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词汇 example_english_unfamiliar

Examples of unfamiliar

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Effects of learning method and word type on acquiring vocabulary in an unfamiliar language.
In summary, we argue that adults commonly make offers of unfamiliar (new) words to young children in everyday exchanges.
In an unfamiliar context such as network marketing interactions, the par ticipants may not have an appropriate script or frame for inferring what is happening.
On the other, the walker emerges from the city, by discovering the boundaries between real and imagined, familiar and unfamiliar spaces.
However, these two groups did not differ in learning to associate familiar names or unfamiliar visual shapes with novel referents.
There are many typos and inconsistencies, and too often the formulas contain unfamiliar symbols which are never explained.
I coded responses according to the items that each respondent equated, distinguished, or was unfamiliar with.
The methods in this paper are mostly mathematical in nature, causing some difficulties for the reader of this paper with an unfamiliar mathematical language.
Abroad, the experience of facing the unfamiliar added impetus to this demand for expertise.
Our results confirm that value rationality dominates in the decision-making about unfamiliar and constraining instruments.
He succeeded in piloting the ship into an unfamiliar fjord and signalled for assistance.
The exposition is as self-contained as possible, so even a reader completely unfamiliar with interaction nets should be able to follow the technical contents.
Working alone with a newly appointed colleague who is unfamiliar with equipment and techniques.
Many houses were destroyed and many, especially the elderly, had to move to unfamiliar places, and some of them died without anyone realising.
Such an editor is an excellent tool for creating phrases in an unfamiliar language, essentially by direct manipulation.
Cultures often reveal themselves most tellingly when they have to define themselves against what is unfamiliar and alien.
Initially, women face changing lifestyles, new and unfamiliar clinical situations forcing changed routines.
The inhabitants of this area are unfamiliar with most of the technology we take for granted.
Finally, between the end notes and the references there is a glossary of potentially unfamiliar terms used in the book.
A reader unfamiliar with such concepts and with the languages used to illustrate them will probably find the treatment too brief.
Would they be better off in their own home, defective as it is, or in an unfamiliar setting?
Is the experientially unfamiliar a major innovative contribution to theatre?
Here, the adult appears to be asking for a term that is still unfamiliar to the child.
In this description, the sound of a word in a non-existent or unfamiliar language is not significant (or rather, does not signify) to us.
One list was made up of "familiar" words and the other of "unfamiliar" words.
In each list, five familiar and five unfamiliar words were assigned to each of four mode conditions.
Similarly, any unfamiliar words that the subjects reported knowing the meaning of were also later removed from the data.
Loan words that retain foreign sounds, that combine sounds in unfamiliar ways, or that show uncharacteristic syllable structures are the easiest to identify.
Each list contained an equal number of simplex and diminutive, familiar and unfamiliar nouns.
However, they may be safely ignored by readers unfamiliar with the language, as other material does not depend on these details.
After clarification of any unfamiliar words, the students read the sentences onto tape.
They were more likely to do so in known than in unfamiliar words.
She is spatially bound in her leisure activities and seldom ventures to unfamiliar places by herself.
As explained above, brain gym involves physical movements that are unfamiliar.
Can children with speech difficulties process an unfamiliar accent?
As a result, familiar words should have better segmented representations much earlier than unfamiliar or pseudowords.
The lexical process, although able to retrieve the spellings of familiar words from memory, cannot produce spellings for novel or unfamiliar words and nonwords.
Although clinicians are not trained ethnographers, the task they face is very similar to that of an anthropologist trying to understand an unfamiliar culture.
When the study material was composed of unfamiliar stimuli (nonwords), the effect was present.
After viewing both stories, the participants described what they had seen to a listener who claimed to be unfamiliar with the cartoons.
Now, however, they found themselves in an unfamiliar position of having to defend what they considered as indisputable gains.
Teaching ethnomusicology to music students demands that they develop some familiarity with cultural contexts that are usually very unfamiliar to them.
First, an account of unfamiliar historical events has to be brought to the surface and its significance reassessed.
According to this hypothesis, therefore, the effects of phonological coding should be observed only in recognizing unfamiliar or low-frequency words.
He wished also to know from the rule the wise disposition which is prudently appointed concerning the ordering of unfamiliar matters.
346 able to most infants for dealing with the stress of separation from the parent in the unfamiliar laboratory environment.
The interviewers were unfamiliar with the respondent's earlier data in order to reduce the chances of asking leading questions during the interviews.
Of course, some printed words, like some objects, are unfamiliar.
The glossary, absent from the previous book, will be of benefit to readers unfamiliar with terms such as hyaloclastite and tholeiite.
Educationally, he learns more quickly through it than through an unfamiliar linguistic system.
Try to understand the unfamiliar words in their context.
Moving into unfamiliar and often stressful school settings coincides with pubertal changes and the search for identity.
Much of the early research linking child characteristics to internalizing behavior problems focused on the phenomena of behavioral inhibition to the unfamiliar.
Loanwords are also evidence of how speech communities interacted with a physical environment that was ancient to some, unfamiliar to others, and unyielding to all.
Utilization of contextual information in determining the meaning of unfamiliar words.
The experimenter told the caregiver that she or he was going to see pairs of cards with object drawings and unfamiliar words on them.
On each of four trials, caregivers had to select one of two cards, both of which showed a familiar object bearing an unfamiliar property.
Training may be just as effective in producing high rates of unfamiliar kind selection in a non-lexical choice task as in novel name mapping.
In contrast, six of 12 children in the corresponding quartets first condition selected the unfamiliar kind from the first pair presented to them.
The rate with which the children in the mild acceptance condition chose the unfamiliar kind from the remaining pairs was 0n27.
Such encodings would have caused the children to select unfamiliar kinds from the quartets at a high rate.
Half of the test trials contained familiar items and half contained unfamiliar items.
In fact, older monolingual children selected the unfamiliar object following an unfamiliar name over 90 % of the time.
In contrast to the older children's responses, however, no significant differences were found in younger monolingual and bilingual children's responses to unfamiliar objects.
The experimenter reassured the parent that these were unfamiliar words and that they should simply do their best to understand the words.
Compared to unfamiliar nouns, familiar nouns were produced in longer utterances.
In the third trial, the experimenter placed an unfamiliar object on the table, and a marker (familiar object) inside the bucket.
Furthermore, the coin looked very unfamiliar and the fineness of the metal was not even close to that of ducats.
The adaptive consumer a pre-selected bundle of produce, and the ways in which they can use unfamiliar items?
In addition to medical factors, there are extrinsic environmental factors such as uneven or slippery surfaces, poor lighting and unfamiliar environments.
Strongly recommended; even if you have some of the pieces already there are 25 minutes of unfamiliar music.
The letters described the experiment as concerning people's memory and processing of unfamiliar languages, and this information was repeated to volunteers before the experiment began.
The response of the mice to an unfamiliar environment was assessed over a two-day period and after habituation.
Second, this knowledge of performing familiar meters facilitates parsing the metrical structure of unfamiliar metrical sequences by aligning them optimally to a familiar performance pattern.
Because cumulants are unfamiliar to most users of statistical theory and methods, let us start with an introduction to cumulants and their relationships with moments.
We therefore carried out a second experiment in which children were asked to spell unfamiliar nonsense words rather than familiar real words.
In this economic framework, which is unfamiliar to the clinician, the level of current disability is relegated to a subsidiary position.
Nevertheless, making the verbal stimuli unfamiliar did not induce impaired performance in the patients.
Again, this account seems less likely because they also found that children with phonological disorders showed effects of familiar vs. unfamiliar with these same stimuli.
The brief observation period and unfamiliar laboratory setting pose additional limitations.
In short, the reader - especially if unfamiliar with some of the topics addressed - is left unable to see the wood for the trees.
Although these results suggested that the training accelerated word-recognition processing, training effects on automatization were observed for unfamiliar words only.
However, activation was not found for memory tasks involving color photographs with unfamiliar rooms.
They had to adapt, in a short period, to a totally unfamiliar and dangerous environment.
The affix then becomes available for use in the construction of new word-forms, as well as in the interpretation of unfamiliar words.
When they encounter an unfamiliar suffix containing a back vowel, they know it also has a front-vowel version.
Evidence for such an assumption usually is produced when children see a familiar and an unfamiliar object and hear an unfamiliar word.
Survival into the mid-term depends on speed with which individuals can adapt to unfamiliar criteria and incentives.
If the retailer requires a product with which he is unfamiliar, he may begin by sending a letter of enquiry to the manufacturer.
A new report has been published on the market for nonwovens, aimed at users and manufacturers as well as unfamiliar industrialists.
The book is aimed at new graduates who are unfamiliar with polymers, but it is also suitable for undergraduates.
However, it is reasonable to demand a more positive rationale for transforming data, especially as the resulting numbers seem so unfamiliar.
Both disciplines therefore have a role to play in making the present unfamiliar.
In light of word-recognition speed, significant training effects were found in both familiar and unfamiliar words.
An unfamiliar female researcher administered the challenges utilized in the reactivity protocol.
Four objects that were unfamiliar to the children were employed.
The labs were unfamiliar to the children prior to the experimental session.
There are some cautions for the user, applicable only to those unfamiliar with the field.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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