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词汇 example_english_underneath

Examples of underneath

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
We use fresh names to uniquely instantiate process-abstractions underneath binders, so that we are able to reabstract over them after analysis.
One has the rare opportunity to prise underneath the 'official mind' of patriotism, and to gauge public reaction through press reports and periodical articles.
Finally, preliminary results indicate that the soil seedbank underneath the evenly burned organic horizon appeared to have been largely destroyed throughout both plots.
The radiator underneath the rover has a viewfactor to the ground.
In the old debate, egoists do indeed argue that what appears to be unselfish behaviour is always and everywhere and underneath selfish behaviour.
Motors can be mounted on either side of the axis, or underneath, to reduce its overall length.
Then you figure out how best to communicate what the text is doing underneath to actors.
The graffiti were reproduced in what looked like their original writing and language, each dated underneath like a signature.
Since there is no fluid underneath, there is no need for the no slip and no separation boundary condition.
The sea ice begins to wear away from underneath, so the snow melting on top is the early indication of ice melt stages.
Immunoreactivity is often associated with vesicular-like elements and distributed underneath the plasma membrane.
The outlet component(o) is the region immediately underneath the arterial (pulmonary) valve.
The net effect of these two volumes fluxes is an accumulation of fluid underneath the disturbance crest and an increase in the interfacial displacement.
He imputes that although she is a chaste wife, she is also, underneath, a femme fatale.
Underneath the focus on medieval or classical subjects is a massive cultural anxiety.
Underneath the canopy the forest is relatively open and trees are mostly single stemmed.
A ll seeds p laced on top of the soil failed to germinate except for two seeds in one single ring underneath acacia canopy.
The anesthetized cat was put in a stereotaxic frame, and a heating blanket placed underneath to prevent hypothermia.
Intact cortical granules are visible as bumps underneath the plasma membrane.
The sur face underneath the grid was covered with light-diffusing white paper.
Underneath that would be a series of metal coils.
The 'reformist platform' carried the day, but this was like grafting hair on to a head which remained just as bald underneath.
The samples were pipetted from underneath the mineral oil to ensure a positive meniscus.
Underneath a modern city or in eroded areas all archaeological remains have been severely damaged and protection is indeed not very worthwhile.
The asymmetry is a consequence of the decay rates r underneath the maximum flux axis being higher than above it.
Then there were lower things including an office block, with a supermarket and shops underneath and a church on top, and also a school.
The ice gets worn out from underneath from the currents.
In an explanation line underneath the coding line in the transcript, the features are noted which led to the coding decision.
To understand class struggle within physics, we have to look into what lies underneath scientific controversies and accounts for their existence in the first place.
However, he reveals that underneath a significant degree of local management was required to manipulate even the narrowest electorates.
Chimpanzees construct nests, but always in trees so seeds scatter and fall underneath closed canopy.
They also wasted many seeds by feeding on immature fruits and by dropping many seeds underneath parent trees.
Often, as layers are deposited, the layers conform to previous layers underneath.
The user is presented a uniform interface for accessing all available services and information sources, without having to bother with the heterogeneity underneath.
Seeds may have accumulated in the litter underneath the t rees, d eposited there b y gravity and seed-dispersers.
A second potential mechanism is the presence of plants with different life forms that grow interspersed with and underneath the crowns of emergent trees.
Underneath each image is the ratio of bright pixels verses dark pixels.
The filled bars underneath the diagrams denote the duration of the external motion bias; open bars indicate that there was no external motion bias.
On the north side, underneath a raised terrace, is a room partially sunk into the ground and flanked by two large open water tanks.
The nuclei of pregranulosa cells are oval to elongated and densely heterochromatic with a continuous patch of dense heterochromatin underneath the nuclear envelope.
In addition, we consider its recognition exclusively from an ice interval that contains sediment inclusions as an indicator for a geothermal environment underneath the lake.
Underneath this quintessentially minimalist rhythmic process of multiple cycles lies a harmonic structure.
On nacreous shells, exterior lines may cut through to the motherof-pearl underneath.
The bags were kept outside, underneath a shelter.
In both cases, values for girls are presented in the top row and those for boys underneath.
Thus, it tends to push fluid underneath the crest and so it has a destabilizing effect on the film.
The decay rate r is large in regions underneath the forcing.
Underneath the granitoid intrusions, migmatitic paragneisses and granulites occur.
The ice can be eroded from currents underneath, which is often imperceptible at the surface.
The task was a forced-choice so that no answer other than one of the two terms underneath the photograph was accepted.
On the other hand, in the dry valley lakes there is already a well-studied biota that consists of abundant microorganisms living underneath their iced surface.
Once the participant reached the final step (' step 10 '), the black square fully covered the stimulus underneath it.
I wonder at this phenomenon because maybe underneath there is an abyss.
As an example, figure 2 shows a three-dimensional array with shape and data vectors as given underneath.
In the recurrent network the behaviour simply looks as if there is a changing internal representation underneath it.
Underneath the surface stagnation of the late 1980s, the number and activism of independent groups increased.
Underneath the window there was almost always a small platform, approximately a foot high and maybe a yard wide.
Two torsion springs are installed underneath the seesaw in such a system.
Thereafter, small endplate depressions are seen; these are the result of thin endplates and the weakened trabecular structure underneath.
A thick layer of keratin develops, to which the patient is usually oblivious, and autolysis takes place underneath.
Individual stimulus are represented by thin bars underneath the horizontal axis and the number of action potentials is indicated by the thick bar above it.
There is strong syntaxin-4 immunolabeling underneath cone pedicles in presumed horizontal cell processes, consistent with the observations made at the light microscopic level.
In particular, the filled red, green, and blue triangles are located underneath the filled cyan triangle.
We now show why free first-order inputs underneath higher-order inputs cannot be replicated.
Many other examples of this phenomenon occur underneath the main system split, and so unfortunately we cannot draw many conclusions about the system specializations.
Certainly, a face cannot be recognized as masked unless one knows what lies underneath.
The position of the male and female centrosomes is shown underneath the calcium images.
The next section explains the theory underneath our experiments.
Second assessment scores are presented underneath the appropriate first assessment score.
Needs-talk is actually value, rule or virtue talk, 'underneath'.
Each question had a blank in it, and underneath the sentence the learner-readers found four choices.
Your pipe is drawing sweetly, the sofa cushions are soft underneath you, the fire is well alight, the air is warm and stagnant.
The hippocampus was obtained by making a razor cut underneath the frontal cortex, while the frontal cortex was excised directly from the frontal lobes.
Another reason which prompted us to reconsider the research strategy in the field was the practical experience with large-scale rescue excavations underneath the essen.
The type of building entity is displayed first, and the view underneath displays the list of classifier instances associated with the building entity.
Steam from the boiler was delivered to radiators which were mounted on outside walls underneath windows.
A larger tank is filled with a mixture of water and dyes, and a fire is lit underneath with wood.
Underneath the two puzzle pieces there were four moveable subordinate clauses; with the only difference between them being the tense of the verbs.
Underneath the container lies the film backing which is moving horizontally.
In other words, the mask is not the same as the person underneath.
The majority of live cells were found to localize at the outer layer of a mature fruiting body, with dead cells underneath.
Everything fell into place: the entrance was underneath it, the form of its massive structure daringly expressed, and views of the river beyond revealed.
The cylinder was supported a t the bottom by a board underneath the tunnel floor and could be rotated around its axis on this board.
Previously, the thin layer of light fluid pulled underneath the front was assumed to play the key role concerning the lobe-and-cleft instability.
The important feature of the vac-fix bag is that it supports the whole arm both laterally and from underneath.
The remainder each had ten sentences with a line underneath where a continuation was to be written.
Underneath all the variety of these writings on theatre lies a persistent effort to impose masculinist visions of vision and love on everyone.
Burials, for instance, are underneath platforms, within the limits of the dwellings.
The underneath is set, deep as the sea beneath a surface skin.
Underneath and surrounding the base of the jar were 30 green-blue jade pebbles and an additional 84 green jade pebbles.
The burial was also found underneath an intact early stucco floor from the early phase of occupation.
An experiment commences when hot water is circulated underneath and in contact with the bottom aluminium plate of the tank.
The net result is an accumulation of fluid underneath the disturbance crest that increases the height of the disturbance.
A continuous person is an association between beliefs, desires and intentions at different points in time, not some 'further fact' that exists underneath them.
Site 1 (54 m) was dry to the touch on the surface, but moist underneath.
Such continuity creates the experience necessary for effective governance, and it can exist underneath high levels of cabinet instability.
On the political surface, candidates may seem to come and go without reason, but underneath they are bound together in predictable left-right partisan coalitions.
Underneath all that is money - profits and the costs of reproducing pictures - a sphere about which it is hard to obtain sound information.
All frames underneath this are known to be 'old'.
Again the deflection of the outer surface creates a zero-order normal stress in the annular liquid underneath the surface.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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