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词汇 example_english_suppress

Examples of suppress

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Inadequate resources appear to promote the dimensions of ' 'prioritization' ' while suppressing ' 'coercion' '.
One role is the gyroviscous cancellation which suppresses the violation of frozen-in condition due to the inertia term.
The matching process improves the input by amplifying the expected features in the bottom-up signal and suppressing irrelevant features.
Peripheral field stimulation suppresses flicker but not pattern detection in foveal targets.
The parents' views and proposed course of action are not only fully set out by the judge; they are manifestly suppressed too.
Only when familiar irony is used in a literally biasing context can its salient ironic interpretation be suppressed and discarded.
The efficacy of a controlled-release albendazole capsule in suppressing nematode burdens in sheep.
In the presence of others not expected to provide support of any sort, or when alone, facial expression of pain would tend to be suppressed.
Moreover, in doing so - in escaping or exposing its own 'strategies of containment' - narrative foregrounds that which it has, superficially, suppressed.
If anything, it appears that the influx has at least temporarily suppressed residents' willingness to participate in commodity or labour markets.
He identifies with his worst first-order desires and suppresses his better, motivated by hatred.
There is also an expression construct that suppresses algebraic simplification; this construct is used to make generated code more readable.
The resulting character formation has, understandably, profound problems with confronting suppressed self blame.
In other words, for her arguments qualify as suppressed only when they are syntactically as well as semantically present.
Any per turbation developed during the motion of the current sheath in the region of the first cascade will be suppressed by the deceleration mechanism.
The regression constant has been suppressed to allow comparison across all four periods.
A mutation in mouse rad51 results in an early embryonic lethal that is suppressed by a mutation in p53.
Hydrocortisone suppresses the chemiluminescent response of striped bass phagocytes.
The spurious oscillations in the distribution function can be suppressed by using a rational function.
Therefore, it can also be understood that the rotation frequency suppresses the group velocity.
In this study, we asked whether reactive astrogliosis can be suppressed in the lesion area by cell cycle inhibition, and thus have therapeutic benefits.
We conclude from present analysis that the effect of the increased magnetic field is useful in suppressing the growth of the ripple.
However, in present case increase in intensity suppresses the scattered power but increase in magnetic field enhances the scattered power as observed.
Experimental tests may include whether the smoothing is resulting in continuously low mirror reflection suppressing phase reflection.
However, for notational convenience, parameters controlling these instantaneous optimization decisions are suppressed.
In the case of the spectrogram, the cross-terms are maximally suppressed, and the autoterm resolution is the worst.
They have developed higher-level concepts, embracing and suppressing lower-level detail.
The dependence on p is suppressed until needed.
Nobody cares for 'ideological purity'; no works are banned or suppressed.
However, the editors' laudable effort to reconcile different findings are often at the expense of suppressing inherently conflicting perspectives.
In both cases the plasma emission was detected behind a 500 nm thick aluminium filter, suppressing low energy photons.
Therefore, it can no longer be suppressed by beam temperature.
Let us suppose, suppressing doubts, that this sort of action driven by the rational apprehension of rightness is achievable.
The logical subject of the verb is suppressed and the accusative object is promoted to the subject of the adjective.
Impersonalization, in contrast, is a valence-preserving operation that suppresses the syntactic realization of a subject.
In this way, much of the otherwise suppressed and deflected hostility between female affinal and kin relations is expressed through reciprocation and non-reciprocation in gham-khadi.
If the items are locally represented, then this can easily be achieved by suppressing the activation of the relevant node.
There is good evidence that both stimulus and task contexts affect activity by enhancing relevant and suppressing irrelevant activity.
Indeed, the numbers caught inside stables are correlated with the numbers caught outside, and we observed that both were highly suppressed after heavy rainfall.
The effort used in suppressing input from the environment pays off by allowing prediction, recollective memory, and language comprehension.
They went to war cheerfully, suppressing thoughts of family and home, and sought to achieve glory for the emperor or the nation on the battlefield.
Hence, we analytically confirm experimental predictions that surface superconductivity may be suppressed by coating a superconductor with a normal metal.
The buyer's role cannot therefore be easily suppressed.
The figure shows that, relative to saline treatment, naloxone consistently suppresses wheel running.
Simultaneously, the synthesis of red cell stimulating erythropoietin is suppressed by the elevated cytokines.
However, horizontal motion at the water surface is probably suppressed by surface contamination when the underlying circulation is weak.
We shall sometimes refer to a measure of maximal entropy as an equilibrium measure (suppressing the 0).
In the tests below, these terms are suppressed since they are usually negligibly small.
The third position, which was the one finally accepted, was that only the sale of beer and not its non-commercial use should be suppressed.
The language of rights can make visible what has too long been suppressed.
Although the children continued to deaspirate phonemes throughout the age groups described, aspiration was suppressed earlier.
In this paper a new method of suppressing chattering is presented.
Electoral corr uption suppressed the natural result, even adding to the apparent vote margin.
Nativism as an analytical concept suppresses this hybridity and imposes on that history a ctional homogeneity.
When closure annuls benefits commitments, the compositional effect is eliminated, so that aggregate employment is suppressed by much less than otherwise.
A specific feature noted in elderly patients is that the deficiency suppresses delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity.
Germination was suppressed at higher temperatures and in the presence of light.
Changes in calcium are significantly suppressed in cells treated with ryanodine or dantrolene.
The results demonstrate that during light-evoked responses, a rise in the intracellular calcium concentration produces rapid negative feedback, which suppresses the light-evoked current.
The remaining three cells (16%) showed responses during iontophoresis that fell between the control response and peripherally suppressed response.
In some cells responses to the final patterns were highly distorted, in some, suppressed, but in others, the responses were actually enhanced.
The luminance decrement sequence enhanced responses in some cells, but suppressed them in others.
They too are excited by motion from temporal to nasal, while their background firing rate is suppressed in response to naso-temporal motion.
We all k now that, by def inition, ref lexes involve per ipheral nerve pathways that are suppressed by higher brain centers.
The responses to or thogonal texels were generally suppressed, but in two configurations this suppression was reliably smaller near the border.
Military action suppressed the violence, but the accumulators of the later nineteenth century never regained their power.
In this study quantitative estimates are made of the rate at which tsetse re-invade areas from which they have been suppressed but not necessarily eradicated.
Adding maternal conversational style to this model increased overall variance explained to 48 % but suppressed the contribution of social participation.
In this case, the atomic potential well is completely suppressed and electrons immediately escape from the parent atom.
In the left hemisphere contextually inappropriate meanings are suppressed very early during processing and only meanings consistent with the message remain active.
Both volatile and water-soluble compounds have been implicated in suppressing seed germination60, although hydrolyzing brassica tissues is sufficient to remove volatile compounds.
The slow and steady release of isothiocyanates may keep soil concentrations at levels effective for suppressing pathogens and reducing seed germination.
As expected, larger suppresses the growth of the ablation front ripple more effectively.
The results of detailed analysis suggest that on account of neutral dynamics the growth of these instabilities is suppressed by a neutral perturbational effect.
The instability may be effectively suppressed by ion-channel guiding [5].
The large deviation in the total mass can be suppressed by using conservative interpolation schemes.
The radial derivatives in the temperature balance can be neglected, since the radial transport is suppressed by ambipolar diffusion.
A significant motive behind her love is a profound anxiety for the world, something that they have both suppressed in the practice of their love.
Thus, this constellation of effects predicts that suppressing glial activation at multiple different levels may improve clinical pain control and the safety of opioid use.
The results with foam mulch16 suggest that a thicker material that maintains its integrity throughout the season is highly effective at suppressing broadleaf weeds.
Systemic corticosteroids may however be necessary if the disease has not been fully suppressed or is extensive.
When a positive biasing potential is imposed, the width of the fir st peak greatly decreases, while the higher-frequency contribution is suppressed.
High interest rates squeeze demand for credit and raise the cost of private sector debt servicing, suppressing business expansion.
To reiterate, the theory of density dependence predicts that legitimation suppresses disbanding rates while competition increases disbanding rates.
The reduced frequency of impacts, and of related mass extinctions, would have allowed life the time to thrive, where it would otherwise have been suppressed.
A reasonable hypothesis for how tb1 represses organ growth would be that it suppresses cell division.
Morphine at 8 mg0kg suppressed cough and methylnaltrexone returned the cough response to control levels in a dose-dependent fashion without affecting analgesia.
The political violence and class conflict of the past had to be suppressed so as to assure the future.
Many details had become incomprehensible and were therefore suppressed, so as not to distract from the overall vision.
Not only that but a collective bargain is a method of suppressing individual differences between workers.
Also, this factor tends to be suppressed in the search for broad connections.
Many of these processes were suppressed over the period of the study.
When results are negative they are often suppressed and not reported for sound conceptual and theoretical reasons.
To reduce clutter, time subscripts are suppressed for the discussion of the model.
The notation will sometimes be suppressed, unless needed in the presentation.
The explicit dependence on time will be suppressed for the moment.
Therefore, it might be concluded that both mirid species may not be very effective in suppressing large aphid populations.
Presumably, then, during this relatively late post-lexical determination, the inappropriate though initially active other language meaning is suppressed.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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