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词汇 example_english_smoothly

Examples of smoothly

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The prose reads as smoothly as it does, in part, because there are no references cited within the text.
Perhaps the most impressive of all is the ability to smoothly interpolate between such contrasting experiences, bridging the gap between the internal and external world.
The transition was never explored deeper, because apparently it would occur smoothly.
We saw from our plots what real estate prices were doing, that they behaved very smoothly through time, unlike stock prices.
As singular values change their values smoothly around singularities, so do joint coordinates.
The groups hold regular project meetings to make sure the research runs smoothly.
Nevertheless, the editors succeed in finding a common thread to hold them together, thus showing how one piece of work transitions smoothly into another.
We see it smoothly dropping from 0 to a final value of -0.431 97.
The total energy varies smoothly in the evolution, which indicates the present multi-scale approach works well.
We can begin to see what is going on when action does not proceed smoothly.
The camera pans smoothly during the longest held note in the melody and the cutting rhythm is in synch with the beginnings of musical phrases.
The edges of these beads are not smoothly ground, suggesting that they were not finished beads.
7 cone tip there exists steep density gradient and electrons cannot penetrate smoothly into the overdense region.
The principle of 'good continuation' identifies smoothly varying frequency, loudness or spectra with a changing sound source.
Synthesizers must therefore smoothly interpolate parameters between frames, and in many cases the analysis must make assumptions about how the synthesizer will interpolate.
The balloon can usually be positioned smoothly because it is flow-directed.
The error decreased smoothly with increase of c to 3 % at c = 3.1 mlsec.
Designing a consistent curriculum that will flow smoothly through primary, middle school and high school will take years to implement.
A parametrized curve evolving by mean curvature can evolve smoothly from this configuration.
The liberal welfare state is devoted to making markets run smoothly and has a large private component.
After all, after smoothly positioning "lines" in a space, there is not much flexibility for something to go wrong.
Instead, it turned rather smoothly in to a much higher dc-level than before injection.
In the coherent presentation sequence, the disk moved along a circular trajectory, 2 deg in diameter, and appeared to move smoothly between adjacent positions.
Of course, the process of dialogue does not move smoothly toward such an end as a goal.
Luxury of comfort consequently contributes less to friction between classes and tends to create a smoothly operating society conducive to a more productive economy.
The continuity constraint suggests that surfaces generally change smoothly in depth except at object boundaries.
The latter problem can be addressed by restricting the parameters, and a sensible assumption is that the parameters vary smoothly over the seasons.
Rational choice approaches rely upon methodological individualism, aggregating preferences smoothly and uniformly from the individual to generalize at the macro level.
Unlike the wind characteristics, solar radiation never jumped from one point to another, it moved smoothly up and down in a step-like manner.
The points are sampled close to each other and interpolated to follow the curve smoothly.
The posterolateral and posteromedial sides smoothly blend into each other, so that the shaft cross-section is semi-oval.
The new material has been smoothly integrated into the existing pattern of the book.
Consider a system of elastic fibres, with the fibre direction varying smoothly as a function of position.
Thus, the quota system has worked relatively smoothly even if the farmers are not happy with the low procurement price.
In normal times the settlement worked smoothly and was completed within the allotted two days.
The minimal response prevents the turntaking rules from operating smoothly since the topic is not jointly developed.
The densities of stable stationary measures are shown to be smooth and to depend smoothly on an auxiliary parameter, except at bifurcation values.
Two such diffeomorphisms with the same multipliers at fixed points that are smoothly conjugate on half-intervals are not as a rule smoothly conjugate globally.
In addition, we construct smoothly integrable dynamical systems in which the complicated dynamics dominate the integrable dynamics, from a probabilistic point-of-view.
We need to improve the algorithm so that the size of the search tree is distributed 'smoothly' such that it is small on average.
Compare the different senses of the adverb smoothly in sail smoothly, land smoothly and talk smoothly.
The shock wave arrival delay grows smoothly with the distance from the central point.
Despite the large number and diversity of the papers, this process went very smoothly due to the enthusiasm and cooperation of all involved.
Hot electrons are prevented from smoothly propagating into and out of the target.
Other collective labour market goods do not appear to be operating as smoothly as before.
The flagellar motor can smoothly rotate utilizing the energy of such small unit, by distinguishing it from the thermal noise.
Note that the scalings for the growth rates in each regime connect smoothly across the boundaries.
A complete theory of dialogue update will need to include a smoothly interacting combination of these aspects.
Without the left shoulder of the instrument, high positions can be reached smoothly with minimal transition in the profile of the hand.
The foundation of modern democracy, "we the people," is per formatively but not smoothly created.
One transforms from upstream to downstream smoothly but rapidly, while the other changes from upstream to downstream via a discontinuity (a shock or a subshock).
One may also find it very hard to detect an elevator that is smoothly accelerating.
The experiment runs smoothly with tracking results similar to that of the simulation.
A transition from active treatment to palliative treatment may happen smoothly and unidirectionally, but more often is a gradual, confusing, ambivalent process for all concerned.
To those familiar with the calculational approach to programming, we want to show that their methods extend easily and smoothly to temporal reasoning.
On the classical side of the minimum it increases smoothly to the classical value.
He was in charge of organizing all the rush events and making sure they ran smoothly and all rushes were welcomed.
In a typical example, also relevant for the empirical part of the paper, the constant term changes smoothly from one level to another.
To implement the subsidy more smoothly, this study considered two regulation schemes.
The contract did not run smoothly and prices have escalated.
First, the robot follows a straight wall; second, it follows a wall with smoothly varying contour and finally, it follows an almostcircular contour.
The operations over linear constraints discussed previously extend smoothly when adding this new class of equality constraints.
How could new ideas and a new scientific paradigm be introduced so smoothly, and with no ideological conflict, into a traditional educational institution?
Whether this, when f is smooth, implies the existence of a smoothly transversal rotary homoclinic point is unknown to the authors.
Note that the impossibility of joining the plasma and the sheath smoothly by 'cutting and pasting' has been pointed out by many authors [20].
With his departure our detailed knowledge of the plot ends, but other evidence suggests that things did not run smoothly.
The runtime system seems to behave quite smoothly when dealing with thousands of concurrent processes with soft realtime requirements.
We are supposing that the smoothly varying profile tends to the broken-line profile (5.1), during which limit the integrand on the right-hand side is bounded.
Best-fitting theoretical subsidence curve is shown, calculated by allowing strain rate to vary smoothly as a function of time.
Again, it turns out that the type inference engine we have described extends smoothly to embrace type classes, including their (non-trivial) type-directed translation.
The better, the more smoothly the rehearsals proceed, the more profoundly one must consider and ascertain the problem 'by means of the salient word'.
A clarinet quartet shadows the voice's pitch-lines, but instead of the vocal dots and triplets, play throughout in smoothly flowing quavers and semiquavers.
Thanks to the inertia effect, the real consumption rises smoothly while the terms of trade are favorable.
Once a category is established, as a "schema" or "prototype", new data can be accommodated more smoothly and quickly by comparison with the "prototype".
If both these predictions are borne out, it will be concluded that the non-accelerating structures are cases where learning could proceed smoothly from the start.
Under their guidance, this process was handled quite smoothly and efficiently.
The important characteristic to note is that this series is smoothly evolving over time and does not exhibit any large movements.
111 robotics literature a number of algorithms have been considered for locating a chemical source in situations characterised by a smoothly varying chemical distribution.
Then the extension terminal impact cushion is set to arrest the knee smoothly.
The learning proceeds smoothly and the vibrations at the initialization of learning are decreased.
When the irrelevance of the limited-license program is admitted, it may smoothly dovetail into the just-a-story justification.
Plots of the separating curves in sections for different values of d2 show that they deform smoothly with the same intersections when d2 varies.
Rather, the focus is moving smoothly along a sequence of path segments subject to limiting motion conditions.
I propose that we have made the unthinking assumption that one particular part of their world is smoothly continuous with ours.
Except for trying to get students to think historically, the class could move smoothly through the semester, tracing variations on repeated themes.
In examining the essentialist thesis the terms of the distinction must be fully appreciated, for they do not coalesce easily or smoothly.
Through understanding the conflicts that new music students battle with, then, we are on the path to helping them manage the transition smoothly.
Markets can only work smoothly in the right socio-institutional context.
Perhaps no demarcation can be expected to work smoothly everywhere, but arguably this one fails even at the initial stage.
What was their history: had they progressed smoothly or with fits and starts?
The marriage ceremony itself was perfunctory and, in this instance, the whole process of juba'ing seems to have proceeded smoothly.
The calculation proceeds smoothly until roll-up begins; inevitably the sheet crosses itself.
As a whole, the book reads smoothly with clear and deliberate analyses of history, policy, data and a smattering of case studies.
The turbulence physics appears to vary smoothly between the different extremes.
When surface tension was equal to zero, the computations proceeded smoothly.
The decree was not the result of an institutional conflict since the debate of the bill had been initiated and was progressing smoothly.
We have found that in beginning to implement radiographer led breast marking, sessions run more smoothly and result in less waiting around for individual patients.
Above all, the entire patriarchal structure had an interest in safeguarding women's dowries and ensuring that the system was working smoothly.
The implementation of the new arrangements did not go smoothly and brought further court cases.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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