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词汇 example_english_substitute

Examples of substitute

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
As a consequence, these variables can in fact be substituted out, although for reasons of clarity we shall not do so here.
However, the effect of substituting answers is that unevaluated arguments in the environment of closures are duplicated.
Consequently, substituted or newly coined terms may acquire meanings that were not intended by their instigators.
Moreover, not only was the coinage substituted, the whole class system and economic life underwent a total transformation.
Perhaps the weakness of this view can be made clearer simply by substituting concrete historical terms for abstract labels.
From here the idea to decrease the deadweight losses, substituting environmental tax revenues for labor taxes revenues inducing the so-called 'revenue recycling effect'.
The analytical procedure has involved substituting simplified indices for discrete measures of these perceptions.
Expert systems originated in the 1970s as computer programs capable of imitating human experts and even substituting them when necessary.
In essence, the new welfare puts the onus of responsibility on recipients rather than government and substitutes an 'obligation' for an 'entitlement' form of provision.
Other reports made similar assertions, but substituted snakes, 'seven to eight feet in length', for the beetles.
Then, the so-obtained values of the integration constants are substituted back into the integrated equations.
The expressions (6.2) are substituted into (5.6) and (5.8) which are then linearized with respect to the constants marked with a tilde.
However, theory requires exact solutions that can be substituted into new theories.
Thus, the intertemporal substitutability in consumption of the second good "undoes" the effect of the indivisibility by substituting percentages in time for probabilities.
Users of text search engines use various strategies for refinement including substituting broader and narrower terms to increase or decrease the number of hits, respectively.
Ionic conductance changes in lobster axon membranes when lanthanum is substituted for calcium.
However, this relationship did not emerge when we substituted the intercepts from the perceived consequences model.
Therefore, there are strong reasons to believe that substitutes should be included in the sample.
In fact, when a component of the transmission system is substituted, the proposed articulated finger mechanism can perform a different motion.
By substituting (8) into (9) and setting m=0 the variation of abundance with age becomes equation (5).
The elements of this tensor can be substituted directly into the eigenvalue problem for general coordinate systems written in covariant notation.
We have obtained this equation by substituting into (3.8) the expression (5.2) and by integrating along a field line.
Missing data for height were substituted by mean values for that group.
In the above, x and f are not variables standing for hypothetical values that may be substituted with actual terms.
In the present translation the term 'enterable' has been substituted for 'accessible'.
The fundamental frequency can be substituted for the pitch when the mapping sensitivity is not too great.
In their benchmark experiment, the value of is assumed to be 0.5 (the case of substitutes).
Many of the other individual needs of residents seem to have been erased and substituted by the value attached to physical and social order.
In these cases, an average of the ratings for the completed items was calculated ; and the averaged value was substituted for the missing responses.
In this case, therefore, the word is substituted by an underspecified phonological representation.
If suitable trees could not be located within the plot, trees immediately adjacent to the plot were substituted.
I have shown, for instance, that there are examples of one deity substituting for another, and others in which two figures may be conflated.
We do not see much advantage in substituting parameters requiring more assumptions and less specificity at this point.
Physics does not copy perceptual properties, but rather substitutes them with physical entities.
Consonant substitution errors were examined further in terms of the relationship between articulatory features of the substituted and input phonemes.
Such substitutions may involve a strong formal component, as the two substituting sequences have many segments in common.
Roughly, substituted judgment tells us that decisions should be made on the basis of what an individual would want.
By substituting health professionals from other clinical areas to cover the hospital's essential services, patient welfare may be minimally safeguarded, at least temporarily.
Note as well that the preseverate always substitutes for some segment / for: perseverate.
A later adapter developed this version further, substituting a different ch.
Therefore, substituting primary resin with secondary resin can in theory reduce costs while still meeting final demand.
The net ecological and environmental benefits of eco-forestry, where it substitutes for industrial logging, will vary from site to site.
Given this range of influences, we include measures of household wealth among the determinants of travel costs, fuel substitutes, and forest fuelwood collection.
They also respond to the labor market effects of employment creation in the industrial sector by substituting herbicides for increasingly expensive weeding labor.
As fuel reserves are drawn down, the only substitutes will be those emanating from backstop technologies.
In particular, labor markets may not function well, since family and hired labor are unlikely to be perfect substitutes.
Also, the composition of domestic demand is hardly disturbed when increased investment demand is substituted for public demand.
To improve environmental performance, the other option suggested by the author is substituting other low carbon fuels for coal or using washed coal.
The very fact that the dependent in descriptive genitives can be ellipted or be substituted by one shows that these genitives are phrasal in nature.
Although substitutes for finalize can be found among complete, conclude, make final, and put into final form, none of these is an exact synonym.
Expansions (6.3) and (6.4) can be substituted into (3.1) to reconstitute the unsteady non-axisymmetric velocity and pressure fields.
The fourth chromosomes of the lines were substituted with a chromosome containing spapol to control against contamination.
Missing sensitivity scores were generated by substituting values derived from a regression equation in which sensitivity was regressed on the global sensitivity ratings.
The borrower worked for the lender, or substituted someone to work in his or her place, in lieu of paying interest on the loan.
If a better subdesign plan is found, then it substitutes the old one in the proposed design plan.
In years of some difficulty, probably all the wheat harvested would be sold and barley substituted in the diet for the wheat ration normally consumed.
An enantiomer is one of the mirror image structures that exist for every molecule with an asymmetrically substituted (or chiral) carbon centre.
Three children (two three-year-olds and one four-year-old) consistently substituted singleton onsets for onset clusters, and four others (three three-year-olds and one four-year-old) occasionally did.
Interaction with persons outside the thirty-two is ignored, and substitutes are not admitted into the group as result of deaths.
Intensive cultivation also required a certain amount of capital that could not be substituted by labour, putting small farms at a disadvantage.
Moreover, "progress" and "modernity" substituted for the lost teleological or eschatological perspective of the future.
By substituting of these partial velocities in equation (1), and using the numerical values of forces we can reach the desired equations.
I consider the case where leisure and consumption are gross substitutes and therefore assume the following.
Usually, the terms "numerous" or "several" landowners are substituted for numbers.
If 1/ is infinite, however, the goods produced by different firms are perfect substitutes and therefore homogeneous.
If equation (3) is substituted into equation (2), one obtains (1).
In cases where year 2000 data were not available, adjusted data from the most current available year was substituted.
In trading zone practice constraints cannot exist eternally because they are constantly modified or substituted by new constraints during the development of local coordination.
By substituting "woman" for "mass" or "material" in this passage, the textual analogy between aesthetic sculptural form and the politics of gender formation becomes clear.
Since substituting formulas in rule bodies by equivalent formulas preserves the operator, this operation is equivalence preserving.
Also, substituting a formula for an equivalent formula in a rule body is not in general equivalence preserving.
In each census, we substituted seeds cleaned and removed by intact ones.
The finding is substantively identical if one substitutes the median and interquartile range for the mean score plus or minus one standard deviation.
The design parameters can be substituted directly into the four hyperplane equations.
The appropriate probability distributions with specific set of arguments were substituted for the single values in the cells with uncertainty (input cells).
The volume of medium substituted for each follicle cultured under oil was too small to measure the estradiol concentration individually.
Second, his argument occasionally substitutes rhetoric for logic.
Finally, farmers began to grow medicinal herbs substituting drugs that in the past were collected in the wild.
As a control, normal rabbit serum was substituted for the primary antibody.
The anthropological perspective does not refamiliarize the strange but rather increases it, substituting synchronic re-creation for diachronic retrospection.
The frozen specimens are then freeze substituted, a process by which they are dehydrated in organic solvent while still frozen.
The reports state clearly that grown-up children were substitutes for servants, as we also hypothesized in the theoretical section above.
Narrative admits the impossibility of action and substitutes a yearning desire; narrative directs that desire to the reciprocal understanding of its audience.
The effort toward rigor substitutes correct reasonings and results for incorrect ones, but it offers other rewards too.
A comparison of the data above reveals that the negative element nai can encode scope syntactically if nai-de iru can be substituted for it.
Such types of relationship can either be substituted by each other or combined with other formal or informal social ties.
The substitutes have eliminated workers' exposure to methylene chloride.
Their only public actions were as women of a family substituting for a man, most often for its head.
Rewards of a more subtle kind thus have to be substituted.
To many pacifists, the conscientious objectors appeared to be substituting self-righteousness for any coherent thinking about the likely consequences of their actions.
As a physical trace of the organization, an official report operates like synecdoche, substituting the part for the whole.
Therefore, they are substituted by the product concept instance.
The solution for was substituted back into the solution structure and visualized.
He substituted fantasy for knowledge, and faith for logic.
Experiment 2 tested familiar three-step event sequences in which a placeholder object was substituted for the second step in half the events.
By assuming that the agricultural good and the manufactured good are perfect substitutes in consumption the results can change.
In this example, a client could be substituted for the client without a notable change in meaning.
The same is true when several goods are being affected by the transition shock, provided these goods are substitutes and income effects are small.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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