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词汇 example_english_seminal

Examples of seminal

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The other seminal development was an influx of ideas from informationprocessing theory and the new digital-computer metaphor.
Historically, chordopoxviruses have played a seminal part i n prophylactic medicine.
The vast majority of the experiments on auto- and allo-antigenicity of the seminal plasma have been focused on developing an autoimmune disease.
Considered separately, none of these points were 'seminal' at that time.
A gelatinous clear structure apposed to the lesser curvature of the seminal vesicles.
Still, due to different backgrounds and motivation, the seminal work done in these two places exhibits striking differences both in form and substance.
Should these developments actually occur, this book will be seen as seminal.
As with any seminal piece of research, the book leaves the reader with many questions and new ideas as well as some very solid data.
In the framework of this program, a topic is defined to be a seminal event or activity, along with all directly related events and activities.
Nevertheless, fecundation of females with degenerated ovaries had occurred since spermatozoids were found in nearly all seminal receptacles.
The male reproductive system was distinguished by the presence of testicular lobes, gynaecophoric canal and seminal vesicle (fig. 2).
The seminal receptacle closely posterior to the ovary, presented an increased size (fig. 1e) when compared to that observed in female controls (fig. 1b).
We attempt to go beyond their seminal contribution in three ways.
The seminal plasma was used in 1:100 dilution for the microbiological assays.
Seminal receptacle spherical to elongate, posterior to the ovary.
Does the seminal fluid of ticks contain antimicrobial substances ?
In many insects, the mating plug is a coagulum of the seminal fluid rather than the spermatophore.
After copulation, spermatozoa crawl up the uterus to reach the seminal receptacle where oocytes enter from the oviduct.
Moreover, they demonstrate the seminal importance of the use of the impulse generator.
The seminal papers on this topic explain the core type system essentially 'from scratch'.
A second seminal component of modern urban life is its linkage to the concept of the nation.
Removal of factors derived from seminal plasma and bound to the plasma membrane is generally believed to initiate the process of capacitation.
However, since the 1970s they have started to gain more prominence and now give rise to more research funding, seminal papers and international symposiums.
Immunofluorescent localization of a seminal vesicle proteinase inhibitor in the female reproductive tract of naturally inseminated mice.
Seminal vesicle fluids and fertility the other side removed.
Survival of ram spermatozoa at high dilution: protective effect of simple constituents of culture media as compared with seminal plasma.
Comparative effects of autologous and homologous seminal plasma on the viability of largely extended boar spermatozoa.
The seed coat is thin (<1 mm), with the outer surface opaque, yellowish (ripe seed) and slightly wrinkled; seminal stigmas not perceptible.
The seminal vesicle consists of a large pyriform sac, the proximal portion of which gradually narrows and merges into the short, tubular, ejaculatory duct.
Current concepts of genetic programming developed from the seminal work of numerous researchers in the 1970s and 1980s.
He repeatedly achieved seminal expressions of new building types, and compelling artistic exploitation of current techniques of construction.
Also, spermatogenesis seemed to be afflicted since spermatozoids were less frequently observed in seminal vesicles of worms with testicular cell loss.
As spermatozoa were studied in the female tract only and not in the seminal vesicles, this precludes a firm categorization of them.
The apical plasma membrane of the uterus, and seminal receptacle, extend into the lumen by microvilli-like projections with which spermatozoa make intimate contact.
Differential dosing of prostate and seminal vesicles using dynamic multileaf collimation.
The seminal vesicle is divided into external and internal parts.
We are told of a seminal encounter he had as a small boy with another boy of a similar age, seen begging at the roadside.
The program introduced in this small but seminal book may well herald the hallmark of the robotics of the 21st century.
Following seminal work on the use of science in public policy (27), we focus our attention on three concepts: instrumental, conceptual, and symbolic uses.
According to the seminal 'parties do matter' view, the stronger the major party of the right, the significantly lower will be welfare expenditure.
He was a seminal contributor to the understanding of retinal processing.
Seminal vesicles and caudae epididymis were obtained from a local slaughterhouse.
Incubations without antigen or with buffalo seminal plasma were performed in control experiments.
While any consensus about the philosophical superstructure of a postindustrial social policy has eluded the academy, entrepreneurs in the field have deployed seminal innovations.
Further more, one should note that the divination of the truth is never a methodical, step-by-step process in seminal detective stor ies.
In the four decades since that seminal work was published, the organic movement has grown exponentially worldwide.
Antidepressants will likely play a seminal role in the treatment of psychopathological states associated with early life stress.
Whether they will all prove to have been seminal remains, of course, to be seen.
The reproductive system of females was distinguished by the presence of ovary, seminal receptacle, oviduct, oocytes and uterus (fig. 1).
A few seminal papers, especially [12] and [33], started giving flesh to the vision.
The fresh seminal fluid sample after analysis is then tested for accessory gland function with measurements of seminal plasma fructose, glyceryl phosphorylcholine and acid phosphatase.
Any student with an interest in experimental parasitology would be well advised to consult his seminal work in this area.
All too often, impor tant books are branded with cliches that diminish the seminal contributions of their authors.
Leontief has also made fundamental and seminal contributions to the theories of demand, international trade, and economic dynamics.
In total, 18 seminal receptacles from 11 female worms were examined.
Within this framework, it cites and describes work that is seminal or representative of the state-of-the-art.
In some instances updated chapters contribute new information at the cost of removing seminal information that is still highly important.
Both may be transported from the seminal receptacle to the haemolymph, and a reasonable hypothesis for both is that they act at the synganglion.
In the footnote to the very first paragraph of his seminal work, he made clear the difference between linguistics and philology.
Both of these seminal studies were based on the elucidation of class structure and the identi®cation of elites.
In the present report we analyse the allo-antigenicity of the seminal vesicle secretion and the effect of the antibodies generated on fertility in the rat.
Electrophoretic pattern of rodent seminal vesicle proteins as revealed by silver staining.
Aggregated and monomeric forms of proteins in boar seminal plasma.
In particular, we have shown this for some preferences formalisms extending the seminal answer set semantics.
Much of the appeal of this seminal book lies in the big theoretical and historical issues that it tackles.
Seminal vesicle double, proximal portion smaller, measuring 59 (45 - 76) by 33 (25 - 41), and distal portion 100 (82- 140) by 54 (42 -75).
Our theory model provides for a flexible framework, enabling us to reproduce key results from seminal articles and to provide new insights on the role of demographics in macroeconomics.
Seminal vesicle, bi-lobed, at the level of the mid ventral sucker, anterior lobe larger and more rounded than the posterior one.
The preferences expressed in our 'publication prior ' are likely to be strongly influenced by precedent and seminal publications such as ref. [3], a form of publication bias.
The testicular lobes had a large diminution of cells in one or more of the lobes, which was associated with a lack of spermatozoids in the seminal vesicle.
The seminal event that clearly demonstrated that human babesiosis may comprise diverse organisms, and that stimulated a renewed interest in infection due to these sporozoans occurred in 1992.
The third examines production and performance choices in several seminal performances from 1962 to 1996.
Often in gynaecology clinics where infertility is investigated the woman is seen alone and the husband may then be referred to a urologist for a seminal fluid analysis.
His own seminal contribution to immunology was the insight that antibody proliferation resulted from the "natural selection" of preexisting antibody, an insight which he later developed into a network theory.
Among these are seminal writings on asset pricing, economic growth and development, exchangerate determination, optimal fiscal and inflation policy, and tools for the analysis of dynamic recursive models.
Capacitation status and in vitro fertility of boar spermatozoa: effects of seminal plasma, cumulus-oocyte-complexes-conditioned medium and hyaluronan.
The occurrence of hypotaurine and other sulfur-containing amino acids in seminal plasma and spermatozoa of boar, bull and dog.
The antigens and autoantigens of the seminal vesicle.
Inhibition of fertilisation in vivo by pancreatic and seminal plasma trypsin inhibitors.
We speculate that early negative peer experiences may be a seminal factor in the formation of deviant peer groups that amplify the characteristics that led to the original rejection.
Within these limitations, however, it represents a seminal discussion of a debate that certainly excited medieval minds and still today, after the radical developments of medical science, has surprising relevance.
Many features of the androgen-induced expression program appear to be related to activation of the cell's capacity to produce seminal fluid.
Their seminal contributions have been of enormous consequence for understanding the relationships between development, environment, and poverty and have translated into significant policy advances.
He also covers his own seminal work on infants at risk for vocal delay.
An invited paper which may well be seen as seminal in its technical insight.
Alternatively, outside experts may conduct the seminal research.
The uterus contains many eggs (up to 45) and is lined by epithelial cells different from those lining the seminal receptacle as follows.
In this specimen, the caecal union occurs posterior to the internal seminal vesicle and immediately prior to the gynecophoric canal.
Seminal fluid transferred from males to females influences the egglaying and remating frequency of the female, in turn affecting the lifespan.
The differences in the mean seminal plasma protein content among the various groups were not statistically significant.
Most of the seminal papers on this topic are covered.
Perhaps their insistence on the unity of economic science explains why their seminal contributions have had such a profound impact on the entire field.
In style the seminal confusion of a transitional phase is no less evident than in subject.
Finally, during our observations of the seminal receptacle we did not observe any structure in the spermatozoa which could be interpreted as an intracellular bacterium.
Finally, during our observations of seminal receptacle we did not observe any bacterial endosymbionts in the spermatozoa.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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