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词汇 example_english_variable

Examples of variable

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Willingness to be vaccinated was not associated with the demographic variables work area, profession, or age.
The association attained statistical significance only for white wine when we entered red and white wine intake variables simultaneously.
Even when machine tools are used, each type of marble has variables from the norm that can affect the working process.
Fifthly, the differentiation between depression and dementia in phenomenological terms is also reflected by the observational variables of communication behaviour.
However, we also recognise that our selection of dependent variables and the measure of social inequality is less than adequate.
Although the relation is of the same strength, the variables are of a different kind.
The first concerns the organizational logic of the variables.
The second sub-group is not interconnected to the same degree, having just eight edges for eight variables.
Associations between variables were assessed using cross-tabulation methods.
Similar remarks apply to the way in which the variables are drawn.
Of course, ours is a metropolitan sample and, therefore, for variables affected by the urban-rural distinction, the outcomes will be specific to a city sample.
The variables were scored on a scale from 0 (similar to reference rat) to 3 (extremely different from reference rat).
Examination of interactions among the other physiological variables measured provided little evidence for more pronounced effects as a result of the combined administration of compounds.
Data on a large number of medical variables have been collected.
The determinant variables here are thus distance and the type of transport.
Consider two variables x and y as elements of a given object.
When two or more independent variables (treatment conditions) are manipulated at the same time, we are dealing with factorial experiments.
If the two variables combine to influence each other, an interaction is present.
All variables are coded with the hypothesized pro-multicultural response high.
We therefore also tried testing with the eight variables for which data were available in all four pre-vote periods.
Table 2 presents the variables and their predicted effects.
The independent variables represent the mean values for each country between 1960 and 1990.
The d parameters indicate that all of the variables are fractionally integrated and non-stationary.
Three dichotomous control variables are also used in the analysis.
The coefficients on all three variables are significant and positive.
Note, however, that only the coefficients for the latter two variables are statistically different from zero.
Depending on which variables are included in the model, partisanship effects are positive or negative, significant or insignificant.
The first requirement ensures that the programme has no free variables, and that all environments are minimal.
When they push a case continuation framework, they save in the stack the free variables needed by the continuation expression.
The functor syntax admits functors of many variables, and functor composition.
Functors of many variables are also catered for.
Note that -conversion is used to ensure that 2 and have no variables in common.
To make freshness locally checkable, we would need an additional set holding the free and bound variables of the pending case alternatives.
The expressions e and e do not contain any free variables, but they may contain free names.
We have here made a design choice to choose the use of nameless variables in code representation.
Both the head and body may contain a list of variables (names of relations in the intensional or extensional database).
Two contexts are considered equal if they only differ up to a dependency-preserving reordering of their variables or names.
The / rules are deterministic modulo the choice of fresh variables.
We consider terms to be equal modulo renaming of bound variables.
A term with no free variables is closed.
Sequences of type variables, field declarations, parameter names, and method declarations are assumed to contain no duplicate names.
Supercombinators repeatedly copy the same instantiations of what originally were free variables into function calls.
In the following we identify terms modulo renaming of the bound variables.
Variables declared with an abstract specification are similar to variables in type theory.
The next group of variables in the regression concerns the financial situation of the surveyed households.
We recognize that these variables could have important effects on the level of stock holdings.
Table 1 presents means and risks of the key variables.
However, (15) itself suggests only that the synchronous indicator variables be exchangeable.
Moreover, (3) can be rewritten such that it holds for continuous variables as well.
The choice of eliminating variables in a system of equation with uncertainties has to be addressed.
The concept of correlation coefficients is used to select the minimum number of design variables.
Thus, all state variables are uniformly bounded and 1 and 2 are also uniformly bounded.
In this block, control algorithms for each one of the variables to be controlled have been programmed.
The first step of this programme is to standardize the variables to avoid the influence of scaling.
There was a moderate reduction in the difference when postbereavement health variables and satisfaction were entered into the model.
The sample was heterogeneous in terms of pre-illness activity levels and medical variables.
The measure also appears to have good predictive validity and correlates with a variety of physiological variables in the expected direction.
Examinations of tolerance levels indicate no serious multicollinearity between the independent variables.
The above variables may be considered as objective parameters of adaptation.
All variables are considered in the x direction for one-dimensional propagation.
Table 1 summarizes the domains of the study and the variables and measures associated with each domain.
Isolating financial variables from demographic trends is indeed a limit of our exercise.
The probability of state 1 occurring is set to 50 % for each of the blocks of variables.
The correlation coefficients between male life expectancy and some of the other control variables in the model raises the risk of multicollinearity.
Still, there might be room for improvements by including other explanatory variables in our policy interest rate model.
In this model, latent genetic and environmental variables are defined that account for all the variance in the first phenotype.
Another set of latent genetic and environmental variables are defined to be specific for the second phenotype.
There was no significant difference between drop-outs and completers on any demographic or clinical variables.
We need to turn now to the findings on the three other differential parental treatment variables.
The order of entering variables in the regression equation was determined by their temporal relationship to outcome.
There were also no significant interactions between any of these psychosocial and physiological variables.
In both sets of analyses, sociodemographic variables including age, education and income were controlled in the first block of the regression analysis.
In a sense, it is an entity of motion determined by the variables of sonic structure that link it together.
The following variables had non-significant effects and were therefore not entered in the forward stepwise procedure : change in company, current activity, location, change in location.
Excited atoms and electrons are taken as the variables of the system.
Continuous variables were standardized by converting them to z scores.
54) - which is unmanageable when it comes to interactions between time and other variables.
The main dependent variables are the percentage of correct first choices and the mean latency of the first choices.
Moreover, 89 % of the phenotypic association between these variables in women was due to genetic effects.
There were no significant differences between the first and second groups of patients in terms of demographic variables.
Thus, criterion 2 was met for both independent variables.
Many variables should, therefore, be considered simultaneously to predict response.
However, these variables did not influence importantly the associations between psychopathology and being overweight.
Appropriate transformations were therefore carried out on these variables.
Thirdly, we could have used other criteria for the inclusion of independent variables into sequentially higher levels of regression analysis.
Unadjusted risk ratios for the incidence of schizophrenia were first calculated separately for each of these explanatory variables.
Moreover, the expression of d() is defined as the time derivative of variables d()/dt.
To remove this effect the state variables can be scaled.
Thus, one cannot use fixed limits on the state variables for all detections.
Type variables play a role in type abstractions (obj or pro), which behave as a kind of fixed point.
Free and bound names and variables are defined in the usual way.
To accomplish this, we augment the rules with a system of variables.
We first consider the morphosyntactic variables, then the phonological ones. 3rd pl.
Stable sociolinguistic variables are usually associated with the working class and the less educated, are stigmatized, and are often subject to correction in school.
In our model, it is the shared evaluation of linguistic variables that is critical.
Note that all variables except for the interest and inflation rates are in logarithms and refer to deviations from some exogenous equilibrium (growth path).
Rates of growth of exogenous variables are assumed equal to zero.
What do the state and control variables look like and how can the robustness parameter affect the state variables and the objective function?
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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