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词汇 example_english_sympathetic

Examples of sympathetic

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Central administration of leptin inhibits food intake and activates the sympathetic nervous system in rhesus macaques.
Individual differences in the reactivities of sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the brain's autonomic centres should therefore also be relevant to the efficiency of socialization.
In contrast, architecture, at least to the sympathetic observer, is an activity that straddles and overcomes such divisions.
Circle illustrated his intense interest in and sympathetic feeling for abstract art, which was dominant throughout his life.
He had been sensitive to the echoing murmur of the mountains, that communicating of sounds destined to intoxicate sympathetic souls.
Each sympathetic candidate exercises its influence on the outcome through its respective sympathy constraint.
Top labor leaders did not want neutral administrators; rather, they desired administrators sympathetic to the unions.
Prior to the 1950s, conservation groups relied on sympathetic federal agency officials to secure scenic areas for preservation and to limit development.
The result, in this poor critic's mind, was confusion, difficulty of sympathetic identification with the performers, and cultural cognitive dissonance.
There are distinct, separately ranked sympathetic faithfulness constraints on these two correspondence relations.
In contrast, legitimate sympathetic candidates are at most singly opaque.
There is also an increase in sympathetic versus parasympathetic activity9 which predisposes to a greater degree of peripheral vasodilation.
As the lowest of the low, he elicited in his readers both the pleasures of schadenfreude and sympathetic pity.
Their commitment to democratic inclusion should make them sympathetic to the challenges faced by social movements.
Even sympathetic observers concede that the duration of the adjustment and its social costs were greater than expected.
I am sympathetic to such a notion of conceptual truth.
I think they are less sympathetic than they were a year ago.
Two or more different sympathetic candidates can then be active, even in a single tableau (see 7.1 for exemplification).
He allowed the white antagonist to be sympathetic at a certain point in the structure of the play.
The general feeling in the theatre was certainly very sympathetic to the interrupters.
She describes how people's attitudes and perceptions of the woman are changing and becoming more negative, less tolerant and less sympathetic.
Furthermore, we are sympathetic to their argument that it may be impossible or meaningless to study perception only in the absence of movement.
Second, intention attribution is crucial in learning to talk because, without sympathetic others, infant vocalizations make little sense.
The simultaneous and apparently sympathetic variations of certain species are shown by the tables.
History has shown that if emergency services are maintained throughout a strike, the public are often sympathetic to nursing strikes.
The former are the original sensations; the latter the reflected or sympathetic images of those sensations.
Foster is generally sympathetic to shepard's project, but he wishes to offer improvements.
Sympathetic blockade from epidural or spinal anaesthesia may lead to marked hypotension particularly if there has been inadequate intravenous -uid loading.
The presentation is sympathetic to the non-specialist reader, and it is made all the more valuable by a good index.
Litigation may have been an arena where widows could make allies of sympathetic men.
Procuring ration cards may be difficult unless the department concerned has staff sufficiently vigilant, efficient, dedicated and sympathetic to issue cards on request.
To the sympathetic this will be a step in the right direction; to the unsympathetic, the extension of a scandal.
Later in the diary, as his resentment toward the empire grows, he no longer refers to his fellow soldiers in such a sympathetic way.
The efferent limb comprises sympathetic nerves to the heart, vasculature and cardiac vagus nerve.
The suture effect in turn determines our own cinematic subjectivity, positioning us as sympathetic with the on-screen listening subject.
Finally, the authors argue that new buildings should be sympathetic to their local environment and culture.
Here he was long successful, until in 1989, facing a less sympathetic educational climate, he took early retirement.
Heterologous expression of receptors and signaling proteins in adult mammalian sympathetic neurons by microinjection.
The thematic chapters round out his picture of the king, which is on the whole a sympathetic portrait.
Recall from 3.1 that a language may designate more than one selector constraint, thereby choosing more than one sympathetic candidate in a tableau.
At the same time sympathetic manual retail workers joined the shop assistants.
Her strength is in her accounts of each woman, which are all equally sympathetic, attentive, and intelligent.
Sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation and circulating neurohormones also affect sinus node automaticity and conduction.
I believe that in this process of condensation we create an architecture that engages people more profoundly while also being more sympathetic to its environment.
Over time, an aggressive policy of promoting civil servants who were highly pliable or sympathetic to monetarist views implanted the new paradigm even more firmly.
However, this example is fraught with gender dilemmas that need the kind of rigorous analysis given to the heroic and sympathetic male characters.
In this passage, knowledge of sameness dissolves ethnic fear; that dissolution in turn gives rise to sympathetic energy.
He is sympathetic to the provision of public grants as "seed money" to challengers, but is doubtful that this can be enacted.
Subsequent outbursts of impatience and despair need to be considered alongside more hopeful and sympathetic remarks.
Female aggression involves less sympathetic arousal, is cerebral and primarily defensive, and is likely to be moderated by social context.
Another well-known example of neurohormonal processes modulating memory is sympathetic activity and the release of catecholamines.
In this section, respondents were also asked how ' responsive ' and ' sympathetic ' the company was to carers' needs.
All geologists should therefore be sympathetic to the efforts of the dedicated band of colleagues trying to revitalise public interest in our subject.
The author has produced a sophisticated assessment which is sympathetic but not sycophantic, critical on occasion but not iconoclastic.
The next is more sympathetic but his suggestions are unhelpful.
If the cleft is diagnosed postnatally for the ®rst time as around half will be, the initial shock for the parents requires sympathetic handling.
They may be helped, but only by sympathetic health professionals who take the issue seriously.
At one level this attunement is sympathetic, allowing for a cohesive performance revolving around sharing stocks of musical knowledge.
I am sympathetic to this argument - there seems little point in describing a representation as localist if it is never interpreted in a localist manner.
The presence of sympathetic cells has been reported as taking place at a much later stage in development.
However, this switch from vagal to sympathetic is at a great metabolic cost and shuts down the neural mechanisms that support social interactions.
Increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system to unfamiliar events correlated with high morning salivary cortisol levels in these children as well.
The same principle of morphogenesis has given rise to a genetic regulation of sympathetic intersubjective expressions and responses.
We are sympathetic with this approach, but are also concerned that our dynamic analyses do indeed make contact with the data of neurophysiology and neuroanatomy.
The dispassionate and sympathetic analysis of the past must in our submission be an indispensable part of our work.
In contrast, plasma norepinephrine, which is mainly derived from sympathetic nerve terminals, increases with advancing puber ty and rising testosterone levels among boys.
Finally, the 10 deviant children had a larger difference in temperature between the right and left index finger, suggesting greater sympathetic lability.
Related evidence for an interplay between intentional and stimulus-triggered processes comes from studies on sympathetic action, commonly called ideomotor phenomena.
Whatever this relationship may be - sympathetic action also suggests closer links between perception, action, and (tacit) intention than the classical frameworks assume.
Even those who are sympathetic to this approach can justly complain that it is terribly vague.
In many respects, we are very sympathetic to this approach.
We are fully sympathetic to the authors' plea for an integrated study of perception and action.
Interrupting the sympathetic outflow in casualgia and reflex sympathetic dystrophy.
Sympathetic innervation occurs from the thoracic sympathetic chain of the splanchnic nerves and recurrent sympathetic branches from the cervical plexus.
One is that they are concerned that other colleagues might be unsympathetic to the needs of residents even if they themselves are sympathetic.
Heart-rate response tests predominantly parasympathetic and blood pressure responses predominantly sympathetic autonomic function.
One consistent finding amongst those with normal or residual autonomic nervous function is that water-drinking causes sympathetic system activation.
They also note that considerations of symmetry favour extending to markedness constraints the privilege of selecting sympathetic candidates.
Though convergence between the sympathetic candidate and serialism's intermediate stage is usual with simple opaque interactions, it is not observed in situations of multiple opacity.
The exposition is always clear and the analysis informed, fair and sympathetic.
If the parasympathetic activity index shows stress and the sympathetic activity index shows stress, the stress in the subject is highest.
If the parasympathetic activity index shows relaxation and the sympathetic activity index shows relaxation, the stress in the subject is least.
To get the best help from the radio, try to find someone in it who might be sympathetic to your music.
Many eugenists remained sympathetic to the view that military training, as distinct from battle, had racial benefits.
On a larger scale, sympathetic partnership always mattered.
Both involve the administration of a beta-adrenergic antagonist, which eliminates sympathetic nervous system influences on heart rate.
What sympathetic readers should do about linguistic subordination, if they come to share her libertarianism, isn't easy to determine.
Such is the beneficial effect of reading again this intelligent and sympathetic book.
The sympathetic party feels pain at observing the suffering of others, and helps them in order to relieve his own pain.
The change in response to varying efferent sympathetic tone is much slower, occurring on a time scale up to 20 seconds.
The tone of the whole volume is sympathetic, reverent and even affectionate, yet this is not an uncritical piece of hagiography.
They found that reappraisal led to decreases in emotional expressiveness but not to increased sympathetic arousal.
I think it tends to make them a little more sympathetic toward my decision.
Shouldn't rural doctors, who made less money than their city counterparts, have been even more sympathetic to economic arguments?
The activation of the sympathetic nervous system appears to play a significant role in the regulation of tryptophan availability to the brain.
If the attempt had been couched in such terms, perhaps many critics might have ignored the resolution; others might even have been sympathetic.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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