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Examples of social life

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Their material world contributed to this structuration of sociallife.
It is the realm of organised sociallife and the network of institutions by which citizens represent themselves.
Indeed, this could be said to be a fundamental insight underlying the sociological analysis of modern sociallife.
She had a busy sociallife, not least because she had two boyfriends simultaneously.
Laboratory experiments and ecological studies should be pursued jointly to examine sociallife in the real world.
However, the incorporation of the past in sociallife is nebulous, inferred rather than examined, let alone understood.
On the basis of this experience, the anthropologist must write an account of the sociallife of a community.
To this extent her account is a welcome addition to the literature that seeks to understand the role of the body in sociallife.
She is currently working on a book that discusses the effects of technology on language and sociallife.
In part, we are oriented towards sociallife by innate desires.
A few species (ours, most extensively) use culture to improve how they deal with sociallife and with the physical environment.
It is surely implausible that there is no overlap between mechanisms for thinking about sociallife and hunting or foraging.
I strongly recommend it to anyone who meets people in the course of his professional or sociallife.
But as accounting practices assume an increasingly central role in the reproduction of sociallife the point is of more than academic interest.
She is cautiously optimistic concerning possibilities of change, both in contemporary psychoanalytic discourse and sociallife.
In this way, the key institution of sociallife is shown to base itself on a sanctified violation of the very order it regulates.
In daily sociallife, these elements were not separated + they were mutually constitutive.
What considerations might have led people to suppose that an application of experimental methodology would shed light on sociallife?
The exclusion of historically extended explanations by crowd psychology certainly removed one obstacle to employing experimentation in the study of sociallife.
They are incompetent, from extreme ignorance or vicious habits, to the performance of the most ordinary duties of sociallife.
Accordingly, the subject of this article is a self-identified ' local' jazz musician, whose narrative elucidates the exigencies of his musical and sociallife.
The annual cycle structures many aspects of sociallife, not least the production of academic journals and the personal experience of growing older.
Like baboons, our ancestors were aggressive and competitive, and sociallife was based on a dominance hierarchy.
Self-consciously feminist organizations frequently offered less secure foundations for the future sociallife than socialist ones of this kind in the late nineteenth century.
The participants joined two discussion forums: on human rights and on sociallife.
His is an account of sociallife governed by law, which, it becomes clear, on the whole he deeply appreciates because it empowers the individual.
The nurseries were not, as some recent government documents envisage, a source of sociallife for parents.
Enjoyment of life entailed the ability to enjoy one's sociallife and included being sufficiently wealthy, learning new things, and participating in social groups.
Each side, to some extent, sees the tools of their discipline as a vital and unifying approach to the study of sociallife.
It seeks to explain successive frameworks within which voluntary agencies have operated and draws on various formulations of coordination in sociallife.
How the formation of rules, laws, norms, and standards spread to become par t of sociallife more generally is examined in detail.
The costs of volunteering were perceived as time, responsibility, invasion of sociallife, failure, anxiety, and the duration and intensity of training.
And this can perhaps be worked out by making virtues and vices the cornerstones of sociallife.
A great deal of current research is re-evaluating cultural performances as the sites for negotiating and renegotiating cultural identities and sociallife.
Unwanted pregnancy can be understood as a disability, which interferes with the ability of women to function normally in sociallife.
The universality of this pattern explained the diversity of sociallife throughout the world, with different societies assigned to different stages of development.
Some aspects of our sociallife are either presupposed by neoclassical accounts or are beyond (or outside) their scope.
They spoke about relatives and friends moving away, and how this affected the sociallife in the village.
Further research into the transformation of supportive ties must, in our opinion, consider more facets of the carer's sociallife.
These can then be considered practically in the contingent ways they combine in actual sociallife.
They staged the nuns' personal sociallife, and were occupied by groups of relatives and friends with their servant nuns.
However, such case-by-case coordination would make sociallife a tedious business and probably a dangerous business as well.
When the author returned for field research in 1996, 1997, and 1999, important changes had taken place in economic and sociallife.
Law claims the right to regulate the use of coercion in sociallife, including the use of coercion to enforce its own directives.
You can't have a proper sociallife can you if you are so religious and always have to maintain your image?
So too is the physical form of the city including its architecture and its political and sociallife including aspects of civic culture.
The nature of his work, it is implied, though figurative, is central to sociallife.
It is the historical flexibility of both aspects, spaces and sociallife, which makes it possible for them to exist together.
Under conditions of siege, normal sociallife continues, though of course with a difference because of these conditions.
The sociallife of opium would not be without them, elite, urban and popular culture would not be without them.
It means recovering a balance and correspondence between sociallife and physical structure.
Nor do archaeologists of any kind deal with the issue of a purpose in sociallife.
I came into the district as a young teacher and looked for some sociallife beyond school.
I can't remember much about any sociallife really.
And that left a void in the sociallife of the college that was soon to be filled by the students themselves.
The fact that she is aware of the basic requirements of sociallife, and respects them in her actions, makes her truly free.
Culture uses language and meaning to organize sociallife and accumulate knowledge, thereby improving success at the basic biological tasks of survival and reproduction.
He then draws theoretical implications about the consequences of interactions between individuals who are so motivated, and compares these implications with observations of sociallife.
On this pluralistic view, given the richness of our sociallife, there is enough for everyone to do.
Not only could sociallife take place within the boundary of the complex, but the group itself went outside on joint trips.
These examples reveal how co-evals are bound to one another in the resourcing and reproduction of sociallife.
On their sociallife, they made frequent references to advantages and few references to problems and disappointments.
Is it not then normal that in such a conduit of sociallife we find everything that makes us human?
What they meant was that people were so dependent that they could not join in or enjoy sociallife.
Studying the interaction of language and sociallife.
Concluding remarks assess the argument and relate it to the growing literature on contemporary practices of the sound-tracking of sociallife.
Certainly, given the dialectic between language and sociallife, ageist language not only reflects ageism in society but also contributes to promoting it.
Their attainment marked stages which corresponded to the developments of sociallife rather than of juristic thought.
It is a problem of sociallife itself.
Western observers are particularly interested in the impact of the crisis on sociallife.
His theory of nationalism is consequently vulnerable to the charge that it ignores the autonomous significance of political doctrine in shaping sociallife.
The greater and the more widely distributed the benefits of sociallife are, the greater could be the incentives to cooperation.
However, sociallife changed radically in the 1990s, and the changes made the problems of market reforms apparent.
The author could do more to clarify her assumptions in determining what might count for successful reform of sociallife, and what not.
The latter were retired people with comfortable incomes who contributed to the economic and sociallife of the town.
Sociallife became more economically stratified between rich and poor in the south, landowners and freemen (those who did not own land).
Such forms of healing are deeply embedded in sociallife and, against the ostensible hopes of many, show no signs of disappearing.
The complexity of young women's relationship with work, family, and sociallife is affirmed throughout.
Then, how is globalization manifest in sociallife?
From the petitioners' perspective, the state did not stand as an external entity distinct from sociallife.
By contrast, the crowd psychologists' analysis of sociallife emphasized features that corresponded nicely with necessary features of experimental situations.
Obviously, not everybody could regularly sell a beast and, besides its monetary value, keeping stock was also significant in other spheres of sociallife.
By finding capitalism nearly everywhere in the material record, historical archaeology risks portraying capitalism as dominating the sociallife of the recent past.
Second, he believes that prisoner's dilemmas are central to sociallife; this makes rational indeterminacy pervasive.
Great changes are under way in this region in all areas of sociallife and under conditions of severe economic and moral crisis.
Aspects of the participants' lifestyle activities were grouped into leisure activities or sociallife, whilst any aspect of family life was grouped under family.
We admire this approach to modeling hominin sociallife.
If comparable deposits are not forthcoming, then we must look for contextual links with other areas of sociallife.
But to reject revolution as too brutal a method of changing sociallife is not without consequences.
They respond both to the urban fabric in which they are situated and to new patterns of sociallife.
Rather, poverty, unemployment, chronic illnesses, the risk of violence, and blocked educational opportunities are pervasive features of sociallife and everyday experience.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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