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词汇 example_english_underline

Examples of underline

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The instability of the local political environment was underlined by the political confusion among the city's former political elite.
However, despite greater complementarity between men and women and incremental changes recorded in women's organisation, the literature also underlines how domestic violence remains widespread.
The falling pitch contour, displayed in (1a, b), is one of these contours, and the syllables initiating it (underlined in the examples) are primarystressed.
The words in the reparandum are underlined and displayed in a different color.
The reason is that cotton often brought out the worst in colonial rule and always underlined some of its deepest contradictions.
At issue here is the loss of trapped morphology in the ergative ; in (11) the material lost is underlined.
Indeed, this underlines the fact that a significant number of the top civil servants in 1911 were already in post in 1891.
In a two-level program, overlining indicates compile-time operations whereas underlining indicates run-time operations.
The analysis communicates with the specializer using two-level terms, which indicate code generation by underlining and compile-time operations by overlining.
The bases participating in the pairing indicated in column 3 are underlined (column 2).
Various theory-internal abstractions are underlined in this chapter.
The topic of the sentence is underlined in these examples.
At each reduction step, the selected -abstraction and its argument are underlined.
The first message underlines the explicit alliance of civil society within the health agenda.
The differences in tone, emphasis and content were underlined by fundamentally different policies and ideological positions in major issues.
The study underlines the importance of psychological factors in influencing short-term prognosis.
In bold, factor 1 (neuroticism) ; in italics, factor 2 (aggression) ; underlined, factor 3 (anxiety) ; underlined-italics, factor 4 (extraversion).
We asked respondents to tick all those that applied, underlining the main problem (or problems if they identified more than one).
Her success en travesti only underlined the essential mutability of her form; intrinsic, personal beauty was of little matter.
Perhaps most saliently, this paper underlines the need to take careful consideration of both the micro and macrocontext of language use.
At the same time, the book underlines the issue of the effectiveness of intervention practices, which should be of the utmost interest to clinicians.
Principles underlining genetic improvement for high and stable crop yield potential.
The test on anaphoric resolution comprised "identification by underlining" tasks where all the paragraphs had specific anaphoric items underlined.
The bitter division within congregations, however, underlines the truth that to introduce sudden and drastic changes in worship is to invite confrontation.
The marked progression in the dependence of monozygotic, dizygotic and trizygotic rates on maternal age underlines the importance of this factor in multiple birth studies.
There is a more complicated reality underlining the process through which a piece of legislation is initiated.
The remainder of this section will explain the rationale underlining the choice of the theoretical framework.
In any case, this exponential increase in robot utilization underlines the fact that robots are here to stay.
Their activities as a result were underlined by wastage, dissipation and inefficiency.
However, at the expert meeting, its value as a baseline measurement was underlined.
The model cities experiment is reviewed and some positive results in the form of black participation are underlined.
In functional programming one usually underlines the non-reducible calls.
The importance of the debate is underlined by the historic context of the birth of radio, which for the first time created a unified audience.
Students were shown statements and questions with direct object nouns underlined on an overhead transparency.
They were attacks upon communities, and this point may be underlined by recording one of the most startling and disturbing attacks of the time.
Government was regarded as the practical, tangible manifestation of political power, and as something that ultimately underlined the moral and ethical foundations of political authority.
In the same way, pronounced contrasts between the public and private audiences of the bey were underlined until the 1820s.
The province's ability to produce exotic fruit was underlined by the frequency of references to kiwifruit, tangelos, babacos, nashis, and others.
Separating the functions underlined the impor tance of consultation in the government and signaled the increasing role of individual lineage heads.
In this way, local government contributed to the liberals' popularity from the s, and underlined their ultimate failure.
All of which underlines the deficiencies in our knowledge of the distinctions between public and private in language, never mind as social practice.
The importance of reorganizing the empire was underlined by accelerating competition from other nation-states.
We have underlined the last term in (3.3) to emphasize the improvement over (3.1).
The fact that studies conducted early in the development of a discipline sometimes contain mistakes further underlines the need for caution when citing reported results.
The trajectory of symptoms over time underlines the fluctuating nature of bipolar symptoms even when patients are maintained on state-of-theart pharmacotherapy and maintenance psychosocial treatment.
In brief, it is worth underlining the originality of the approach.
One study of special note underscores the importance of knowing the absolute size of a niche-brain effect, which is often not underlined in such studies.
The text is presented in three forms: bold, underlined or italicized.
The prolonged nature of this outbreak underlines the importance of analysing stool specimens at the earliest opportunity, so that an offending pathogen can be identified.
An example is given in (11), with the dislocated elements underlined.
Figures underlined are standard errors of the estimates of divergence.
Our study underlines the importance of identifying drinking patterns among adolescents and young adults in clinical practice.
We reflect on the particular art of underlining our own borders in order better to perforate them and cross over them.
Figure 18 illustrates five questions and their corresponding answers, the exact answer being underlined.
Then, it has proceeded to identify in more positive terms what must be taken into account whilst also underlining the need for a case-by-case approach.
The same principle was used for all other context variables (the reference group is underlined).
Moreover, the principle of inclusiveness is further underlined by the use of the term 'countries of the region and their neighbors'.
Finally, the study underlines the need for language acquisition researchers to be more sensitive to issues of testability when constructing their theories.
The main part of the annotated self-interpreter is in fig. 4; note that we use the annotation - r instead of underlining.
We also show underlined the word accuracy results for the three strategies contributing to this best result.
We signal the user's demands and the answers to the user by underlining.
The dramatic narrative of these musical items is skilfully underlined by the key structure.
The importance of an appropriate social context for playing was underlined by all of the musicians.
If so, it underlines the strategic as much as the analytic significance of the argument advanced in this important and welcome book.
A random survey of some contemporary medical writings, though, only underlines the complexity of attitudes.
The mechanistic hypothesis underlining the development of science from beginning to end is a transhistorical construct built by an omniscient author.
Most previous selection studies have concentrated on testing for associations ; as our findings underlined, including tests of mediation affected the conclusions in some important ways.
A sense of uprootedness is underlined by a number of contributions.
A prominent role for harps was underlined by their positioning in front of the orchestra, at the conductor's feet.
The scores are presented in percentages: the number of conditional-related words underlined divided by the total number of words underlined.
To test the noticing function of output, participants underlined parts of the sentences they thought were "particularly necessary" for subsequent (re)production.
Underlines were scored by counting total items underlined and then by obtaining a percentage of conditional-related underlined items.
In section 5 we present experimental results underlining the efficiency of the cogen and of the generating extensions it produces.
The poem clearly underlines the link between the colourless content of most news reports and political propaganda at this time.
Note the convention in the model formula of underlining to indicate those terms that correspond to fixed effects.
Their focus on anatomy, which was seen as a social leveler, underlined the new role of medicine.
Concerning the latter, certain points need to be underlined.
There are also short reviews of plant breeding progress in each crop, underlining the links between biotechnology and breeding.
X the army had brought down all the democratically elected governments of the country 11.
The finding of contrast-induced nephropathy in one patient underlines the importance of monitoring renal function after cardiac catheterization.
The differences between equations (1)-(2) and (3) need to be underlined.
The urgency of the task underlines the absence of a secure ethos.
In the original document, the quotation is underlined, not italicized.
Philosophers use a variety of modes for distinguishing nonexistents from existents and for underlining the fact that the former breach standard mechanisms of logic.
The use of tenses here underlines the modal function of tense use in general.
The feminist aspect of this scene is underlined by the nature of the occasion and the topic of conversation.
With general acceptance of the complexity of this latter process in mind, the comments have usefully underlined some fruitful and significant areas of research.
In this and subsequent examples, the subject and the finite verb relevant to consideration are underlined.
The tenor thus underlines the narrator's submission to the lady: her voluntas (will) be done.
Evidently, bollworm pressure has the most notable impact on insecticide use, which underlines the high destructive capacity of this pest.
A class of examples underlining the possible lack of continuity in these two functions is thereafter constructed.
The authors wish to stimulate those who wish for greater understanding by underlining the connection between ideas or people and the creativity of predecessors.
All these changes, occurring as they did in one generation, underlined the fact that conversion brought dramatic change.
The 1340-1 crisis, therefore, underlines the connections rather than the divisions between clergy and laity, church and crown.
The distinction underlines the need for specific support for different groups of people.
The scribe underlined his aristocratic virtue and those of his readers through this wide canvas.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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