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词汇 example_english_suspicious

Examples of suspicious

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
As the brewing and live music industries gradually came together, bands were always suspicious about the degree of control their patrons could obtain.
One story from that period captures how suspicious the profession was of these newfangled ideas.
Consequently, many participants became suspicious of the role the director played in the group.
Again, if the distribution of the non-masslike enhancement is suspicious, for example, focal nodular clumped, ductal or linear, biopsy would be prudent.
A suspicious count in the state census of 1875 should be anomalous compared to the federal census counts of both 1870 and 1880.
Partisan politics occasionally restricted movement by making a person's presence in certain public houses suspicious.
Poverty and transience were just the first of the family's suspicious traits.
In this environment, individuals became suspicious and extremely cautious in their dealings, even with their kin.
Because memoirs are often the unconscious defences of the author's ego, historians are suspicious of them.
They might be suspicious that their responses might be relayed to the security apparati of a society.
There is much evidence that people were suspicious of their neighbours and large numbers thought them untrustworthy (1998 : 181).
The presence of ductal enhancement warrants correlation with mammography to exclude suspicious calcifications and biopsy.
However, for every suspicious person hidden from public view a replacement arrived from the countryside.
If all prefixes undergo a certain process, it would seem suspicious that they all happen to end with the same ghost consonant underlyingly.
The other study [34] assessed 79 culture-negative cases classified by physicians as suspicious for meningococcal disease during a meningococcal vaccine field trial.
She was not merely an outsider: she was deeply suspicious of, and often hostile towards, insiders.
They were highly suspicious for malignancy, based on physical exam and ultrasound.
In many cases, the person under surveillance would notice the attentions of state secur ity and become suspicious of possible infor mers.
One might be suspicious that sample size was driving our results if models with larger samples sizes performed better.
The melancholic is inherently suspicious, as is the slothful when trying constantly to hide his laziness.
A considerable number of families were illiterate and became very suspicious when asked to sign the document after it was read to them.
To start, they had used the word 'gardien' (museum attendant) with suspicious frequency.
Probably most others, more suspicious at the beginning, became converts after the fact.
Also, they were suspicious of science and of application of statistics to individual cases.
Because of this, people were suspicious, and the book had been translated to prove that there was no reason to oppose women's speeches.
Others become suspicious at the first mention of a principal component.
However, the general recommendation is that all gross evidence of disease be removed, including any associated suspicious or documented cancerous calcifications.
Paleoanthropologists, and archaeologists in particular, are suspicious of such reliance, and prefer to invoke the actual context of development to help identify possible selective agents.
The right breast was characterized by very suspicious, irregular thickened tissue extending for several centimeters.
One ought to be suspicious of such explanations even where they seem to be superficially successful.
Workers also tended to be more suspicious of the regime's intentions.
The white employers were suspicious if not hostile to the tour.
Accordingly, we reason over instances data that do not conform to our data model and are considered to be suspicious.
I am rather suspicious ; but it is better to fail through conciliation than the contrary.
Grain producers and heavy industrialists, up to then suspicious adversaries, converged upon a common interest in protectionism.
Since for a large number of respondents we cannot observationally disentangle anchoring and regime preferences, causal inferences purely based on this item are highly suspicious.
A producer cannot risk maintaining high quality when faced with low quality wines that make consumers suspicious.
Then passports were to be handed over from the suspicious ship with long poles.
French ships and other unknown or suspicious ships were not to be allowed to enter the harbour or unload their cargo.
Recognition of suspicious lesions is essential in order to ensure appropriate referral and treatment.
Electoral rolls are computerised, and software was used to detect suspicious registration patterns that were then investigated and cases of multiple registrations eliminated.
While the various cases are carefully distinguished, the overall superfluity of devices is suspicious.
Knowing the secret eliminates the mystery - and this is a suspicious indicator that the logic of a mere secret is really investigative logic.
In the calm evening walk we see in the distance the suspicious looking bundle, and the mangled infant is within.
She does not supply ' evidence ', for she is suspicious of the focus on evidence, but rather looks for ' suggestions ' - the psychoanalyst's approach.
Most tropical ecologists are probably already suspicious of the established estimates for deforestation, if only because their derivation is often obscure.
Loyal servants know their place in the family; suspicious police ofcers cannot be trusted to do so.
While civilians suspected guerrillas of using accusations of treason to get rid of any political opponents, guerrillas were more suspicious of witchcraft claims.
All states must at all times be suspicious of the entrepreneur attempting to gain autocratic powers.
Peoples in these areas were often very suspicious of strangers.
The emotion-based approach to the sorts of questions that bioethics raises is, as one would suspect, hugely suspicious of moral theory.
At the very least, one might be suspicious of any such judgement.
The main point in the present connection is that there is no reason to be suspicious about the adjective data.
On this visit the suspicious lesion appeared to be in the same quadrant as the previous cancer.
At 30 months an irregular hypoechoeic suspicious mass with neo-vasculature appeared immediately adjacent to the necrotic zone.
The discrepancy is mostly caused by the fact that the majority of examinations of asymptomatic women do not show any suspicious enhancement at all.
Five per cent of the patients were classified as benign proliferative lesions, 1.5% as suspicious of invasion, and 3% as invasive [23].
On the right side, ultrasound revealed a suspicious, inhomogenous area.
I am, moreover, a little suspicious of that recent born-again liberalism which claims to have strong communitarian dimensions.
We know of the case of a patient who was given too many details about her condition and became suspicious and distrustful of her doctor.
As a result, two distinct and mutually suspicious cultures remain perceptible.
As a group, they were deeply suspicious of populism in all its forms.
Such links in the actor-network have, commentators argue, been important in establishing credibility in a setting where the mainstream has been unconvinced and suspicious.
Note that one should normally be suspicious of any factor defined by only two items.
There are two reasons why we might be suspicious of such an interpretation.
He wanted to restore discipline but was suspicious of the officers and needed the men to counterbalance their influence.
In the past composers have often been suspicious of the possible semantic ties between the sound and the world.
People are suspicious when the mukhabarat interfere and would rather not place themselves in a position in which they can become targets.
The audience and fans of each genre are often highly immobile in their tastes and often deeply suspicious - even resentful - of the opposing form.
Many people, of course, are suspicious of accounts like these.
Many were suspicious of the grading, often bestowed by neighbours.
There are quite a few reasons to be suspicious of such an account.
Even if some details of the account were suspicious, there might be some substance in it.
We did experiments with m = 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10, where m is the number of suspicious packages.
Moore, growing suspicious in 1983, circled that he did not consent to this.
He became very suspicious of statements that refer to totality and completeness and to the eternal and the immutable.
What we readers must learn, most importantly, is to be suspicious, skeptical of even the most venerable images.
The somewhat suspicious perfection of this hero might very well be an effect of the novel's narrative structure.
Remembering the schoolroom rule that like is a preposition and ax a conjunction, some users of the language are suspicious of like, over-correcting to a safer as.
From 87 patients for whom he had information about premorbid personality function, 35 had what he termed 'paranoid traits', in that they had been quarrelsome, sensitive, suspicious or generally hostile.
The last quarter century was characterised by rising unemployment, tighter budget constraints and a political climate increasingly suspicious of, or outright hostile to, the large-scale institutions of the welfare state.
Only one man had any suspicious signs.
Working-class voters were suspicious of its patrician, incurably middle-class image.
Having already been made suspicious, the reader may also hesitate at this assertion.
There are reasons to be suspicious of the responses obtained.
A married female leaving camp by herself would make others suspicious.
From the outset, some scholars have been highly suspicious of the use of numerical methods in literary studies.
There were no sign for intraglandular lump or suspicious axillary lymph node.
He was simple and straightforward in projecting his philosophy and was suspicious of those who used pretentious and high-powered language in, their dealings with teachers.
In organizing their sampling and inspection of effluents, however, field staff adopt a different approach, informed by the imperative to be suspicious.
Overall, they were seen as dangerous and suspicious.
I suspect there are already grounds for being suspicious of this argument.
The extremely small number of police fatalities and by contrast the large number of alleged traffickers has left many observers suspicious of foul play.
Sera with antibody titres of 128 or higher were regarded as positives ; those with 64 were regarded as suspicious.
The screened group is offered rectal biopsy in the case of any suspicious finding.
The interviewers reported that more than a few respondents were suspicious of our survey's motivations and were reluctant to answer politicallyoriented questions.
Lesions with any of the major features or three minor features are suspicious for melanoma and should be assessed by a specialist.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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