词汇 | example_english_synonymous |
释义 | Examples of synonymousThese examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. If it were impossible to remove one of these two synonymous lexical items without loss of coverage, then the algorithm would keep both. The labels irrelevant and non-relevant are treated as synonymous in this paper. From now on the idea of cosmic life became synonymous with the physical and mental characteristics of the alien. The category of uninformed non-believers may not be materially equivalent to or synonymous with the category of reflective non-believers. Therefore, we suggest excluding nonsynonymous mutations from this analysis and performing the rate estimates on just synonymous mutations. In popular and political discourse it has become synonymous with staying married. However, the presence of water is not synonymous with the presence of life. Again, this relates to our first hypothesis: do some role fillings make the compound act more regularly than others regarding synonymous alternatives? With opposition now appearing synonymous with disloyalty and treason, the temptation increases to treat supporters of the old regime harshly. Conversely, non-synonymous changes were correlated with the host species of origin of the viral isolate. However, there is a danger that we then slip into equating agency with constructive coping, as if the two were synonymous. Thus, viability and infectivity were considered to be synonymous. All nucleotide differences were also non-synonymous, suggesting that there is no genetic difference between the different isolates. Additionally, the verb is being written in a knowledge structure with all verbs of the word previously chosen by the user being synonymous. A specific case of non-synonymous translation occurs when a translation equivalent does not belong to the same lexical category as the source word. Mediated realities are never synonymous with unmediated realities however, and architectural models are always but in different ways, abstract and partial. Conflicts, tensions, and polarities were to him synonymous with life. On the contrar y, we offer "privilege" not as synonymous with "constitutional solicitude," but as one of two modes of such solicitude. His name became synonymous with lack of pr inciple. The size of a set is the number of its elements (synonymous with cardinality). They were asked to judge which of the upper sentences was synonymous with the lower sentence. The bottom line indicates whether the polymorphism is intronic (i), replacement (r) or synonymous (s). Vast industrial microcosms, and the centralization of production they enabled, became increasingly synonymous with successful commercial enterprise. They are synonymous, for they denote the same thing. Poorly known genera or those judged to be so similar as to be almost synonymous with other genera were not included. The knowledge transformers described above are not synonymous with the machine learning methods that are used in machine learning systems. Surprisingly, the students also tended to resolve the synonymous anaphoric ties marginally more successfully than the repetition ties. Conservation of a living resource is often synonymous with preservation of its habitat, particularly for terrestrial biota. The e olution of synonymous codon usage where the difference in fitness between the homozygotes is 2s and h is the degree of dominance. A new method for estimating synonymous and nonsynonymous rates of nucleotide substitution considering the relative likelihood of nucleotide and codon changes. A method for estimating the numbers of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions per site. All of which serves to remind us that although the language of domesticity implied privacy, it was not necessarily synonymous with female seclusion and confinement. I found only a single instance of secgan, a synonymous word, beginning direct speech. The average number of synonymous sites among the sequences is 142 and the average number of replacement sites is 497. Simple methods for estimating the numbers of synonymous and nonsynonymous nucleotide substitutions. Six occur in introns, four are synonymous and one is a conservative replacement (serine-threonine). First, there was the implicit assumption that the origins and mode of mediation of a risk factor are synonymous. Men and masculinities are not necessarily synonymous : thoughts on organizational behavior and occupational sociology. Not only was this an important scientific discovery, but it has also become synonymous with the happiness scientific discovery can bring. Since (6) contains only indefinites, it is much more general than (5), so they couldn't be synonymous. Because argument structure constructions are not synonymous, in any discourse context some constructions will be more felicitous and others will be less felicitous. In the two tableaux, content and expression have become synonymous concepts. Static analysis of the expression e is then synonymous with the calculation, via an annotated-type inference algorithm, of its property annotations. In his statement, fertility reduction and family planning are not seen as synonymous with population, nor are they put forth as its solution. The nucleotide divergence is less than amino acid divergence in all cases, implying that there are few synonymous substitutions. Another characteristic, education, as a process of learning, is usually perceived to be synonymous with formally structured institutions such as schools. Most nucleotide substitutions were synonymous: no two sequences differed by more than four amino acid residues (tables 2 and 3). The notion of commitment appears synonymous with ' 'intention' ' as distinct from ' 'want/ desire' '. The 'welfare state' is treated as synonymous with state welfare, when the systems of social protection in many countries are not state-run. With temporal distance held statistically constant, the correlation between species distance and synonymous sequence distance was slightly lower and non-significant. The majority of nucleotide substitutions are, in this case, non-synonymous. The related term is (nearly) synonymous with the current term but the related term is preferred to the current term. The bold position numbers indicate that the substitution is non-synonymous. Here are some words which are not synonymous: ask/demand, child/infant, heel/ talon. The afferent arm is synonymous with t h e process by which the graft host becomes sensitised to the donor antigens in the transplant (allorecognition). He asks, too, that we employ an eighteenth-century framework for "critical" as synonymous with "judicious" and erudite (p. xviii). Following this set of definitions thus leads to wealth and net worth being synonymous at the national level. The notions of "organic" being and "organized" being became synonymous. The goals of law have never been synonymous with those of science. At the time of the spill, the depth of frozen ground was 0.76 m (2.5 ft), synonymous with the bottom of the composite silt layer. Because of the assignments of the genetic code, 75% of all point mutations result in a change in amino acid (non-synonymous nucleotide substitution). In the context of knowledge transformers, this is analogical transfer is synonymous with similarity comparison. Our historical argument rests on the way in which, as outlined above, the term 'music industry' has become synonymous with the recording industry. While these behavioural syndromes (' social withdrawal ', ' depressed behaviour ', ' thought disturbance ', ' anti-social behaviour ') overlapped with symptom-based syndromes they were not synonymous. Additionally, it takes as de-facto the construction of woman as the irrational other and in this way renders her synonymous with popular culture. As a first approximation, we could say that utterances such as these are synonymous with (12a)-(15a). Of course, the accepted lessons of history are not synonymous with history itself. Sequence-based genetic distance was significantly correlated with temporal distance only when synonymous changes (nucleotide changes not leading to amino acid changes) were considered separately. However, the strength of this association was higher when non-synonymous changes were considered separately than when synonymous changes were considered separately (r l 0n053). The same concept node in the world model can be used as a target onto which synonymous lexical items from multiple source languages are mapped. To dance has become synonymous with being free. The effect is that we do not allow 'aliases', that is, synonymous outer names. We emphasize there that robust is not synonymous with cautious. They are also taken to survive across synonymous expressions which belong to the same grammatical class and register level, hence to be non-detachable. In some literature sources, the attributes periodic and repeatable are considered synonymous. In this sense disposition and conduct become synonymous. Initial species divergence in abalone is in some way linked to selection for high amino acid altering (non-synonymous) nucleotide substitution. A civilization's pattern languages are often synonymous with its technical and cultural heritage. Thus, to the extent that headship is synonymous with source of percolation, we might define coordinate constituents as co-heads. Advancing an interpretation in terms of a bargain is not synonymous with advocating a harmonious view of federal-region relations. Where spouse and carer are seen as synonymous, what conflicts are at play ? Two short sentences were also constructed for each of these sentences, but only one had a meaning synonymous with the sentence meaning. Two short sentences were constructed for each stimulus, one synonymous with the first meaning and the other synonymous with the second. The results also show that the average rates of synonymous substitution per synonymous site are 3.38% - 1.32% (range, 0% to 19.5%; median, 3.5% - 1.5%). The paratactic sentence structure suggests that patriotism and romance are parallel but not synonymous. The effect cannot be fully explained by synonymous substitutions, because codons with the same third-position base but different codon doublets respond differently. In addition, tall buildings have become synonymous with the greatest excesses of energy expenditure - in both embodied construction and operation. Thus, performance activities were seen as synonymous with social integration, which in turn had benefits for students' subjective academic and emotional well-being. In above, overrun the line and run over the line are supposed to be synonymous. In bilingual speakers, the hard problem is extensive because virtually every concept is associated with synonymous lexical nodes. Second, healthcare is not synonymous with the management of medical data nor is it simply a commodity. The synthetic mode of thinking is closely associated with intuition and thinking in terms of images, and it is synonymous with implicitness and fuzziness. Architecture and design have become synonymous with consumerism - the more the building consumes or shows to consume, the better it is. False belief and theory of mind are not synonymous. With this declaration the man became synonymous with the status of the village itself. Experiment 2 employed a sorting test to elicit contextual similarities of the 65 synonymous nouns. If they thought both meanings were synonymous, then they were told to choose the meaning that would be the most likely used for the sentence. These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. |