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词汇 example_english_train

Examples of train

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Empirical studies on the speed of convergence of neural network training using genetic algorithms.
A change in a positive direction was perceived in the 16-19 years group and also in the 20-25 years group (during teacher training).
By systematically training the memor y in this way students are able to tackle tasks of increasing dif®culty.
Participants were tested and trained in small groups in a sound-attenuated room.
Likewise, the identical rater training scheme employed only 2 words and 2 sentences.
Subsequent scenes show teeming streets, construction sites, moving trains, and the bustling harbor.
Agents had been trained and br iefed on their fields.
Units have been set up, personnel trained, and transplants are being performed.
The reduced exercise performance may reflect lack of habitual exercise patterns and training background.
The results showed significant improvement after training across age groups.
We do have trained counselors, but our volunteers are not therapists.
Medical residencies are not equal in terms of what they prepare their residents to do and how well each trains its physicians.
The students were subsequently trained in class for 4 weeks.
Furthermore, the claim that limited exposure duration during training further promotes fluency was examined.
Coding was conducted by two coders, blind to group membership, who were trained to 90% agreement on all categories.
Practitioners are trained to recognize these differences and apply them to developmental interventions.
Of these 22 children, 11 were aggressive, high-risk children and 11 were low-risk, coparticipants in the problem solving skills training groups.
An evaluation of peer coping-skills training for childhood aggression.
Three undergraduate students were trained to code the videotapes.
The counselors were trained on completing a range of assessment measures based on their observations and interactions with the children in their respective groups.
Coders were trained to reliability using selected video recorded free-play episodes that had been previously coded by criterion coders.
All counselors were trained on completion of these measures and their ratings were conducted independently.
Do school-based social skills training programs prevent alcohol use among young people?
Whether children are playing, or learning language or math skills, they are also receiving training in executive function skills at the same time.
Teacher training typically does not provide effective methods and experience in classroom behavior management.
All transcripts were scored independently by two coders who had previously been trained with this system.
The spike trains of neurons in sensory systems are certainly correlated with the structure of sensory input.
Finally, and also in addition, it was trained to do the same for the complex language corpus.
Concentrations of pumice clasts towards the base form trains of clasts that are traceable along the length of outcrops.
Concentrations of accretionary lapilli and diffuse trains of small pumices define bedding in this thick ash bed.
However, only a special case of two interacting wave trains of equal amplitude and period is considered in this work.
Two different trained coders rated all of the children's responses separately for the drawing and the playing scenarios.
The local commissions of each sector agreed to license foster parents trained for the project.
Interviewers and observers were thoroughly trained prior to collecting data, and ongoing recalibration meetings were held to promote measurement fidelity and reliability.
The narrative interviews, typically taking 3 -5 hr to complete by telephone, were carried out by intensively trained and supervised interviewers.
Coders were trained to mark the onset and offset of expressions reflecting low/moderate positive, high positive, low/moderate negative, and high negative affect.
In trains and buses the young people are never willing to offer their elders seats.
Designers are rational agents trained to follow rational methods.
In this program, participants must record 5600 h of their work and track it among 16 specific training areas.
Inductive learning is par ticularly suitable in the context of an automated design system because training data can be generated in an automated fashion.
Each successive hidden neuron is trained on the component of the problem its predecessors failed to learn, that is, the remaining error.
The long-term solution to the acquisition of adequate scientific manpower is training in the countries concerned.
There were six investigators; four of them were trained anthropologists, the other two were trained for this purpose.
Another trained research assistant independently re-examined 11 % of the participants' data by viewing each videotaped session.
Second, training studies have manipulated exposure frequency on small sets of novel words.
Point-to-point intra-rater and inter-rater reliability (by a person trained in phonetics) checks on initial consonants were conducted on 10 % of the data.
The other eight children were trained on the verbs in the reverse order.
In the current study, however, the children are trained on two very distinct novel word-object combinations.
The transcriber was also trained to recognize the types of error made by young children and to note errors with error codes.
During training the synaptic weights are evaluated and after training, the network should be able to reproduce the learned behaviour.
Therefore, the system should be trained for several periods before performing the actual task for precise operation.
The philosophy of these homes is characterized by a very strong emphasis on training the staff.
Moreover, when female members could not attend training events or visits for personal reasons, their spouses came forward to represent the families.
In the language of neural networks, the ' network ' here is trained to have one dominant memory.
They can benefit from training courses on bereavement counselling.
The twelve physiotherapists trained in the brief intervention delivered both treatments offered in the trial, while the remaining physiotherapists provided only usual physiotherapy.
We did not account for training hospital staff because the unit price estimates of hospitals included training costs.
The activity of most thalamic neurons is reduced, not increased, during trains of high frequency pallidal stimulation.
In each case, pixel profiles represent average of 16 trains.
The civilian was compared unfavourably to the soldier who was thought to be disciplined and trained in stress management.
There is a bus service, but the train's much better really.
They can be trained much faster than other neural networks.
A suitable mechanism with gear trains has been designed for performing the jaw of shoulder and the roll of wrist.
In addition to the diagnoses of cardiac failure, training level of admitting physicians in emergency depar tments was an independent risk factor for early readmission.
The results reveal that skills and exper tise can be transferred from trainer to trainee through a relatively shor t, but intensive, training course.
The majority of respondents worked in public health departments and were medically trained.
Transmission at the retino-geniculate synapse in cats is influenced by the structure of pre- and postsynaptic spike trains.
The three cats were trained on two visual detection and orienting tasks that employed moved and static stimuli, and a landmark task.
However, the stochastic nature of impulse trains leads to some unexpected effects in retinal coding.
Thus is the eye trained to see similarities and differences.
During the recording, the animals were trained to maintain fixation on a central 0.2-deg blue spot.
In other words, during training the error signal indicated only what disparities were present in the image.
The response variability of the simulated spike trains generated according to this model was then calculated in the same way as for the real data.
An examination of the efficacy of social skills training for chronic schizophrenia.
The negative training set for a given lf was composed of the (positive) training subsets of the other four lfs.
The fuzzy decision networks can be constructed from training patterns by machine learning techniques.
The same experiments on training texts of a different domain and different size resulted in similar entropy convergences.
The network's nodes have sigmoidal activation functions, and the network as a whole is trained under back-propagation, with a cross-entropy error function.
Determine if the agency trains project staff tomaintain their skills and qualifications.
The following are examples of how agencies trained employees in new processes.
The actual style of the sculptures suggests that the sculptors had themselves been trained in the north, as had the new architect.
All members of this three-tier system are trained as a team and function as one.
They were then trained to approach the source of an odour to obtain food.
The intervention was a single motivational interview that lasted approximately 30 minutes with a doctoral-level psychologist trained and certified in motivational interviewing techniques.
Let us take as an example the trend in modern medical training away from general practice and toward surgery, high technology, and pharmacological treatments.
Ten different networks were trained with the 292 gene subset.
Moreover, they seek cost effective" competency based" training methods for their maintenance tradeforce.
They are trained on short training sessions run by the individual companies.
A simple division is between trained designer, trained workman and client, assuming that this last person is not a trained worker of some sort.
We are trained to think verbally rather than pictorially.
When training in self-instructions begins, group members are usually not aware of the types of self-statements that they customarily use.
Elizabethans, trained as they were in the discipline of formal rhetoric, often thought in such patterns.
In the late 1960s most archaeology students had followed studies in which they were trained in physical-geographical or biological modes of thought.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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