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词汇 example_english_substrate

Examples of substrate

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Methanogens are generally found in anaerobic, reduced environments where substrates are either provided by other anaerobic microorganisms or from geological sources.
In the present experiment, the activity of serine proteinases was not detected in secretions even by using various fluorogenic synthetic substrates for serine proteinases.
Similarly, concentrations of lactate are higher within the caeca and colons of ruminants given feeds high in readily fermentable substrates, particularly grains [11, 14].
Stereospecificity is a crucial feature of biology that permits the highly selective recognition of substrates by their enzymes, and hormones and neurotransmitters by receptors.
Structural kinetics of the allosteric transition of aspartate transcarbamylase produced by physiological substrates.
A variety of substrates such as active metal surfaces, clay minerals or zeolites could act as surface catalysts.
The activities detected with all substrates used were decreased by treatment with cysteine proteinase inhibitors.
Thus, there are large problems in seeing natural substrates crystallographically.
The structure was consistent with a phosphatase, and this was confirmed by trying a variety of potential substrates.
Another important goal of the present study was to investigate possible neural substrates implicated in the decision-making cognition of manic and depressed patients.
The neurochemical substrates of light and ion therapy may overlap that of antidepressant drugs.
Their abundance is consistent with observations of calcareous substrates elsewhere in the world.
Proteolytic activities measured by spectrophotometric methods using chromogenic substrates were also detected in the extracts from whole cercariae.
The study stream is a high-gradient, second-order stream with a heterogeneous mix of organic and inorganic substrates.
Advances in biological control of fungal leaf pathogens through fermented organic substrates and microorganisms.
Photocatalytic oxidation of organic substrates requires an electron acceptor, light of the proper wavelength, and low concentrations of catalyst fouling agents or interfering radical scavengers.
The resulting channel bars will have provided more extensive areas of clastic substrates, which will have favoured the fern-pteridosperm complex.
The branches represent modulators of the enzymatic chain or provide alternative substrates for the chain.
The relative affinities of the enzymes for different phosphoinositide substrates are indicated.
Chondrites probably was made in slightly firmer, and dysoxic substrates below the oxygenated shallower layer.
The mechanisms of emotional contagion seem to share neural substrates common to the pain system.
Traditionally, the ability of bacteria to utilize certain substrates as carbon and energy sources are estimated under optimal growth conditions.
Studying the physiological substrates of learning and memory requires a proper transformation of these behavioral concepts into the language of physiology.
The orchids, attached to substrates, hang from the wires that support the palm-leaf roof.
They are broken down rapidly during the early stages of germination and may thus provide readily available energy and substrates to support growth.
Nevertheless, changes in hydrolase substrates and their relationship with endosperm mechanical properties remain to be elucidated.
If made by the same enzyme, product accumulation may be reduced due to competition between substrates.
The levels of elephant utilization and tree pushing were also determined for the four main geological substrates, basalt, granite, rhyolite and gabbros.
More recordings from large substrates are needed to confirm this.
Rare species also utilized decay stages as expected from availability of substrates.
Members of this growth form fall into recognized subgroups distinguished b y d egree o f fidelity to aerial versus t errestrial substrates.
No effort was made to compare ecophysiological performance among plants distinguished by requirements for rock or bark as substrates.
Adding to "the enigma of soil animal diversity": fungal feeders and saprophagous soil invertebrates prefer similar food substrates.
Experiment 1 was conducted to determine which energy substrates, as a single source, would support embryo development.
We also discuss the anatomical substrates of gain control from beyond the classical receptive field.
The first step is to determine whether the biological substrates for this task are primarily retinal or cor tical.
Using variations of the nature and concentration of the substrates provided, signals obtained by 2-photon-imaging correlated well with the biochemical analysis.
306 colonize fresh substrates, thus propagating their elaborate way of life.
The numbers of creeping cercariae that crossed or returned at the border lines between test and control substrates were recorded.
Accordingly, it appears that riparian deforestation was responsible for increased fine sediment input, resulting in more sandy substrates in the secondary-forest reaches.
In this study we compared solid and flexible, two-dimensional substrates with collagen gels, brain slices and intact brains.
High concentrations of toxic substrates, dissolved in the organic phase, partition to cells in the aqueous phase based on the cellular metabolic demand.
The performance of electronic devices often depends strongly on the compositional homogeneity of the substrates upon which they are fabricated.
1107 their biological substrates among developmental samples may provide insights into mechanisms of multifinality through which at-risk individuals reach different pathological and nonpathological outcomes.
Several epibiotic, or fouling, organisms use cockle shells as attachment substrates and even compete for space in areas where they are abundant.
The diversity of substrates utilized by the aerobic and anaerobic populations further increased at the 24 h sampling point to above 1.5 and then stabilized.
The efficiency of hobo encoded transposase was comparable for both substrates.
The substrates of the defective enzymes accumulate i n the lysosomes, leading to pathology.
However, the phosphorylation o f some downstream targets occurs in a phosphoinositide-dependent manner through modificati on of its substrates.
The rhizosphere of transplanted plants or the substrates in which they are raised may also be a source of infection.
Despite such examples, inclusion of biological processes in prevention research lags well behind recent advances in our understanding of the neurobiological substrates of psychopathology.
Taking clinical similarities as a criterion to infer relationships among common pathophysiological substrates is rather promising.
Total dissociation between "state- and trait markers" with regard to their respective pathophysiological substrates subsequently cannot be excluded.
Two features related to development in chimpanzees and humans differ in profound ways that are important for formulating hypotheses regarding the prelinguistic substrates of language.
The activity blot analyses indicated that at least some of these activities contributed to the hydrolysis of trypsin and chymotrypsin substrates.
In the case of the amino acids and sugar phosphates, at certain times of biofilm growth, all of the available substrates were utilized.
Recent data support many aspects of the model, and we can start to be more specific about the neural substrates of emotional perception-action processes.
Distilled water was added to substrates, as required, to standardize moisture content of the substrates.
Owing to the different densities of the substrates, the required quantities were measured volumetrically.
With the emergence of cellular life, the concentration of the required substrates for replication could be very efficiently controlled.
Determination of the force exerted by locomoting cells on elastic substrates.
Compared to the reaction between model substrates in solution, the reaction on the ribosome is accelerated y107-fold.
I interpret these effects on arteriolar diameter as a permissive/supportive role that provides neurons with adequate substrates for their increased energy metabolism.
The substrates were given a code which was unknown to the experimenters.
Finally, the results of some simple choice chamber experiments showed that bugs avoided wet substrates.
Percentages emphasized in bold and those underlined are the species with the highest survival rates, and the preferred substrates for each species, respectively.
The rate of refolding of these substrates, however, was slower than that of a wild-type cis reaction, reflecting the apparent benefits to cis folding.
The neural substrates of affective processing in depressed patients treated with venlafaxine.
Lichens on rock substrates : observation of the biomineralization processes.
We are studying microbes in hydrothermal environments that obtain metabolic energy from mineral substrates, particularly metal sulfides.
The pattern of cysteine proteinase activities towards the above five substrates was examined in the incubation solutions for 1 h (fig. 3).
The neural substrates underlying word generation : a bilingual functional-imaging study.
The gels were copolymerized with substrates - 0.002 % hyaluronic acid or 0.1 % gelatin.
The well was then replaced with medium containing appropriate concentrations of substrates mentioned above.
In this way, we hoped to define the morphological substrates of ventricular dysfunction, as determined from cineangiographic data obtained during the life of the patients.
Atrioventricular groove substrates were confirmed in the other 2 patients by electrophysiologic data obtained during catheter ablation.
In addition, the preference for thrombolitic over stromatolitic substrates suggests further palaeoecological control on their distribution.
Experiments were therefore designed to examine the relationship between the provision of exogenous energy substrates and blastocoele fluid accumulation.
In the absence of the energy substrates pyruvate, glucose and lactate, the number of blastocysts developing from morulae was reduced.
Of course, no stored seed is completely dry, and enzymes in intimate contact with their substrates frequently function at very low water activity.
At low moisture contents water is tightly bound on to macromolecular structures, thus decreasing molecular mobility and accessibility of enzymes to their substrates.
Culture media must contain appropriate energy substrates to effectively support embryo development.
Two categories of enzymes control the phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated forms of protein substrates: protein kinases and protein phosphatases.
The possible substrates of proteasome in and around the pronucleus and their significance remain to be determined in further studies.
We have seen how vortices contribute to the overall colony structure by leading the expansion over extremely hard substrates.
Attribute-based neural substrates in temporal cortex for perceiving and knowing about objects.
Such approaches might involve pharmacological interventions to manipulate the biological substrates of aggression, or lead to hypotheses that influence the content of psychotherapy.
Addition of oxidation substrates resulted in some desensitization of both systems.
Enzyme activities were corrected for spontaneous hydrolysis of the substrates.
Many papers also attempt to link psychological functions to their neurophysiological substrates.
Much to our surprise, preliminary studies indicated that coating of steel surfaces with fish extracts - instead of laboratory substrates - reduced rather than increased bacterial adhesion.
Empirical assessment instruments carry no assumptions about biological substrates, environmental influences, or etiological origins of a given behavioral profile.
Because positive affect has neurobiological features, understanding the neural substrates of reward seeking and reward processing is essential to understanding positive affect.
Similar consequences are just beginning to be elucidated for the effects of environmental deprivation on neural substrates important to the development of affective behavior.
A micromanipulation technique has been developed which characterizes the adhesive strengths of biofilms and biomass to substrates.
At the same time, radial solute concentration fields are computed by solving the diffusion-reaction mass balances for the relevant soluble substrates in pseudo steady state.
All assays were carried out in triplicate and blanks were used to account for spontaneous breakdown of substrates.
However, it remains unclear how many properties of such models relate to biological substrates and their developmental processes.
By understanding the substrates of these processes, therefore, we may better understand not only the interesting phenomenon of conscious will, but mechanisms of self-regulation.
Recent neural models clarify why imagery exists, as well as some of its mechanistic substrates as part of a larger theory of vision and cognition.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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