
Consider the complete gr.aph based on k 3 vertices.
Assuming large degrees for both vertices and ends, however, might do so.
A block is a connected graph that has no cut vertices.
The 3 probability of this event is at most n-4m times the number of rounds that hold previously viewed vertices.
The remaining graphs contribute to m(v) for no more than fraction of the vertices.
Consider the graph edges as unit resistors and then 'measure' the resistance between vertices, or sets of vertices.
The walk is self-avoiding if all vertices are distinct.
On the other hand, the graph consisting of two disjoint complete graphs on n vertices shows that the reverse implication does not always hold.
We emphasize here that, at this point, we only assign these vertices to clusters: they will be actually embedded into these clusters only later.
The assignment means that later these vertices will be embedded into the clusters where they were assigned.
In particular, the total net flow from the active to the passive vertices is the same before and after the contraction.
We claim that more than u /4 vertices are bad.
The idea of deleting (roughly) k - 1 vertices and using 2 induction motivates our proof.
We embed the non-bridge vertices of a piece into the pair where the piece is assigned with a greedy strategy.
Define the initial link to be these two vertices.
As we do recursive partitioning, we never need a discrepancy result concerning induced subhypergraphs on fewer than roughly n vertices (in the equic weighted case).
The class vector assigns an integer to each set of connected boundary vertices.
The first layer consists of vertices on the central polygon.
In the case of graphs and relational systems we can simply consider objects with arbitrary linear ordering of vertices.
We will get around this problem by chopping off all vertices of degree considerably larger than np, as first proposed in [1].
An ordered set (or a sequence) of four vertices will be called a 4-tuple.
Applying f to a bond configuration relabels the vertices, which doesn't change the number of open and closed bonds.
By we denote the cubic multigraph consisting of two vertices and three parallel edges joining them.
The difficulty in finding an algorithm for the uniform distribution is related to the difficulty in counting r-regular graphs on n vertices.
Assume that we have a simple graph on n vertices with minimum degree at least s-1 n, where s 2 is an integer.
Colour the vertices in this set if possible, and remove the already used colours to avoid conflict in future steps.
The reason for this name is quite simple - using c to colour v forces c to be deleted from the lists of too many vertices.
Then list the isolated vertices in any order.
We first study when the other vertices get infected, considering them in order of infection and ignoring their labels.
Let ni be the number of vertices in the ith colour class.
The same is true for connected strong domination (assuming the graph has at least two vertices).
We manage this by the simple artifact of removing vertices of low degree until the graph has none left.
The cycles we have obtained are all very close together in the sense that they share many vertices.
Therefore, non-separating cocircuits in matroids are natural generalizations of vertices in graphs.
Here denotes the existence of a path of retained edges between two vertices.
Let consist of two vertices joined by n parallel edges, where n is even.
Now any subset of c2 e edges of a tree are incident to at least e + 1 distinct vertices.
We remark finally that corresponding questions can be formulated for removal of edges instead of vertices.
The facets corresponding to permutations with 1 or 5 in the first coordinate have seven vertices, twelve edges, and eight 2-faces.
We proceed in two steps, constructing first the vertices and then the edges.
We use the term path graph for a tree that has exactly two vertices of degree one.
Such a connected component must have more than p vertices, and thus at least p edges.
Then these 2 vertices should get different colours.
At each step of the process, vertices are classified as 'living', 'dead', or 'unexplored', beginning with just x1 living, and all other vertices unexplored.
A less well-studied specialization is the probability that deleting the edges of a graph independently with probability 1 - p does not introduce any isolated vertices.
However, such a result cannot be easily achieved for arbitrary surfaces in three space dimensions, as there is no natural order of the vertices.
The (mean) curvature is considered to be located at the vertices.
Now suppose we have filled in gaps of all generations up to n with virtual vertices.
Continue in this fashion until reaching a graph such that no new vertices can be added.
We will also introduce a procedure to merge vertices with the same predecessors of a -graph system.
If a tiling is given, the atomic arrangement can be formed by placing atoms at the vertices.
A minimal loop is a loop such that no two vertices in the loop are the same, other than the beginning and ending vertices.
In this way, labels are associated to vertices rather than to edges.
Populations quickly approach three lines which connect the vertices with the interior equilibrium.
The half-spaces, of - which it is the intersection, are determined by codimension-one subspaces orthogonal to the edges connecting vi to neighboring vertices.
Do this for every pair of vertices vi and vj of the polytope.
The second result concerns covering a triangle with four disks, one each around the three vertices and the circumcentre.
In the first case, the tetrahedron is skinny, and we distinguish five types depending on how its vertices cluster along the line.
The resulting cells are all hexagons, except that the cells corresponding to the 12 vertices of the original icosahedron are pentagons.
The first of these is that the discrete equations, based on the cells, do not match up with the unknowns, based on the vertices.
The butterfly stencil is used to calculate new e-vertices whose parent edge is 'regular', namely, has two regular vertices.
Therefore, the number of irregular vertices in a net remains constant, and most of the net is a regular triangular net.
A triangle consists of a set of three distinct vertices, specified in some order.
Monads are used to implement the state maintained during the search (that is, the vertices visited) to achieve linear running time.
If the manipulator possess more than one endeffector, more graph vertices must be detached to represent it.
The modification involves moving the point path away from the vertices and edges of the obstables, in accordance with the algorithm presented.
The computational time depends on the total number of vertices between the two obstacles.
There is an atom a such that (a) has exactly 4 edges and there are two nonadjacent vertices of degree 2 in (a).
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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