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词汇 example_english_soil

Examples of soil

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
A survey of soils for aggregate stability and glomalin, a glycoprotein produced by hyphae of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.
Compost-treated soils exhibited higher organic carbon content than inorganically fertilized soils, throughout the experimental period.
Although the soils are inherently fertile, deep and with good drainage, they have been depleted of nutrients over the years.
Aluminium contents showed great variability, with the largest amounts in soils from bare eroded plots.
Seedling emergence and yield of pearl millet on naturally crusted arid soils in relation to sowing and cultural methods.
The movement of contaminants through soils is extremely limited unless significant amounts of water are available.
Differences in geography, cultivars, rootstocks, soils, microclimate and growers' personal preferences determine the production practices and materials used in organic apple orchard management.
The topography was gently rolling, with thick peat extending in the lower parts and white sandy soils dominating in the upper parts.
The soils, flora, and fauna of a geographic region uninhabited by humans largely reflect climatic and geologic factors.
Influence of load and heat extraction on moisture transfer in freezing soils.
After freezing, the finer-grained soils also had greater pore-ice content in comparison.
Consequences of this process in relation to contaminant migration in freezing soils through time are discussed.
In general, dissolved nutrient concentrations revealed low availability of inorganic nutrients in soils.
Older soils are clearly distinguished from younger soils in having browner or reddish colours with an increased depth of oxidation.
They were recovered with a 5-inch bucket auger, and soils descriptions were per formed immediately.
The technical benefits of adding organic matter to soils are well documented, but relatively little is understood about the economic benefits.
From the eighteenth century landowners had recognised the need for effective techniques for draining impermeable clay soils.
When not actually submerged, the soils of the littoral zone are unprotected from extremes of climate, including the direct impact of sunshine and rainfall.
Indeed, all results show no denitrification is occurring in the soils sampled along the climatic gradient.
Large concentrations of polyaromatic compounds, many of which are known carcinogens, have spilled into the soils at the historic fuel depot areas.
Managing soils for sustainable production of food and industrial crops.
In the central-north region it was ranked third, behind tolerance of marginal soils and of drought.
In some soils, irrigation helped alleviate some of the effects of compaction but in others it exacerbated their severity.
Low water requirements, tolerance of poor soils, and, until recently, the absence of insect pests and diseases have made eucalyptus particularly valuable.
The latter can be presumed because at 3000 m, soils were frequently waterlogged.
The procedure was repeated with fresh soiled sawdust every night for the duration (10 days) of the experiment.
Moreover, cats usually defecate at night in sandy soils and bury the faeces.
Ammonium may also be fixed in alumosilicate mineraloids and survive in the soils.
In practice the permeability of different soils can vary by several orders of magnitude.
Assessing phosphorous bioavailability in agricultural soils and runoff.
Not all soils are susceptible to frost heaving.
Both soils were submitted to penguins guano during the summer season.
In frozen soils, this influence seems to be magnified by the added presence of pore ice.
Another possibility is the importation of quarried soils.
With significant improvements in the depth of soils, raised beds could contribute significantly to cultivation.
All excavations were continued until sterile soils were encountered and verified.
Little is known about the soils of the region.
Reduced nitrate leaching and enhanced denitifer activity and efficiency in organically fertilized soils.
Response by sugar beet to potassium and sodium fertilizers, particularly in relation to soils containing little exchangeable potassium.
However, minimum or zero tillage would not be suitable for soils that are susceptible to compaction, and for highly degraded soils.
Physiological processes limiting plantgrowth in saline soils - some dogmas and hypotheses.
No doubt by comparison with areas of lighter soils where new crops and systems brought rising yields this was true.
The plains on the other hand are characterized by less fertile soils with lower rainfall patterns and are classified as mid to low potential areas.
Little information is available about the potential dierential eects of varieties adapted to low-fertility soils on system sustainability.
Generally overestimated are natural obstacles like degraded soils or low rainfall.
Most of the phosphorus in seeds, and much of it in soils and sediments, occurs as myo-inositol hexakisphosphate (phytate).
Younger seedlings performed better than older seedlings transplanted into either flooded or non-flooded soils with greater uptake of nitrogen and manganese than older seedlings.
Calculation of organic matter and nutrients stored in soils under contrasting management regimes.
Conservation agriculture is but one of several land management options for sequestering carbon in soils.
Thus, one way to reduce the instability of the perfor mance may be to grow safflower in deep soils.
The bulk of the crop is produced on light-textured soils ranging from coarse and ®ne sands to sandy clay loams.
Judicious fertilizer management is also essential on such soils to get sustainable yields.
Much of the seasonal variability is due to low and uncertain rainfall coupled with soils of low plant-available water capacity.
Despite the fact that they have high agricultural potential, they are generally regarded as marginal soils due to their hydro-physical properties.
The nutrient depletion of soils is truly serious, whereas environmental problems from excessive fertilizer use are comparatively trivial.
After incubation the soils were airdried and passed through a 2-mm sieve.
The effect of sulphur application on the efficiency of nitrogen use in two contrasting grassland soils.
Lentils are grown on a wide variety of soils from sandy loam to deep peaty soils.
Biological processes regulating organic matter dynamics in tropical soils.
An approach for estimating when soils will reach maximum nitrogen storage.
Detailed information about soils, climatic conditions and specific management practices was not given for all the studies, regardless of publication source.
The impact of specific glucosinolates on mineralization in meal-amended soils should be further researched.
Therefore, these results are consistent with the hypothesis that microbiological differences among inoculum soils affected post-vernalization rye growth.
A comparative study of the microbiology of soils managed under organic and conventional regimes.
Characterization of selected mineral soils used for sugarcane production.
The clear lack of burial capacity of weeds with relatively large seeds, especially in clay soils, could limit the persistence of these species.
The soils of both areas were ultisols or entisols.
Windstorms that cause tree uprooting on particularly unsteady soils as well as periodic strong runoffs contribute to create or maintain a local hummock-hollow topography.
Nitrification was significantly increased in soils amended with ammonium or with ammonium plus phosphorus, suggesting that nitrification is substrate-limited.
Steep elevations and the consequent changes in climate, particularly rainfall and the associated waterlogging of soils, have led to the development of different vegetation types.
All but one of the stands sampled were on clayey soils.
The germination study began c. 1 wk after the soils were collected.
The soils were weighed, and air-dry bulk density was calculated.
Therefore, doleritic soils may be predestinated as geophagical soils.
Nutrient release from litter and humus in coniferous forest soils - a mini review.
In contrast, for sand and for loam soils, there is far more continuity and similarity in reptile species composition down the rainfall gradient.
Geochemistry and mineralogy of soils eaten by humans.
There was also a notable disjunction in the landscape history of clay soils along the rainfall gradient.
We examined the distribution, morphology and nutrient dynamics of necromass on soils derived from sandstone and shale.
Calcium weathering in forested soils and the effect of different tree species.
Notes o n soils from the g eneral sampling sites.
The accentuated mycotrophism of the early successional species may be involved in their establishment, growth, survival and early forest structuring on low-fertility soils.
Our data show that available water capacity varies strongly among tropical forest soils, and may contribute to variation in the plant community composition.
Lightly soiled parts are cleaned in-line (as part of the plating line) using acid and alkaline water-based cleaning processes.
Just as important, the prevailing topography and soils influenced the date of permanent settlement and the degree of seigniorial control over land and farming.
In the poor-market-access areas soils were better and land more abundant.
The cross-sectional studies in this report attempt to account for important site factors, such as soils and market access.
The presence of non-black soils was negatively associated with adoption.
Once burnt down, an ancient, complex, species-rich rainforest on old soils will not just grow again, no matter what the physical conditions.
Their land - soils and the forests on them - constitutes their greatest asset.
More information on chemical properties of sample soils appears below.
Even viable farms with poor-quality soils are too cash/capital constrained to deforest all the land they would like to.
Across the landscape, inherent productivity represents the spatial variation in productivity associated with spatial variation in soils and climate conditions.
In some highly fragile environments, found most often in the tropics, soils may be highly vulnerable to rapid and irreversible degradation with inappropriate agricultural practices.
Many of the described procedures are approaches to characterizing the overall biological or physical nature of soils.
Other regions that get special attention are those areas with medium-textured black soils (vertic inceptisols).
Farmers with black soils and thus higher agricultural potential were also more likely to adopt.
On the glacis, terraces and bas-fonds, soils are deep.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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