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词汇 example_english_spread

Examples of spread

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Second, non-mobilized items receive spreading activation during mobilization.
In addition, it was expected that experimental subjects would allocate less time to non-mobilized same-category items as a result of spreading activation during mobilization.
Are we to protect them from the social effects of spreading industry about the countryside?
Today there are other causes for a decline but when it happens unemployment spreads in the same way, from one industry to another.
In fact, this was a time that religion formalized new doctrines and rites, its dynamism spreading its influence far and wide.
Hence, there should be bi-directional activation spreading from concepts to lemmas (in production) and from lemmas to concepts (in perception), that is, full feedback.
The structure of their model is that of a network displaying the characteristics of both spreading activation and lateral inhibition.
Raised variants of / / are apparently spreading in a linguistically ordered way, with" long" environments affected first.
In adult plants the infection generally spreads slowly, but to such an extent that they can eventually die.
The group would visit each member's farm and do whatever work needed to be done: threshing, spreading manure and planting.
In their zeal to protect the city against the new outbreak, the authorities targeted the unsanitary subjects they suspected of spreading the disease.
The mesoderm spreads laterally and anteriorly between the epiblast and visceral endoderm to form a complete intermediate layer in the embryonic region.
Probably these two phenomena are not qualitatively different, but flooding is much more drastic than spreading and it is convenient to have separate terms.
The mathematical content of the two identities that we shall now derive is that spreading is the adjoint of interpolation.
In this model, maintenance of activated representations is achieved by two parameters of spreading activation, its strength and its duration.
Light-scattering changes accompanying spreading depression in isolated retina.
Annual surveillance summaries of animal rabies also suggest a persistent elevation in rabid cats following in the wake of the spreading raccoon epizootic.
Finally, asymmetrical participation may arise precisely because a majority tries to maximize its power by spreading itself over more legislative terrain than the minority.
Exclusively horizontal energy [...] spreading ever outward without limit.
Protectionist fallacies had all been exposed, enlightenment was spreading, and landlords' resistance simply encouraged the build-up of more pressure for revenge.
The beam moves in a strong guiding magnetic field and has large energy and angle spreads after it passes through a generator.
However, in both numerical and laboratory experiments, the phenomenon of buoyancy spreading due to localized baroclinic vortices is clearly observed.
Light spreading across fibres is minimized by inserting ' dark ' absorbing fibres (called extra-mural absorbers), which restrict optical cross-talk between pixels.
Isolation of the affected animals, local treatment with antiseptics and fly control appeared to prevent the disease from spreading to other animals in the herds.
By the 1970s the idea that socialist revolution might have been avoided was spreading and the hopes of liberals were being talked up.
By spreading the angular momentum over a large region, a constant au/ay is reached within the turbulent fluid.
The range of automatic spreading activation in word priming.
The spreading solution was removed and replaced until all the zona and cytoplasm were dissolved.
Elicitation of retinal spreading depression by barium ions.
A body of recent work has argued that apparent long-distance feature spreading between consonants does not actually skip intervening segments.
As a result, serotypes tend to cluster within families, spreading especially in situations of upper respiratory infections and crowding [15].
Fronting of vowels by coronals can then be analysed as spreading [coronal] from consonant to vowel.
Consequently, producers may be able to produce at lower costs by spreading fixed costs over greater acreage.
Metric characteristics (absolute and relative length and cetromeric index) were calculated from measurements of ten best spreads.
As a result of these works, it has been obtained that a shock wave spreading through a turbulized layer leads to turbulent mixing intensification.
Clinical symptoms progress rapidly and neurological impairment increases as the virus spreads through the central nervous system.
Our results suggested a nerve damage signaling that spreads in the nervous system to induce expression of the critical p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase.
The extension of the may to these dispersed realms and time periods risks spreading the model too far.
After the temperature reaches high values, it starts penetrating to the chamber, where large thermo-conductivity efficiently spreads it over the whole volume.
The burn then spreads through the fuel, releasing the fusion energy.
There was even some evidence of a 'wave of darkening' spreading from the waning polar cap towards the equator.
Human beings perceive experiential space as heterogeneous, spreading outward from their bodies, and ordered by the principles of de-severance and directionality.
He thought he could assist in spreading free trade opinion there.
Interest in the subject spreads well beyond the discipline of history.
We speculate that norovirus was spreading symptomatically and asymptomatically among the bakery employees, resulting in contamination of wedding cakes.
In this view, discourse works as a virus that spreads and 'infects' the behaviour of the organisational or state unit.
Note that this analysis is in line with autosegmental accounts which do not allow spreading across other tone features.
A novel constraint is proposed that combines the properties of two current non-alignment-based approaches to spreading.
Here, we would assume that the feature [a high tone] spreads to empty lexical tonal nodes, as shown in (17b).
Let us suppose that the nasal agreement results from [jnasal] spreading from a segment in the base.
Everyone in the world is spreading rumours to get him evicted.
Note that the law of spreading, in particular, is easy to check in the tree representation.
Also, credit conditions can affect interest-rate spreads by changing long-term rates more than short-term rates.
If the idea catches on, it can be said to propagate itself, spreading from brain to brain.
Supralocalization, that is, spreading of a local linguistic item to larger areas, dialect hopping, and dialect contact involving accommodation are at issue here.
Meiotic cells at the stage of diplotene-diakinesis were found sporadically and spreads of 6 bivalents within primary oocytes were seldom observed.
Functions comprise not only formally assigned tasks but also informal roles, such as spreading enthusiasm, providing critical feedback, and mediating between different viewpoints.
With this distribution, the fast electron current density spreads strongly when electrons penetrate the target, resulting in a lower current density and field generation.
The disease subsequently spreads from the limbic stage to the neocortex.
Speculatively, it is possible that this sub-optimal network hinders the semantic activation spreading in the normal fashion.
Influence of sea floor spreading on the global hydrothermal vent fauna.
His fame, he says, is spreading 'fast' by way of word of mouth.
In peach growing areas, increases in resistance levels could therefore result from advantageous genes spreading through a panmictic population and clonal expansion.
By the spreading model theory the latter contains an asymptotically unconditional subsequence.
Likewise, the difficulty in obtaining high quality micronutrient fertilizers and spreading them evenly on the soil can be prohibitive.
Attempts to produce uniform thin layers of very viscous fluid by rolling or spreading often lead to an uneven or ribbed surface.
The latter is effectively l produced by a rapid spreading on time scales less than that then plays no subsequent role.
The advectivetype parameterization of the heat/buoyancy flux is valid only for spreading regimes.
Affected individuals presented between the ages of 18 and 58 years with proximal weakness in the lower extremities, later spreading to involve distal muscles.
Is a spreading infection the most probable link?
The nymph crawls above ground, where it unfolds its wings and becomes the winged form capable of spreading the phylloxera above ground.
In this way, the particular asymmetries follow from spreading some specified manner feature to a segment underspecified for manner.
Owing to these strict site requirements for water spreading techniques, only two sites were found suitable.
Visual abstraction breaks from the confines of the screen to challenge its own dimensional deficiency, spreading into illusory spatial gaps previously filled by non-diegetic music.
Two mechanisms for spreading depression in the chicken retina.
Pharmacological modulation of the refractory period of retinal spreading depression.
Other amacrines have been observed with wider spreads.
On metaphase spreads chromosomes are usually in a single group.
Imperfective past appears later than perfective past and spreads in four stages: from states, to activities, to accomplishments, and finally to achievements.
However, it could be due to spreading of adherent cells.
They were thus important in spreading middle-class values and practices to the working classes.
If cytoplasm remained, it was removed by spreading one drop of another fixative, a mixture of methanol and acetic acid (3:1).
Recently, "prosthesis" has become a key figure in cybertheory, itself an emerging and rapidly spreading division of cultural studies.
The role of animals in spreading farmers' risks: a new paradigm for animal science.
However several sources said that they do look at spreads qualitatively.
Most sources reported that they do not model spreads ; for many this is too theoretical a question.
At the initial stage, an innovation spreads slowly among a very small fraction of the population.
Such a situation can occur in reservoirs when water entering the dam first sinks to its neutrally buoyant level and then spreads laterally.
The dynamic model for spreading activation has been formulated based on some "quasineurological" allusion.
In our model, this dynamic property is also crucial to prevent spurious activation spreading to irrelevant neurons by feedback connections from prefrontal cortex during maintenance.
Because of this lag aphids can continue feeding and spreading virus until mummification.
Popular myths: -'cancer spreads when the air hits it'.
Upon activation of a node, activation spreads via links to connected nodes in the network.
The time constant measures the speed with which the fluid spreads, and is unknown for all nontrivial distributions.
We propose that spreading activation provides a backup for when sentence integration fails.
When bacteria are spreading over the surface, the consumption of nutrients grows in proportion to the exponentially increasing number of cells.
In this approach it is life itself which spreads.
Since the distribution spreads out into many different values quickly, we do not show an example run here.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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