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词汇 example_english_stature

Examples of stature

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
How early in ontogeny do species of different adult statures differ in diameter-height or diameter-crown size relationships?
The frequency distribution of mature tree heights for trees with the largeand small-winged diaspores are skewed into high and low statures, respectively.
Also, by definition, species of different adult statures have different sizes as mature trees.
She begins by reminding the lady that high social position demands a respectively high moral stature.
Men of this stature were onset by others whose status, if not questionable, shows that the meaning of yeoman was passing through a transitional stage.
The other is the popular appeal and stature of the president.
Both pretenders grow in stature in the course of their play.
Three studies to date have reported data on stature in autism.
Through all of these, the general population is exposed to persons of stature for whom mental illness is a fact of life.
The pattern of growth delay was consistent with psychosocial short stature or a delay in linear growth because of chronic psychosocial stress.
The wife was of small stature and everything about her was modest.
Evidence on stature may be available for time periods when conventional economic indices are not.
He was tall of stature, though aged, and although lean, so noble of countenance and visage that he was a marvel to behold.
The first, comprising women born between 1920 and 1935, showed no secular decline in menarcheal age and no significant change in stature.
The relationship between stature and age-appropriate grade was less marked in higher grades, a failing consistent with a higher drop-out rate for stunted children.
Because the goals for our studies differed, the two data sets were not distributed evenly across the different categories of regeneration requirement and adult stature.
On the basis of this analysis there is, therefore, no evidence for assortative marriage for stature in the higher classes.
Minor degrees of shortening of the limbs and abnormalities in stature may be missed unless looked for carefully.
Another example of polygenic inheritance with continuous variation is stature, though here the degree of heritability is only about 80%.
The second group, women born between 1935 and 1949, showed a marked decline in menarcheal age, with again no significant change in stature.
The work's stature only became apparent after it was recorded.
Low forest was found to contain over four times the weight of liana leaves as high stature.
Total aboveground biomass was found to be three times higher in high stature forest than in low.
If common-sense moral rules are generally taken to be valid, what is the utilitarian to do when there are conflicting opinions each claiming that stature?
The reported magnitude of differences between regeneration requirement and adult stature categories was corrected for differences in investigator.
Maximum height is a measure of adult stature.
Architecture of 53 rain forest tree species differing in adult stature and shade tolerance.
Species with tall adult stature have more slender stems with larger crowns compared with treelet and mid-canopy species starting at 5 cm dbh.
During the last twenty-five years, historians have devoted an increasing amount of attention to the investigation of changes in human stature and rates of growth.
Grow up includes the notion of increased stature, involving more than just growing, but the sense of direction is vague.
All children had developmental delays in psychomotor abilities and short stature.
However, other commentators have questioned the view that shortness of stature represents a shortfall in health.
He is the last ruler of any stature.
Thirdly, the criticism of stature measurements is that both observers and techniques would vary with time.
The trends in stature suggest that the living standards of the labouring classes gradually deteriorated from the 1870s.
Although the field cannot progress to greater historical knowledge and deeper understanding without access to archival documents, publishing such material is currendy accorded little stature.
Nevertheless, these data indicate that smaller stature is not generally a pre-morbid phenomenon in individuals with bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder or schizophrenia.
If they need not, it is just false that different world entails different moral stature.
They concede great power to a leader because they believe his or her innate stature is superior to that of the subjects.
The continuous variable for adult stature was maximum height as determined from the allometry data set.
There were no significant interaction terms between adult stature and regeneration requirement in the analysis of variance for any of the allometry variables.
The 7 and 15 y stands are composed of young, usually non-reproductive trees, in addition to shrubs and other low-stature plants.
The bristly species had lower stature than the others.
We felt so not because of his stature in terms of his publications or funding level, or because of the prestige of his laboratory.
Total stand-level biomass was estimated as the weighted average of the stature classes.
Tree architecture in relation to leaf dimensions and tree stature in temperate and tropical rain forests.
The soloists who sing the verses of each piece are of professional stature.
He accepted the proposition that the biggest corporations had, for the most part, achieved their stature through efficient competition.
When medicine gets as deep into commerce as it is today, its very moral stature is submerged.
The results indicate that growth dysregulation in autism is not specific to the brain but also involves growth in stature.
Variable other features include intrauterine death, congenital respiratory distress, short stature, ptosis, faciocranial dysmorphism, low-set ears, arachnodactyly, and cryptorchidism in males.
One third had significant learning disability, renal malfomation and short stature respectively, 28% of those where parents were examined proved to have an inherited deletion.
The question is whether this difference is associated with differences from the population averages of menarcheal age and stature.
Finally, it seemed of interest to examine the relationship between adult stature and age at menarche.
A candidate's prospects increasingly depend on the stature of their leader.
In becoming conscious of the power of her love, she matures and grows in stature.
In terms of stature there was no significant change for cohorts born in the early part of the twentieth century until the 1930s.
The rate of increase in stature due to an improvement in living standards has changed over time.
Around 1900, opera singers frequently included in their recitals songs which would be unlikely to be performed by artists of similar stature today.
The study area was delineated into three different biophysical zones according to geological substrate, soil type and forest stature.
Assumptions like a direct and positive correlation between adult stature/canopy position, mechanical stability and shade intolerance may be a confounding factor.
They were directed by scholars of great stature.
Figure 3 summarizes the allometry, growth rates and surrounding canopy heights through ontogeny for different combinations of regeneration requirement and adult stature.
Significant effects of adult stature and regeneration requirement on allometry were determined in two ways.
The results may be more consistent because adult stature is more easily quantified.
His strong personality and authoritative stature within the movement had been a unifying factor.
Large in stature and salty of speech, his physical presence and personality made for a hard controversialist and a vigorous reformer.
However, such designations in a man of exceptional stature must be seen in relation to the new identity emerging in his time.
Rainfall is higher in the south, forests are dense and of greater stature, and there is significant topographic relief.
Second, it connected the theatre to rich narrative and lyric traditions, enhancing its literary stature and pleasurability.
Moreover, theorists still accorded the strict style an august stature as the representative of the church.
Poverty may have operated through lack of personal hygiene and thence through disease to affect stature.
From the cello's diminutive size we can conclude that its prospective owner was of small stature.
The major trait governing plant stature is plant height (culm length).
We are told that ' military success gave him public stature ' (p. 271), but exactly how, when, and why did military success translate into political influence ?
Not surprisingly, journalists who considered themselves the rightful mediators between politicians and the public were peeved by this challenge to their stature.
However, the short stature was thought to be caused by an imprinted locus.
While age at menarche seems a reasonably sensitive indicator of child welfare, adult stature is not.
They made the debate public and extraconciliar and enhanced the project's profile, stature, and authority via print.
In particular, physical attributes (obesity and short stature), which are strong predictors of marriage rates, reveal little association with separation and divorce.
Further, because the stature of elfin forests i s l ower, fi res can more easily ascend into the forest canopy.
On average, liana abundance was inversely correlated with forest stature.
In low stature forest lianas accounted for 30% of the above-ground live biomass whereas this value was only 3% in high stature forest.
Of these rare species, only one was found in high stature forest.
Analyses of local patterns within forests were restricted to tree species with an adult stature of 10 cm dbh.
Our study, involving four tree species, suggested that it is not possible adequately to predict allometric relationships only by adult stature/canopy position.
They dreamed of the stature and profits that accompanied the production of fine white paper.
Quantitative data were obtained for 336 species in 100 plots which contained a series of nested subplots to sample smaller-stature plants.
The majority of studies also reported an effect of adult stature on crown size.
Although mopane saplings have ability to resprout after disturbance, fire may convert mopane of high stature into scrub mopane.
In 130 ha of surveyed forest, forest stature classes were found in the following proportions: gap phase 8%; low stature 31%; medium stature 44%; and high stature 17%.
Species of different stature, by definition, have different heights as mature trees, but at earlier stages of ontogeny, tall and subcanopy species do not necessarily have different diameter-height relationships.
Plasticity in leaf traits of 38 tropical tree species in response to light; relationships with light demand and adult stature.
There was a trend of growing disparity between the two samples : the upper classes were becoming taller while the average stature of the labouring classes was declining or stagnating.
Obesity and stature in adolescence and earnings in young adulthood.
By comparing only invalidation and validation, they may fail to consider nonvalidation as a possible way to achieve normative stature while avoiding state intrusion into private life.
The removal of the relatively low-stature vegetation in the north would have had less impact on runoff, the northern lakes are located in a relatively flat area.
In particular, it is civil discourse designed to enhance the public stature and private self-esteem of the addressee without compromising the writer's own sense of self and worth.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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