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词汇 example_english_smoke

Examples of smoke

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Genetic models for the natural history of smoking : evidence for a genetic influence on smoking persistence.
Applicants who had ever smoked were more commonly men (90n9 %) than women (9n1 %).
Genetic contribution to risk of smoking initiation : comparisons across birth cohorts and across cultures.
Their unfortunate brothers listened to them as they preached, smoked and philosophised in the safe confines of the pote.
More rarely, dried leaves and twigs have been boiled for drinking or rolled into cigarettes and smoked.
Secondly, we examine variations in the effects of smoking according to indicators of the temporal proximity and intensity of daily smoking.
A meta-evaluation of smoking cessation intervention research among pregnant women: improving the science and art.
The three smoking cessation therapies had, on a population level, lower effects than the other three treatments.
Furthermore, the number of people quitting smoking increased as the intensity of the smoking-cessation intervention increased (15).
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of bupropion and nicotine replacement therapy for smoking cessation: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
However, there was a dearth of evidence about these broader determinants and associated interventions, except in areas such as smoking cessation programs.
A population-based twin study in women of smoking initiation and nicotine dependence.
A population based twin study in women of smoking initiation and nicotine dependence.
Personality and the inheritance of smoking behavior : a genetic perspective.
They might be eating, talking, whistling, humming, smoking during the most dramatic scenes.
Most of the responses concentrated on their concern about family members who smoked and their fear of the consequences.
Participation in cigarette smoking has three outcomes; never smoked (j1⁄40), smoked and quit (j1⁄41), and currently smoking (j1⁄42).
In addition, 57 % of the women smoked cigarettes regularly through pregnancy, and 43% took alcohol occasionally, with a further 45% taking it regularly.
A history of high blood pressure within one's family appears to be related to smoking status but in somewhat different ways.
The subjects were also interviewed about smoking habits, possible history of asthma and possible contact with others suffering from persistent cough.
Approximately 10 % of the patients were current smokers and slightly more than half of them had never smoked in their life.
The higher a smoker's initial internalization, the lower the probability of abstinence from smoking at end of treatment or 3 months thereafter.
Short and long-term effect of smoking on arterial-wall properties in habitual smokers.
We examined the possible effects of smoking on color vision: specifically, whether smokers perceive a different pattern of suprathreshold color dissimilarities from nonsmokers.
Categorization of smoking status due to current habits may not provide as good an indicator of this risk.
A total of 13 % of the responders smoked daily.
In the final data analysis the variable for smoking was dichotomized (1 l currently smokes more than 10 cigarettes\\day, 0 l others).
Controlling for smoking during pregnancy and parental regular smoking, a significant residual association between low birth weight and paternal alcoholism remained.
The genetics of smoking persistence in men and women, a multicultural study.
Survival analysis with smoking variables as time-dependent covariates was used to predict the subsequent onset of specific psychiatric disorders.
Testing for a genetic contribution to smoking persistence.
Nonetheless, smoking and depression remained associated even after extensive control for confounding and selection processes suggesting possible causal associations between these factors.
Consequently, the results of this study cannot be generalized to all persons who have ever smoked a cigarette.
Two patients and two comparison subjects were cigarette smokers ; they refrained from smoking during the course of the test.
The categories are : never smoked ; ex-smoker; currently smokes 10 cigarettes per day ; smokes between 10 and 19 cigarettes per day ; smokes 20 cigarettes per day.
The genetics of smoking persistence in men and women : a multicultural study.
A meta-analysis of estimated genetic and environmental effects on smoking behavior in male and female adult twins.
In 1957, four health organizations issued a report linking smoking to lung cancer.
Effects of enforcement of youth access laws on smoking prevalence.
Women who spontaneously quit smoking in early pregnancy.
Progress towards reducing smoking during pregnancy has been varied across the world.
We have defined 72 strata (4 age groups x 2 parity groups x 3 social class groups x 3 smoking groups) in each contraceptive category.
The impact of smoking pregnant women give up, and patients with ischaemic heart disease are likely to respond in larger proportions than those without disease.
The change in smoking habits as a result of antismoking measures took many years to be evident in mortality (or morbidity).
Because our subjects included a dispropor tionate number of smoking males and nonsmoking females, any gender difference had the potential to create spurious results.
If smoking is to be permitted, it must be constantly supervised and smoking materials kept secure under the control of the care provider.
However, the present study cannot distinguish chronic effects of smoking from immediate, shor t-term ones.
Recorded cardiovascular risk factors were smoking (26%), hypertension (42%), hyperlipidemia (8%), and diabetes mellitus (16%).
Between 1988 and 1994, smoking prevalence among 11- to 15-year-olds increased from 8% to 12%.
The effect of smoking cessation during pregnancy on preterm delivery and low birthweight.
Using a broad definition, lifestyle factors may include physical activity, smoking cessation, food and alcohol consumption and access to 'healthy' environments.
Failed smoking cessation was defined as having ever made a quit attempt and reporting smoking within 12 months preceding the interview.
A new question in the present study addressed whether dental professionals recommended the use of smokeless tobacco as a method for smoking cessation.
Hence, it is particularly important that staff and decision makers in primary care and dental services actively take responsibility for smoking cessation.
Other risk factors examined were size of the daycare centre and play group, time spent in day-care, and household characteristics (size, composition, crowding, smoking).
Hotels cannot prevent guests smoking in the privacy of their bedrooms and must manage the risk of fire, relying on technical means to minimise it.
In this report, we examine a different mechanism by which the home environment may impact on smoking behavior - by moderating the effects of genetic influences.
The impact of smoking ply offsets the reduction in levels of acetylcholine acting at all sites.
The industry also feared that successful efforts to restrict the areas where smoking could take place would lead to a reduction in smoking rates.
Explanatory models of policy-making that emphasise political-economic variables have increasingly seemed less relevant to smoking politics than models based on morality politics.
In research that compares bilinguals and monolinguals, as in research on the effects of smoking on men and women, for example, randomization is impossible.
In the latter case, there falls many evaluations of population tobacco control policies which restrict smoking in public places.
Electoral considerations about smoking continued to operate, however.
The indicators of smoking used in the model were duration of smoking and the number of cigarettes smoked per day.
We found no evidence to indicate that the effect of smoking on tuberculin reactivity is modified by age.
Documented changes in immune system functioning with smoking provide a likely biological basis for this association.
Effects of smoking reduction during pregnancy on the birth weight of term infants.
Prevention of relapse in women who quit smoking during pregnancy.
Risks of smoking to reproductive health: assessment of women's knowledge.
Smoking at any time during pregnancy damages the fetus and stopping smoking eliminates or mitigates this risk.
Positive smoking history as a preliminary screening device for substance use in pregnant adolescents.
Costs of maternal conditions attributable to smoking during pregnancy.
Complications with implants have not been reliably shown to be related to adjuvant chemotherapy, diabetes, or smoking history [12,13,21,25].
Education alone is insufficient to change health behaviour: programmes that attempt to reduce smoking rates must t herefore incorporate s everal intervention strategies.
I would say that we are discussing smoking with about 70% of our patients at the moment.
The estimated effects of daily smoking varied across disorders.
Recent advances in neuroscience suggest linkages between smoking and depression that might be mediated by common neurochemical mechanisms.
However, confidence intervals for smoking variables were broad, so possible important effects could not be excluded.
A day at a time : predicting smoking lapse from daily urge.
A quarter (23.2 %) smoked more than 20 cigarettes a day.
In the early 1950s, the publication of studies demonstrating the health effects of smoking created stress on the smoking policy regimes.
Influences of mood, depression history, and treatment modality on outcomes in smoking cessation.
Until recently, nicotine research has been driven primarily by nicotine's unparalleled power to keep people smoking, rather than its potential therapeutic uses.
Current smokers were defined as those who smoked at least one cigarette per day.
A substantial proportion reported ever smoking cigarettes (43%), with fewer indicating current smoking (7%).
Four cluster groups were identified and labeled multiproblem high-risk, smoking high-risk, normative, and low-risk groups.
There were no twin pairs where both female twins had reports of smoking during pregnancy.
Perhaps smoking in the restroom serves the function (need) of asserting one's independence.
However, there was evidence that smoking increased the risk for developing heart disease among depressed persons.
Vents under the arm and in the open mouth of the singing figure served as the exit holes and smoking "breath" of the censer.
Bans on smoking in government buildings were also introduced from the late 1980s.
Third, they highlighted the social costs of smoking to suggest that smoking was a burden that all members of society had to bear.
Most of the men smoked, had poor diets, and had little or no routine or preventive medical care.
My puzzle, during the initial stage of research, was who smoked opium and why.
Her husband stopped smoking and abandoned gatherings where cards and chess were played.
We estimated coefficients (and odd-ratios) for quitters and current smokers, with 'never smoked' as the omitted category.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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