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词汇 example_english_tenuous

Examples of tenuous

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
If the rights of property could not be enforced even in the countryside, respect for property located in towns could well have been more tenuous.
Although this more closely reflects daily family life, it also makes comparative statements somewhat tenuous.
Under an optimality-theoretic account of grammar, such 'deviation' hypotheses are untenable, and the evidence supporting them tenuous.
Bilinguals have sometimes been described as 'marginal people', because the link with each of their two communities is thought to be tenuous.
Even adult speech that adheres to adult standards may furnish no clues or only tenuous ones.
Individual chapters are relatively short, and would have benefited from elaboration, and the links between them are rather tenuous.
Submission sometimes led to incorporation, but often to a tenuous relation between reluctant subjects and distrusted overlords.
Consider the view that the link between aggregate consumption and current measured income is a tenuous one.
The assertion that the same mechanism overcomes selfish motives by creating altruistic ones is more tenuous.
What compels individuals and families to coalesce into tenuous factional alliances?
Still, it is interesting to note that the link between local elections in 2004 and presidential elections two years later is tenuous at best.
However, the fact that we could only examine a reduced subset of the data for disyllabic verbs makes this interpretation very tenuous.
However, in practice, lines of accountability are more tenuous; they may not be linked or worse, may be nonexistent.
No one would risk so much money on so tenuous an enterprise.
A realistic view of language change, according to which child language acquisition is key, highlights the tenuous bearing that structure preservation has on the process.
We conclude that the legal status of patient autonomy is more tenuous than the assumed clinical0ethical consensus suggests. 2!
In some countries, at least, meaningful though tenuous changes in governing style and substance look as if they are taking place.
Traditionally, cyclotron emission has been analyzed under the assumption that beam electrons are tenuous enough to neglect the effects of neutralizing ions [13].
As such, the study supports a dynamic understanding of the tenuous balance between hope and honesty in the clinical encounter.
Previous studies of verbal -s focused solely on the present tense rather than present time, despite the tenuous association between tense and temporal reference.
The association between these factors is regrettably tenuous unless there is more evidence to back it up.
The conjecture that any nonhuman animals have metacognitive ability is, therefore, tenuous.
Rival leaders and their followers commonly appealed to allies for aid when their positions were tenuous.
Only extremely tenuous evidence of residences near wetland locales has been mustered in suppor t of this model.
However, all these speculations are even more tenuous than those required to investigate the hidden trails of deliberate hoaxes.
Carers and those with a tenuous relationship to paid work get scant attention.
In addition, the continued existence of free communities beyond veeboer settlement, made a master's hold over his servants tenuous at best.
The underlying social relationship, the furtherance and enjoyment of which is often the reason for talking at all, would become tenuous, perhaps even useless.
The accumulation of details and connections seems impressive, but the details are often wrong and the connections tenuous ; the house is built of cards.
In part, this is because the notion of brain damage or abnormality remains subjective, and any links to any specific behavior are tenuous at best.
One potential problem that we see with homology in a psychological trait is that its relation to biological predisposition may be tenuous.
What evidence exists is tenuous, and typically open to a number of inter pretations.
He explains this discontinuity partly in terms of the tenuous relationship between social scientists and reformers.
Connections with old friends and activities were tenuous at best and difficult to maintain if the senior had moved across town.
Thus, the evidence for our claim that providing a script affects results obtained is tenuous.
The second inference of going beyond class interest is even more tenuous as would be evident from the attitude of the business class towards labour.
We can juxtapose detailed descriptions of cytoarchitecture and neural connectivity with analyses of function, but the links remain tenuous.
The results are to be shared with industries whose own work deals with the tenuous confrontation of technology's impact on humanity.
Later, perhaps, following enforced hospitalization, she settles very contentedly in a home, clearly feeling much better off than in her previous tenuous, undignified, suffering independence.
With growing amounts of completed research, this argument becomes more tenuous.
The connected argument that the innovation of adolescence itself is to blame for the pathologies we associate with it is more tenuous.
If the scientific basis of fingerprint identification is tenuous, how has it been able to stand unchallenged for so long?
Associations between testable genetic markers and population health are currently tenuous (5;6;7;48).
Only extremely tenuous evidence of residences near wetland locales has been mustered in support of this model.
The value of long education for the economy is a political credo, widely believed, but the evidence is tenuous.
The development of trade unions, however tenuous and evanescent they may have been, brought a new set of pressures to bear upon the jobber.
Such is the diversity of chapters that the editors were sometimes, in my view, drawing some tenuous connecting threads.
Women were eventually to lose even this tenuous hold, when an adopted son-in-law was formally permitted to succeed as the head of the household.
With this decision, the difference between a wife and a mekake became even more tenuous.
A substantial penumbra had abandoned church membership or retained only the most tenuous of links.
Amid widening disagreement over the consequences of preinitiation pregnancies, old community controls were slowly replaced with newer, more tenuous ones.
Second, the tenuous relations among the three chieftaincies have to be understood in the light of their pre-colonial history.
In the postwar decade, the tenuous nature of colonial rule was replaced by substantial efforts at development, accompanied by considerable increases in resources and investment.
Although there was connectivity between the various actors due to the existence of the strategy, it was tenuous.
If the annular beam is tenuous and surrounded by a vacuum, then s = 1 in (2.2) and the free electron model holds.
Not a few, unfortunately, are old book reviews, the relevance of which to the purported theme is tenuous.
The connection is however tenuous and die differences of venue are clearly important.
Circumstances have strengthened a family tie that was formerly rather tenuous-child abandonment and fostering-out, for instance, are now rare.
As this quotation shows, the definition of terms in the introduction (pp. xviii-xix) is extremely limited and tenuous.
Then we economists build on these foundations some very flimsy superstructures, some tenuous economic models.
The promise of balance, always debatable, is increasingly tenuous in campaign finance.
In this sense, elections place only tenuous, permeable boundaries upon state power.
The entire capsule is then abscised, when generally, the tenuous connection with the fruit wall is broken, resulting in a localized scattering of the seeds.
As the cost of new drugs increases, the link between licensing in a consumer protection framework and the promotion of public health becomes increasingly tenuous.
Because, some would argue, being a person cannot have so tenuous a tie to a nature.
However, some descriptions were more tenuous than others.
Maintaining this extremely tenuous position, they intervened in cultural debates about the relationship between land management and self-possession.
What clearly persist are the complex issues surrounding the future of the site and the tenuous belonging of the diverse local community to it.
Currently tenuous connections will become strong, explicit, and clear, as will our understanding of what it means to be a living language user.
Their expressions suggested that perceptions of government support are tenuous, and that immigrants may refrain from seeking help when needed.
An aetiological linkage with the coarctation and absence of the papillary muscles would seem to be extremely tenuous.
In the first phase the so-called land-family bond was rather tenuous, although there were already many transfers of houses and land between kin.
The last would fit, but the sheer number of possibilities - in just one parish - made the link too tenuous.
Unlike the epithelia of the reproductive tract, the normal ovarian surface epithelium has only a tenuous attachment to underlying stromal components.
However, regime stability is always tenuous, regardless of the payoff structure.
Specifically, indigenous groups often have few, if any, rights in domestic or international markets, making their claims on benefits and profits somewhat tenuous.
Debye-length discrimination of nonlinear laser forces acting on electrons in tenuous plasmas.
I doubt that this goal can be achieved : our grasp of the necessary structure of consciousness is very tenuous.
Other presidents whose claim to a mandate was tenuous used their first public speech effectively to build public momentum and support.
Empirical support for these approaches remains tenuous, however, being derived from single case reports or small case series.
Making the case for certain historical hypotheses can be difficult when based on the tenuous material similarities exhibited by isolated cognate pairs.
The connections between the specifics of the arms races and the cause of the war remain tenuous.
At the most tenuous level, contaminants may be detected in the environment at levels known to cause impacts elsewhere, and it may be assumed that organisms are exposed.
Elsewhere, links tend to be more tenuous.
However, as all curriculum decisions are made at a remove from the classroom in the specialist approach, there is only a tenuous link with the end users.
Further, rather than assuming an easy or natural fit between the two concepts of self and nation, the argument here is that it was a contradictory, tenuous and difficult relationship.
At the same time, we readily admit that the evidence for this claim is at present tenuous because provision of scripts and their enactment are rarely treated as independent variables.
However, for many in the sample, the relationship with their 'responsible other' was tenuous and fragile, and for others, the 'responsible other' was not the person respondents felt closest to.
In a nutshell, the connection between younger individuals and their older selves is so tenuous that it is rational for the former to disregard the needs of their future selves.
Such connections were of course tenuous.
As the search to define a single ' middling ' identity suggests, the reconstruction of such perceptions is extremely difficult, depends on tenuous evidence, and is constantly vulnerable to circular arguments.
While these relationships may be tenuous if based on a few similarities, the continuous evaluation of the apparently related sources may yield credence for more concrete relationships.
To date, the literature on social capital has relied on a relatively traditional, if not tenuous, sense of how different patterns of sociability might bear on political action.
Self-focusing and raman scattering of laser pulses in tenuous plasmas.
Consequently, voters pay greater attention to issues, for which parties and governments can be held directly responsible, than to the economy, for which their responsibility is more tenuous.
All other configurations indicate tenuous forecasting power.
However, direct comparisons may be tenuous since endosperm was used for both rice and castor bean studies, whereas the study reported here was carried out on cotyledon tissue.
Sadly, no letters of either man to the other have survived in their respective archives that could help to throw any light on their (admittedly tenuous) relationship.
The current neuroimaging literature makes only tenuous connections to the lesion-based body of knowledge and focuses, for the most part, on semantic and phonological aspects of the mental lexicon.
Based on these scores, support for each of the two individually is tenuous, while support for the two together as a race is equally tenuous at 79.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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