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词汇 example_english_transition

Examples of transition

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The refinement step absorbs repeated application of the same rules by performing the sequence of transitions in one single jump.
Suppose the same rule is applied in both transitions.
Scholars of regime change have offered several complementary explanations of the empirical regularity that democratic transitions tend not to result in substantial redistribution.
The sensors are assumed to respond to the controller within the time windows to confirm that the expected state transitions have occurred.
Both types of transitions (level and seasonality) may be present simultaneously in the series.
Likewise, we have a potentially significant role to play in analyzing gender and democratization, including the role of women in the region's democratic transitions.
The pulse duration may introduce an additional laser-related timescale whereas the energy spectrum of the atom, through typical transitions, could introduce an additional species-related timescale.
The transitions in this region emerged with what appears as possibly unparalleled speed.
Such ' controlled ' transitions would themselves help to explain many undemocratic survivals, but we also need to look at the nature of political competition.
What factors inuence when democratic transitions proceed or collapse?
Characterizing the dynamics also sets the stage for welfare analysis that includes transitions.
Another major path of democratic transitions is the revolt or mobilization of social forces-especially in civil society-against the regime.
Application of the method of generating function to radiative and nonradiative transitions of a trapped electron in a crystal.
Costs are made during transitions (mainly the fitting of hearing aids).
In other words, the connecting pieces - transitions, retransitions, etc. - are just as long as that which they connect.
There are two more world views that correspond to the transitions in the middle and on the right-hand side of the figure.
All cases exhibited a series of transitions between fast run and slow bursting.
Using an illustrative model, we show that transitions between grassland and woodland may result from the interplay of facilitation and competition between herbivores.
By construction, the invariant of the location l is obtained by the conjunction of the latest firing times of enabled transitions.
Here, the above discussed enforcing of transitions is used to emulate the "exchange of tokens" which can take place in the bisimulation game.
The predicted stable stage distributions present the same trends (within savanna types, and during the two yearly transitions) in comparison to the observed distributions.
The modelling confirmed that contemporary disturbance and environmental factors measured in the field are poor predictors of historical vegetation transitions on rain-forest boundaries.
Note that if a marking is reachable in n transitions in the interleaving semantics, it is also reachable in n steps in the step semantics.
Beyond the clinical trial, these mean values are either extrapolated or the values based on transitions in the natural history cohor t are used.
He thinks naturally in huge lengths, and in transitions between them.
However, the data for some observers do show steplike transitions between some color samples, which may reflect intermediate color categories.
He posited four basic plans of organization in the animal kingdom - vertebrate, articulate, mollusk, and radiate - with no transitions between plans.
The empty trace, having one state and no transitions, is balanced.
The comparative politics literature has taken several approaches to the question of political stability, focusing alternatively on mass democratic politics, authoritarianism and regime transitions.
A computation structure induces three kinds of dependence between its links, which are caused by state transitions, communications and eigenvariable generations, respectively.
She argues that treating subordinate clauses as independent units ("utterances") yields counter-intuitive topic transitions.
The following brief description of the transitions can be composed on the basis of extraction of the most essential notions from these books.
At the same time smooth transitions between gates are generated.
Current income poverty is not a strong enough indicator of actual deprivation - because of the transitions discussed above.
The applicability of the results is illustrated by considering the questions of democratic stability and transitions to democracy.
In order to model the transitions which involve a process term at a node by a linear operator we define the following prefix operators.
Examining the links between taxation and representation can both cast light on the correlates of democratic transitions and generate practical suggestions for advocates of democracy.
Chaotic behavior within the excitatory and inhibitory limbic circuits is thus expressed in sudden psychobiological state transitions.
Finally, the mapping from a state to its set of transitions is done through another array, indexed by the state number.
Quantitative analyses capture how young people's transitions to adulthood have both changed and polarised.
The visual input grid is a system of states, and there are rules governing the transitions from one state to the next.
Effects of phospholipid acyl chain fluidity, phase transitions, and cholesterol on (sodium-potassium ion)-stimulated adenosinetri-phosphatase.
We split the exec transitions into functional and actor primitives.
Within the two sequences there are gradual transitions between the facies associations reflecting gradual shoaling.
Moreover, transitions add new practical and conceptual complexity to longstanding rule of law debates.
Are the associations between transitions into and out of poverty and welfare similar or distinct?
A system's evolution can be explored in discrete terms, by defining states and the events that trigger transitions between states.
When single junctional channel transitions occur, the clamp current for each cell changes the same magnitude but in opposite directions.
Note that the transitions are the same except for the points where holes are touched, but these differences are not observable.
However, some transitions are more abrupt, and therefore usually faster.
Though multiple states could be achieved, transitions were abrupt and predictable.
As might be expected, these forces decrease as the temperature falls, with abrupt changes occurring at phase transitions.
Again, conjoined constraints would have to be proliferated to account for all of the acceptable trade-offs in the model of formant transitions.
We do, however, advocate leveraging their work by building upon existing taxonomies and transitioning to ontologies.
The experiment shows that making the union hardly reduces the number of transitions of these automata.
As a consequence, we have two different notions of independence and concurrency for graph transitions.
In transitions that follow the decompressive mode and are dominated by outsiders, politicians will prefer medium-strength parties.
In transitions that follow the decompressive mode and are dominated by insiders, politicians will prefer weak parties.
A real understanding of such issues is impossible without first having a firm foundation in the history of the economies that are undergoing these transitions.
We describe the different kinds of dynamic behavior observed, and we characterize the bifurcations that mark the transitions between qualitatively different time evolutions.
Thus, faithful transitions are the most general class that ensures that independent transitions can be exchanged, and that is stable under this operation.
On the other hand, oscillations due to the link/push-point impacts during link transitions are present on the curves.
Lifecourse transitions are not necessarily linear and irreversible, and parent-child livelihoods may remain critically inter-dependent even after children marry and leave home.
Recapulating our results, there are two generic structure of cosmic-ray-modified shocks: continuous and discontinuous transitions.
The development of this local capitalism ref lected transitions in the market, manifested in the tensions and connections between pre-existing and newly introduced commercial practices.
In addition, the computation of qualitative states and transitions between qualitative states has been tailored to the loop-structured systems under study.
Nonetheless, this is a great book that should be obligatory reading for comparativists interested in authoritarian regimes and transitions to democracy.
Product analysis revealed inaccurate use of mechanics and g rammar and, globally, a lack of clear thesis statements, support of claims, transitions, and hedged statements.
By constructing complex state machines and showing how action transitions coordinate, complete domain definitions can be built up.
The only information provided about the morphology of speech is the probability of transitions between states.
We observe event transitions in the fair paths.
The choice of the group, the definition of the action, and the intended targets will constrain the various paths of transitions and, thus, the algorithms.
The transitions of the chain are inversions which replace local maxima with local minima, or vice versa, by interchanging two edges along the walk.
What factors and lifecourse transitions trigger income mobility in old age, and how do these vary by country ?
The doubling of props was further matched by the characters' frequent transitions between the worlds of domesticity and fable.
The use of type algebras is motivated mainly by the need to discriminate between states, transitions and computations.
By translating these functions so that the transitions all occur in a compact interval, we obtain a convergent minimizing sequence.
Indeed, the categorical equality defines an equivalence relation on proofs such that transitions are cut-free representatives of equivalence classes.
Various transitions between no care, informal home-care, subsidised home-care, privately purchased home-care and institutional care were observed.
88 strength of these lines decreases, so that the hollow atom transitions make relatively little contribution to the emission spectra seen at the final time.
Many economies are undergoing long and difficult transitions, with investment remaining low in spite of what appear to be large profit opportunities.
The visible action is, in effect, like a series of still photographs with transitions between them (although the 'stills' may be almost imperceptible).
Repeatedly, in the wake of the country's many democratic transitions, subnational officials wasted no time in pressing for a greater share of revenues.
Under this translation, events are to be thought of as unique occurrences of transitions that bear unique, static causal links to each other.
Nucleotide substitutions were mainly transitions and most of them occurred at the third codon.
Almost all of individual qualification effects concerning transitions into employment indicate a high significance at the 0.001 level.
In any case, one likely role of individual reinforcement history is to modulate the overall rate and timing of developmental transitions.
Both fluorescence parameters report sensitively on the helix-coil transitions of these structures.
In the preceding section we have suggested that learning principles can be applied directly to the analysis of developmental transitions.
Rather, the results strongly suggest that recency of affiliation and transitions into and out of these groups influence the rate of violent behaviors throughout adolescence.
Which subgroups of families making transitions from welfare to work are successful?
However, little is known about the effects of adolescent risk behaviors on the actual negotiation of such transitions.
The key question facing each farmer is whether carbon payments are large enough to outweigh the upfront costs of transitioning to a new agricultural system.
There the above question was considered from a different aspect in relation to phase transitions of random walks.
Note that after the initial transients decay the rate of transitions is constant.
We consider birth-and-death process with only nearest neighbour transitions, but where the rate of transitions is a function of the position on the chain.
First and foremost is the one already mentioned: the direction of postcommunist transitions or transformations.
Finally, the degree to which the most appropriate skills vary across stages and transitions may be further complicated by differences between activity-related developmental pathways.
We introduce generic conditions on the regular transitions which are always defined (domain and image) in the normalizing coordinates.
Geodesic flows on the two-dimensional tori and phase transitions 'commensurability-noncommensurability'.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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