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词汇 example_english_thread

Examples of thread

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
In particular, it was known that each cell contains a nucleus which can be seen to contain a number of threads, the chromosomes.
However, there are some basic threads that run through most definitions of trauma outlined in the published literature on the topic.
I have spent many happy hours following threads wherever they may lead me, learning a great deal on the way.
In the twentieth century these threads come together with the neatness and cohesion of an origin myth.
The financial threads were gathered in their hands.
The two threads combine, and become inextricably entangled, in the chapter on distance-transitive graphs.
The writers of the separate introductions have followed their own agenda and have done little to draw together the threads of the individual sections.
The editors pull together all these threads in a comprehensive introduction: if you consume nothing else, this chapter makes for a satisfying meal.
The same was true of the terrindams even though both the varieties had the same number of threads.
Neural organization is a bold and ambitious attempt to outline some of the common threads in the constant flux of neuroscience research.
After the spinal injection has been administered, the spinal needle is removed and the epidural catheter is threaded.
The simplest option, taken by many process calculi, is to have a running system be a flat parallel composition of anonymous threads.
With this method of representing newly created computation threads more of the rules corresponding to -reduction in a call-by-value -calculus may now be given.
Reconfiguring the environment for larger threads impacts on the dynamics of the system, and is not popular with administrators.
The worker threads thereupon activated share the computation of the with-loop, exactly as in the pure fork/join model.
Typically, the size of the global index set by far exceeds the number of worker threads.
The chapter nicely ties together the book's disparate threads and places them firmly in a wider context.
When instantiated with a pair of lists, the process will deliver two outputs produced by two independent threads.
Analogously, several threads will be created in a parent process for tuple inputs of a child process.
The threads of the plot are suddenly broken off, or continued in unexpected directions.
In general, a process is implemented by several threads concurrently running in the same processor, so that different values can be produced independently.
The author concludes by suggesting strateg ies which may help avoid cessation of topic threads.
The coordination of all threads belonging to the same transaction is then crucial, because they must all commit or abort in case the transaction fails.
The translation of a tuple that contains non-values threads the compile-time information through the evaluation from left to right.
Reviewing the book as a whole, it is the common threads that run through the diverse chapters that are conspicuous.
His research is nuanced as it traces political threads and connections by looking into electoral processes, celebrations and rituals, military campaigns and judicial proceedings.
Messages can be addressed to other agents, and there is support in the specifications for connecting individual messages into conversational threads.
Based on this information a cost model for the available skeletons, possibly nested, is used to select a decomposition and mapping of parallel threads.
Ably marshalling the threads of the previous chapters, it functions nicely as a conclusion, with a provocative twist.
She keeps all her threads and needles in immaculate order and replaces everything correctly in her sewing pouch the moment she finishes her work.
If the sparks occur after k levels, processor 0 must process k nodes, and the threads are divided between 2k queues.
In this article we merge the two threads of development sketched above.
More important, she comes close to unravelling the elusive threads of rural diversity.
The book, however, is slow at interweaving these threads and in getting to its main points about modernity.
Many users currently use threads even smaller than this.
The most complicated semantics shows how spawned threads coordinate, using environments to model substitution and continuations to model control flow.
Two tailor-made barriers, the start barrier and the stop barrier, realize all necessary synchronization among threads.
However, the useful number of threads is limited by the number of available processors.
To end, there are a number of loose threads that need to be tied up.
In this tapestry are woven together threads representing pedagogy, assessment, industry requirements and practitioner sophistication.
Extrinsic-intrinsic threads of the 'as if ' variety need not refer only to sounding experience.
The plot of ageing itself tied all the threads together into a flowing chain.
Indeed, a combination of red and blue threads would produce a red-purple or violet effect, depending on whether the weft threads were red or blue.
Three-dimensional plots of vorticity allow the wake threads to be associated to counter-rotating vortical structures.
The third chapter brings together many of the threads of the first two by developing the idea of 'object'.
In any case, a state has to be threaded through the algorithm, and this complicates all aspects of the algorithm.
An important distinction is between stateless threads that only return a value, and state-transforming threads that perform operations on external state.
Let us run all threads in the space and its descendants, until the space is blocked.
Furthermore, threads can restart their life cycle (without changing identifiers).
However, the overhead of synchronization between threads which share the same data may degrade the performance of parallel processing.
Many sections of tripartite ribbons are seen although occasionally unpaired threads are seen.
We begin by briefly reviewing the new paradigm, focusing on the major interpretive threads that guided the literature.
The organisation of the essay follows several threads over time - thereby showing the 'tapestry' of forces at play.
Two bells have zoomorphic designs and are connected with cotton threads.
The most obvious porting target of our design is to functional languages featuring first order continuations and threads.
Thus, in this example the set of possible reachable configurations is infinite and contains configurations with arbitrarily many threads and fresh names.
An acid solution of 30% atelocollagen and a contrast medium was squeezed through a nozzle into a sodium nitrate-saturated solution to produce atelocollagen threads.
The workshops processed maguey fibers and made maguey spindle whorls in a range of sizes for spinning thin and thick threads and cordage.
The load is transmitted from tread to tread by the steel collar threaded on to the baluster.
However, in the last chapter he brings the threads together in a diachronic perspective.
The reasons for this are not fully transparent, but they certainly lie entwined with other historical threads.
The angle is controlled by adjusting two threaded bolts that support the leading edge of the alignment plate.
At the onset of instability the unsteadiness is observable as a mere undulation of the two threads of dye of the bifid wake described above.
The locus of such points represents the threads in which a dye would concentrate downstream of the recirculation zone.
She threaded the needle, then sewed the button on.
Wives were expected to both spin threads and dye threads or cloth exclusively for their husbands.
The aim is to discover connecting threads through the largely independent contexts in which the agent has been studied.
The term used to describe both communication and synchronisation between threads.
Moreover, other threads requiring the output of these also block.
When the new values are known, all the update threads commit together.
Very low latency, because of the lack of threading overhead.
There is no reason why communicating threads must belong to the same program, and often large systems consist of many cooperating programs.
The scheduling of array elements to threads directly affects workload distribution among processors and is vital for performance.
In the case of fold-with-loops, final folding operations are integrated into the stop barrier and performed as soon as two threads synchronize with each other.
Therefore, it is necessary to allocate entire index subspaces to worker threads rather than individual elements of the global index set.
In this paper expressions denote threads of computation and are distinguished from processes (choice is an operator on processes but not expressions).
Access to the task frame can always be granted without costly synchronization of threads via critical regions or similar.
Only then worker threads reload the global flag from memory and proceed beyond the start barrier.
He attributes this to the fact that students seemed to have difficulties in following the rush of multiple discussion threads of online writing.
A host of threads run through to be picked up and run with as appropriate.
In pfib for example, granularity is improved for many machines if threads are not created when the argument is small.
Second, thunkification can remove a mutex, leaving active threads that refer to it.
Thunkification is destructive, removing the threads, mutexes, and condition variables that are thunkified.
In the process, we began to program with continuations because every simulation depended on implementing some form of threads.
The language has several of the usual control structures like threads and coroutines.
The compiler uses the results of these analyses to coalesce instructions into sequential threads.
Coroutines can be generalized to lightweight processes or threads.
The threads interact in complex and rich ways.
Next the local workflow of the traveller forks into two concurrent threads, the booking of a hotel and the payment of the bill.
The br illiant white threads ref lect pur ity of hear t and clar ity of mind, illuminating the nature of human condition.
Under that model, a single automaton cannot be shared between multiple threads in a program.
The threads mentioned above are now known to be line singularities in the director field, along which n is no longer defined.
A book is also available which has drawn together the many threads of the programme's work.
As our networking infrastructure, our mobile threads are platform independent.
The invoked user defined program can then assert the attribute/value pair in the dynamic database, thereby making the binding available to other threads.
On re-connection, they will be automatically downloaded to the laptop communication server, for forwarding to its local processes and their threads.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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