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词汇 example_english_sediment

Examples of sediment

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
In undeformed sediments, the magnetic susceptibility is characterized by an oblate ellipsoid, with the foliation coinciding with the bedding plane.
Differentiated flexural tectonic subsidence has been successively compensated by accumulation of the sediments within the basin.
Her legacy in performance cannot be fixed or sedimented, because her practice has evolved through the lives of her students, and their students.
In all three basins, this mudstone-dominated interval passes into sandstonedominated sediments of a braided fluvial system.
The presence of crinoid fragments indicates an unequivocal marine origin for these sediments, and this is strongly supported by the presence of bioturbation and glauconite.
The association of sediments and fossils became unstable unless it was recorded and authenticated.
The floors of the resurge gullies become covered with resurge breccia and turbiditic sediments.
In field work it is extremely difficult to link the effect of pollutants in sediments or water directly to fish.
Samples were incubated for 2 h and faecal sediments were harvested by sequential centrifugation in 15 ml test tubes.
The sediments, their contained fauna, as well as the intense bioturbation, indicate a well-oxygenated sea floor, below, but probably close to, storm wave-base.
There is a significant reduction in hydrocarbon concentrations in sediments as the distance from the assumed hydrocarbon sources (contaminated sites located uphill) increases.
In addition, the channel-levee system affords potential confining and sorting mechanisms for the different grain-sizes of clastic sediments and organics.
Notwithstanding this, the unoxidized nature of these sediments indicates more-orless permanent water saturation.
There is no evidence that hydrothermal processes played any direct role in the deposition of either the carbonaceous matter or the enclosing sediments.
The fact of recovery of algae from permanently frozen sediments may suggest their resistance to both primary and longterm freezing.
The sediments were used for parasite egg examination.
The ice barrier, which was left in place until the completion of excavation, prevented any runoff from introducing sediments from the excavation into the river.
The studied sediments tended to be marine, with a major input of organic matter from autochthonous sources.
During this interval geochemical events recorded in the surface ocean sediments co-occur red with a rapid evolutionary radiation of benthic metazoans.
The present basin-floor sediments are related to ongoing active processes controlled by the basin-bounding faults.
Tuffs interbedded within interfluvially driven sediments, often cross-laminated fine- to medium-grained sandstones, display both current- and tool-marks.
Although not age diagnostic, it demonstrates either stratification within the water column or dysoxia/anoxia within the top layer of sediments.
All of the analysed samples were fine-grained unconsolidated sediments.
Recent mapping has identified a much greater thickness of sediments within the coal measures than had been inferred previously.
In conjunction with animal evolution bioturbation has changed through time with great consequences for the preservation and behaviour of sediments.
In general, the formation is interpreted as peritidal sediments of a barrier island system.
Channel-form medium-grained sand bodies with an erosive base interrupt the fine-grained sediments.
Note that non-skeletal carbonates occur as post-extinction sediments.
Eventually, the radiometric data may seem to conflict with the minimum age of unroofing indicated by older nonconformable sediments.
They relate some features of the sediments to the activity of strike-slip faults.
Although this sulphiderich marginal zone is poorly exposed, the sulphides appear to be more abundant towards the contact with the sur rounding sediments.
The system controlling the composition of clastic sediments.
In a few places, structurally above the mylonite and below the molassic sediments, a 5 m wide zone hosting a dense aplitic network was observed.
To this end, there are brief discussions of the types of sediments that are likely to be encountered in various depositional environments.
Differences in diagenetic alteration of matrix sediments between both basins do not have a considerable impact on brachiopod shell isotopic composition.
However, the interpretation of ancient microfossils found even in terrestrial sediments has been hotly debated for years.
The latter two clone groups apparently represent widely distributed archaea in benthic marine sediments and the subsurface.
Therefore, remediation of the original and untreated sediments is preferable.
Bacterial abundance in relation to surface area and organic content of marine sediments.
The sandy character suggests that the local stream was still important for the downslope supply of sediments.
The presence of interlayered tuffaceous sediments, conglomerates and carbonate breccias, coupled with the local existence of pillowed lavas, are suggestive of a marine environment.
The conglomerates pass gradually upwards into highly calcareous sediments ranging from phyllite to siltstone and sandstone as well as limestone conglomerates.
Therefore, a dormant state of halobacteria, allowing long-term survival as well as the survival of halophilic microorganisms in extraterrestrial salt sediments, seems feasible.
Occasional enclosures of lime in the sediments also indicate limnic conditions in standing water.
Presence of 10-30 cm thick beds may be related to episodic deposition with long dry periods when sediments were mottled.
We obtain the statistical distribution of gaps in the sedimentary record, periods of time during which the sediments have been eroded.
Regionally extensive muddy sediments (many metres thick) are deposited and these are stratigraphically independent of the channel and channel-related deposits.
Approximately two-thirds of the book is assigned to siliciclastic sediments and limestones, reflecting their predominance in the rock record.
The stochastic analysis of sediments is mostly concerned with the process d(t).
Varves are the best known rhythmites and comprise couplets of clastic sediments which differ in colour and texture, but all rhythmites are not varves.
Local occurrences of shallow marine and estuarine sediments have also been taken to provide evidence for the location of palaeo-shorelines in previous palaeogeographic maps.
Factors influencing organic carbon preservation in marine sediments.
Component directions have similar declination but steeper inclination than directions observed in the sediments.
Radiolarian-rich sediments are known to be locally associated with ophiolitic pillow lavas.
The sediments of this lithofacies are chiefly composed of silt which on average constitutes more than 70 % of the total weight percentage.
Since then a significant body of knowledge on the nature of subsurface sediments has progressively emerged, first from piston cores and later from seismic lines.
There then follows another change in sediments with some breaks (including coarse sandstones with pebbles), which indicate strong activation of volcanicity.
The finer-grained sediments are dominated by black siltstone and orangey fine-grained sandstone.
As the basin is anoxic, or lacks oxygen, no life is present, so there has been no bioturbation of the sediments.
Representative samples were taken from soils and sediments.
Censers, cranial elements of large game, and lithics are generally found in the sediments surrounding this structure, although they are concentrated in certain areas.
The presence of roof-fall sediments was also recorded to provide some indication of the environment to which each vessel's contents were exposed.
Then we turn to a field study of interior bajo (or seasonal swamp) sediments through pedology and geochemistry.
Contemporary processes that contribute to the formation and deposition of materials in modern sediments must be understood to infer past environmental conditions.
In practice, lake sediments provide the best sites for long-term preservation and continuous deposition of pollen and spores.
Other areas of the canal show more horizontal layering caused by the gradual accumulation of sediments over time.
Most of the sediments used as backfill were extracted from the present beach, where the potential for permafrost degradation was comparatively minor.
Hence, if one is looking for old bones, one should try to locate bones partly buried in sediments.
Faecal sediments were suspended in normal saline solution to create a stock of eggs.
The crushed tissues of crabs were filtered once through a mesh screen and the filtered sediments examined for metacercariae under the dissecting microscope.
Thus, it might therefore be interesting to investigate in more detail whether the chirality of biomarkers from early marine sediments can be determined.
The results with modern tundra soils and permafrost sediments demonstrate the resistance of their microbial communities to prolonged freezing and freeze-thaw stresses.
The ore and interbedded sediments contain filamentous microfossils up to 60 mm wide, and spheroidal microfossils 7-14 mm wide with a single aperture.
Consequently, the steroid hydrocarbons that are found in ancient sediments are most likely the remains of algae and other eukaryotes.
A more detailed report of these sediments will be published later.
Studies of ancient sediments reveal pyrite framboid analyses can additionally provide a subtle indicator of environmental stability.
Syngenetic graphite is formed through regional or contact metamor phism of carbonaceous matter dispersed in the sediments.
The siliciclastic sediments were mainly deposited by turbidity cur rents and to a lesser extent by mass-flow processes.
A scale of grade and class terms for classifying sediments.
By considering the geometry of the graben crest and sediments, we can deduce the fault-movements rates of the graben-bounding faults during these periods.
The rubidium-strontium method applied to sediments: certitudes and uncertainties.
The sediments are moderate to well sorted, and are highly oxidized with little or no preservation of physical structures.
However, the cor relation between these events and environmental changes expressed in the sediments is obscure.
Several cycles of silty-heterolithic associations are vertically stacked to produce a multistoreyed complex of fine-grained sediments without involving any river channel event.
Distribution and facies of oceanic and shelf-sea sediments are strongly affected by these variations.
Initial deformation occur red in partially lithified sediments and involved stratal disruption and shearing of the shales.
The sediments of exposure 16 were deposited in a fluvial environment.
Fine-grained sediments, intercalated between two gravel deposits and also rich in plant macrofossils, occur at the base of the exposure.
The channel is characterised by coarse sediments at the base, grading into finer-grained sands and silts in the higher levels, as the water became quieter.
All the methods in the booklet are only intended to supplement the chemical analysis of water and sediments.
In both cases, the porosity probably resulted from early leaching and was preserved when the sediments were dolomitised.
There are periods when sediments exceed the sea level.
Most of the phosphorus in seeds, and much of it in soils and sediments, occurs as myo-inositol hexakisphosphate (phytate).
On death, the shells are incorporated into the lake sediments, thereby preserving a record that can be used to infer past climate change.
If extreme drying and cracking occurs, upper (usually darker) sediments drop into lower strata, resulting in a gross over turning of stratigraphy over time.
Generally speaking, the machine system of section-making is so gentle that only very difficult lithologies and loose sediments will need impregnation.
Experimentally combining two unimodal sediments produces not a two-fold linear pattern, but a three-fold one, the central segment forming in the size overlap zone.
Many sediments are composed not of one single grain size population, but rather of a combination of sub-populations.
Up to now, the only accretion ice containing mica-clay sediments allowed the recovery of a few bacterial phylotypes.
Generally there is much organic debris mixed in with the sediments.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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