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词汇 example_english_severely

Examples of severely

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
In contrast, infectivity could be severely impaired under these circumstances for those species that are dependent on an acid environment for exsheathment.
Rents collapsed, rent collection was haphazard, neglect to pay was rampant, urban cash circulation declined, capital accumulation stagnated and investment was severely limited.
The use of labelled seedlings compensated for the high losses of seeds and early seedlings from quadrats which severely reduced sample sizes.
In this fashion, the cabinet's monopoly of perks and policy influence severely limits ways in which backbenchers can trade off policy influence against promotion.
Finally, there is a truly profound set of impediments in the systematically asymmetric preferences of the parties to agreement in severely divided societies.
Without merchants or middlemen the size of the market has to be severely restricted.
All the samples are moderately to severely altered due to early burial and later subaerial weathering following uplift and erosion.
All participants in this group were severely or profoundly deaf and their parents, who were deaf, signed to them from infancy.
Because of this the potential for overshoot is always present and cannot be avoided unless the system is severely overdamped.
In these patients, the enterohepatic circulation, which reabsorbs about 90% of bile acids, is also deranged and the bile acid pool is severely depleted.
However, this technique is severely restricted by free-free absorption and refraction of the optical light by the plasma.
The offspring of asymptomatic carriers may be more severely affected.
The central pulmonary arteries were absent in one and severely hypoplaslic in the other.
The omission is especially evident in institutional prescriptions for the reduction of ethnic conflict in severely divided societies.
Clearly, air attacks on city centres which provided essential amenities to nearby working-class communities severely damaged civilian morale in these areas.
Such socially deprived monkeys have (not surprisingly) exhibited severely abnormal behavior and vocal calls.
Where competent transmission hosts are more or less completely replaced, rather than augmented, by non-competent host species, enzootic cycles may be severely limited.
Rather, the process involved repeated contracting between the same parties in conditions of severely incomplete information.
Otherwise, loose coupling, reconfigurability and reusability would be severely restricted.
Second, focusing exclusively on the effects of permanent perturbations severely limits the predictions of the model.
Thus, the laser modulates more severely as the plasma wave amplitude grows.
Young people should, the law says, be punished more severely for transgressions, perhaps as a means of educating them and preparing them for life.
However, not only were the plays translated, they were also severely adapted and modified, so much so that they sometimes barely resemble their original form.
His attitudes, values, and behavior have severely injured the chance for democratic consolidation.
One salamander was severely affected with associated tissue changes, including accumulations of melanomacrophages.
However, it does not follow that a society dedicated to equality must punish bias crimes more severely than the underlying crime.
Neoliberal labour reforms typically hurt a large number of unions, and they often hurt them severely.
Conversely, severely demented patients who stop eating and drinking do not necessarily suffer more.
Inquiring about the desire to control death may be troubling for physicians who prefer not to know if a severely ill patient wants to die.
The range of validity of the fifth-degree equation was found to be severely limited.
Moreover, forcing the surfacers onto the sediment surface for an extended period of time seemed not to affect their general ' well-being ' severely.
At the population level, vector potential is severely constrained by the limitations of taking such few meals.
Intensive case management for the severely mentally ill : controlled trial.
Substance use disorder in hospitalized severely mentally ill psychiatric patients : prevalence, correlates, and subgroups.
He misjudged it and was severely injured, and died a couple of days later.
Rural non-farm activity was severely constrained by the lack of local purchasing power.
Twenty years ago, its strict prohibition against foreigners had severely obstructed trade.
On the whole, the differences in costs noted for the whole sample apply equally to those more severely affected people.
If laws are used to govern them too severely, there will be unspeakable difficulties; and if too leniently, violations are bound to be very numerous.
Unfortunately, the medallion is severely deteriorated, and the headdress has not been preserved; in fact, all that remains of the face are the round eyepieces.
Fabrication, transport, handling, and cost of the material can severely limit the target choice.
Considering only those who were more severely distressed (scoring o30 on the screening test) it is estimated that around 75 % of those eligible were randomized.
As noted, specific phobics had been less severely ill than other phobia types at baseline and remained so after treatment (data not shown).
Long-term adjustment and adaptation mechanisms in severely burned adults.
However, they suggest the use of antidepressant medication for the more severely depressed, perhaps in combination with psychotherapy or supportive therapy.
Many forms of aid are compatible with the single market; others are deemed inadmissible because they severely distort trade between member states.
In practice, the scope that employees have to bargain is severely curtailed by the nature of the labour market.
As adults, female worms of the clone were severely stunted when compared with females in a mixed population.
We feel, however, that the proper use of incorporation is not as a severely lexically governed rule, as this one would have to be.
With inconsequential landholding they severely lacked income or other means of support.
Over generations the plunder of this resource has severely depleted natural stocks.
The description of such changes has until recently been severely restricted by a lack of appropriate recording methods.
Shadowing of speech severely disrupted subjects' capacity to solve tasks requiring integration of geometric with non-geometric properties.
The trophic structure of the beetle fauna was greatly affected in severely modified environments such as the oil palm plantation.
The data set was first examined for multivariate outliers, as outliers severely affect the ability to detect subtypes if they exist.
At least in our institution, surgical intervention for those with severely obstructed totally anomalous pulmonary venous connections and pulmonary outflow tract obstruction remains extremely high.
He might not want to place her in the position of accepting a "gift of life" that so severely compromises his health.
At first glance, coalitions of this kind would appear logical; however, the willingness of such groups to extend their mobilization frame is often severely restricted.
She is stabilized after a few days, but now is severely aphasic.
The vessel is severely stenosed along its whole length, measuring 25 mm long and2.5-3 mm in diameter.
Military resources were severely stretched and subject to inter territorial competition.
The tendency for participants to be severely critical of themselves as players and for this to reinforce patterns of anxiety and limited learning, also emerged.
We then outline how to design co-payments that do not severely undermine the goals of health insurance.
Such strikes, sooner or later and more or less severely, significantly affect the community at large.
Since the registers were established in 1905 and some families moved into our study area after 1905, this would require limiting our sample severely.
The survival is shorter still in the severely hypercalcaemic cohort.
Four of these patients were experiencing severe hypercyanotic spells, and four had severely reduced effort tolerance at presentation.
Interviewees are likely to be unusually confident, and unrepresentative, though they may include severely impaired people.
On the following day he made his most audacious claim and one for which he would be severely criticised.
Such studies will be severely hampered by the lack of exposures in the present-day landscape.
Without it, one's operating freedom outside one's culture is severely limited.
Furthermore, clinical islet transplantation is severely hampered by the lack of sufficient donor tissue.
The experiment conducted for this report produced conditions that severely tested this hypothesis in the region close to the wall above the laminar sublayer.
219 uncertainty over the original values severely hampers inter pretation.
The scope of a post-partum family planning plan is thus severely limited.
Ties like these severely limit the power of correlational analysis.
Severely (under 60% weight-for-age) and moderate-to-severely (under 70% weight-for-age) malnourished cases were highly and significantly associated with the shortest subsequent birth interval group.
Like philosophy, diachronic time fixes the past, orders the present, and severely limits the future.
There is remarkable variability of the clinical symptoms, from severely affected infants to asymptomatic adults (probably in 50% of instances).
They concluded that large-scale conversion to organic agriculture would not severely diminish either the global food supply or food security in developing regions.
Reduced mature size in progeny of swine severely restricted in protein intake during pregnancy.
Substance misuse and dependence more severely dependent, but lower cost alternatives can also offer significant benefit.
Indeed, in their study, 26% of severely depressed patients had clinically evident increase in desire for life-sustaining medical therapies after successful treatment of depression.
How different are severely demented patients from those in a persistent vegetative state?
Still, her freedom is severely compromised by racial slavery.
First, there may be higher mortality among the most severely disabled people (which will be discussed below).
When fish stocks are severely depleted, their output is also reduced- because there are fewer fish remaining to reproduce.
Once eukaryotes had evolved, it seems that opportunities for genetic exchange would have been severely limited.
However, a more severely structuralist idea in social science is that explanations of social phenomena should be made without reference to the intentions of individuals.
Part of the problem is that they are often on tasks that are also severely impaired after destruction of primary visual cortex.
However, a contrary trend of rapid increase in the number of" elderly severely mentally ill patients requiring hospital care" was discovered.
I will infer somewhat cautiously, then, that at least these accounts would predict production to be impaired more severely than comprehension.
In urban contexts, the opportunity for the free plan is severely restricted.
The analysis of women's work, of radical communal utopias, and of body metaphors severely limit the range of buildings that can be discussed.
Unfortunately, most of the research on amygdala functioning has been based on animals or humans with severely damaged amygdalas.
One phonological change which severely weakened the distinction between these classes was the neutralization of unstressed vowels.
The precision of the results is severely restricted due to weak empirical evidence on fundamental functional relations and parametric values.
Although these farmers desire higher outputs to meet their growing desires and expectations, they are severely resource constrained.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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