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词汇 example_english_uncover

Examples of uncover

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
She uncovers the world of competitive politics which so fractured the gentry community.
We have argued that our thesis does not generate the unpalatable result that all (even ordinary) assertions ought to be uncovered.
The abstract patterns uncovered by a 'cliché learner' could very well capture the implicit knowledge of how to combine the strategies employed by these meta-heuristics.
In particular, he described some underlying principles uncovered in these networks, such as robustness, precision and noise-resistance.
Additionally, if the radio broadcast were uncovered, that would suggest that normative coverage can be difficult to determine in a rather surprising way.
Therefore, uncovering the existence of a mutually acceptable bargaining space becomes challenging.
More specifically, we have shown that on the two most promising characterizations, there are substantially (but not dominantly) situationaltering utterances that ought to be uncovered.
Perhaps the results he uncovers here are not evidence of cross-linguistic systematicity in register variation, but of the consistency of his own imagination.
King's method then applies a statistical model to the information uncovered in this procedure.
The actors improvised the scenes until the moment where the husband returns at night, after the wife has uncovered the mystery of the letters.
The market-driven nature of news leaves some stories uncovered, many people uninformed, and most journalists a bit frustrated and unsatisfied.
In such a case, however, the result that the utterance in question should be uncovered (because it is significantly obligation-enacting) is no longer obviously wrong.
At least some substantially situationaltering utterances that are not also dominantly situation-altering (in this second sense) ought to be uncovered.
To see why, recall that only the survey data uncovered a libertarian-traditional dimension.
Many regard his unique approach to uncovering the meaning of religion as unconventional and unsystematic.
He uncovered links to universal algebra, game theory, set-valued functions, functional analysis and, especially, measure theory.
Throughout the paper, we test for time specific effects with a particular emphasis on uncovering the exact timing of changes in fiscal behavior.
Today, protocol analyses remain one of the best ways of uncovering the fine structure of mental models and their developmental trajectory.
First, recall that the concept of "reason" was used to depict the process of uncovering the laws of nature.
Four weeks later, the plants were uncovered, and the males were removed from the chamber.
At the time, this image was received favourably, often by those very people who were scandalized by the extent of the scandals uncovered after 1992.
Little variance is uncovered, with over 70 percent of roll calls in each of the four periods representing party votes.
Each item was coded to describe the extended method used and the type of document uncovered.
Next to this temple, another domestic structure was uncovered, at the entrance of which two direct burials were found.
Their critical discourse is the reducible gap between the new worlds uncovered by science and the fantastic strange worlds of the imagination.
Although the reasons for this may have partly been related to the personalities of those involved, inherent conflicts associated with the task were not uncovered.
Scientific theories are typically about idealized or abstract realms, which are uncovered in the process of developing and establishing the theories.
The list could go on - pointlessly, except as an indication of the sheer volume of music that has yet to be uncovered.
The five-group analysis of pairs who were concordant ever smokers uncovered important genotypergender interaction effects.
She also uncovers compelling evidence about the ways that changing practices of sexuality and gender roles provoked anxieties, especially among urban elites and government officials.
Furthermore, if a politician uncovers a scandal under plurality rule with two parties, the benefits flow to him and his party.
The knowledge uncovered during design is contextualized in par ticular situations; it may be generalizable or not.
Morphology might also be helpful in uncovering the meaning of single words.
Other merits apart, it virtually uncovered and stated for the first time the developments which it attempted to explain.
Nonetheless, we have uncovered a distinct, if weak, buoyancy effect.
In the next section, we shall show that this instability corresponds to the zigzag instability uncovered in parts 1 and 2.
Indeed, we expect many others to be uncovered as research evolves.
The only structural remain we uncovered was a small altar constructed on the floor.
Such studies have uncovered leads to common vulnerability factors that could explain at least part of the co-occurrence of competence and psychopathology problems.
Without idiographic analyses, these salient findings would have not been uncovered.
Both attachment theory and developmental psychopathology share a common interest in uncovering the developmental course of psychological disorders of childhood and adulthood.
In fact, isolating such underlying structures can be instrumental for uncovering alternative direct proofs that would provide more reasonable bounds on the mixing time.
In the latter part of this century, mechanisms of self-regulation have begun to be uncovered through the study of attention and effortful control.
Phenomenological analysis also uncovers other kinds of phenomena.
322 is insufficient for uncovering the value of asking a question later in the session.
The present study seeks to ascertain whether similar evidence can be uncovered in the linguistic development of second language learners.
We should instead keep asking questions, perfecting techniques, and uncovering new facts for the next edition.
The markedness relations thus uncovered in ordinary talk both reflect and re-create aspects of the state formation process.
Though the story is fictional, recent scholarship has uncovered a greater measure of historically accurate detail in its setting than had previously been realized.
Her hair was uncovered by a wig, and was still short and blond.
The 'evaluator effect' determines the usability issues uncovered by an expert review.
Con-ict recording can be viewed as a form of learning in that useful information uncovered by the constraint satisfaction procedure is recorded for later use.
In addition, a multivariate test uncovered some convergence between citizen and expert assessments but only for some of the various governance components.
Further research is also called for by the counter-intuitive developmental dynamic uncovered in the study.
Thus, associations uncovered in the present study may well be more pronounced than is suggested by the findings presented below.
As a result, we have uncovered many unique and perhaps unexpected challenges not often faced by faculty working on traditional undergraduate courses.
The field of public opinion and attitude research has generated considerable interest in uncovering what lies behind changes in public opinion.
Nevertheless, it would be contrary to our general commitment to free speech to say that they ought to be uncovered.
The study has also uncovered developmental trends that are worth exploring further.
A literature search has uncovered few studies which focus on health professionals' and patients' perceptions of early detection.
In this review, we highlight that this system is also well suited for uncovering general principles that underlie glial cell biology.
Together they fill the whole circle, with no spots uncovered.
In turn, each of the articles draws on ideas and methodologies originating in different disciplines in order to interpret the evidence that is uncovered.
Thus, we have uncovered another puzzle related to the terms of trade that this model is not able to solve.
By comparing the original methods with their versions simplified to chain programs, we have uncovered a transformation converting moded programs into chain form.
To our knowledge, this result uncovers a new decidable fragment of first order linear logic.
However, literary and archival research uncovered a surprisingly ambivalent response to urban puri®cation.
Moreover, no evidence has been uncovered for such a practice.
However, no solid evidence has been uncovered to support the assertion that policy objectives have changed.
At the same time, she uncovers tantalising trends and patterns in terms of gender, timing and geography.
By focusing on the interactions between direct and indirect objects, she uncovers the structure of ditransitive predicates.
We give a plausible implementation of a regular expression matcher that contains a flaw that is uncovered in an attempt to prove its correctness.
Four themes were uncovered, which were common to most of the men.
However, the major differences between incompressible and compressible theory were not fully uncovered until extensive numerical calculations were possible.
Other examples uncovered compressed beside the stem are much thinner (0.4-0.6 mm), this being due to compaction and folding of the lamina.
The role of the state security organs in informing the leadership is a new phenomenon which the archival revolution has uncovered.
Our analysis uncovered only weak evidence for the former and no evidence for the latter.
Two new studies have uncovered a wealth of new molecules that are likely to be involved in myelination.
The hidden knowledge locked away in corporate data stores has a great deal of potential that can theoretically be uncovered by data mining.
To what extent can a stretch of discourse be resolved into hierarchically ordered "constituents" akin to those uncovered in the study of grammar?
Speakers' rights and obligations, their metalinguistic and metapragmatic management of verbal resources (genres, texts, codeswitching), and the link between linguistic management and ideologies are uncovered.
Recent analyses that look closely at par ticular genres of talk-in-interaction have uncovered systematic uses for different prosodic packagings in repetition.
The survey, for example, uncovers a great desire on the part of cultivators to acquire more land.
However, the periodic regime-switching model imposes further structure even after the hidden periodicities are uncovered.
Astrophysicists have uncovered mathematical coincidences without which life could not have arisen.
The impact to ecosystems is only beginning to be uncovered.
On the very last day of 1953, an unexpected wall was uncovered.
Experiments with doubly driven film flow, in which gravitational and surface tension gradient stresses are competing, have uncovered some new phenomena.
A series of reviews, some of them newly uncovered, brings to light successful productions from the second decade of the nineteenth century.
With a larger sample size, more subtle associations may have been uncovered.
Insurance companies are free to deny, by contract, uncovered medical services.
Diamond coded infants' levels of interest in the hidden toys as they were hidden and then uncovered.
Our theoretical analyses, which employed two-locus, population-genetic models, uncovered a number of interesting evolutionary consequences of the feedback from niche construction.
However, we claim that mental imagery is intrinsically dynamic and that the very nature of mental imagery will not be uncovered by studying static pictures.
Studies of cetaceans have uncovered a number of patterns of behaviour and vocalizations, which some cetologists have ascribed to cultural processes.
The findings uncovered here, however, reveal the remarkable scope and cost of this process.
However, this leaves uncovered the larger part of the region in which 10 per cent of its population live.
The water collections were uncovered and exposed to any kind of environmental pollution.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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