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词汇 example_english_screen

Examples of screen

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
An affected infant might collapse after either a positive or a false-negative screening test, if they were not screened.
When different ages at screening were investigated in the model, we assumed that the mean detection rate and its associated uncertainty remained the same.
With relatively few cases remaining to be detected, screening in its present form will become untenable.
However, in reality, screening usually starts before 25 years of age and is extended beyond age 65.
Potential health and economic impact of adding a human papillomavirus vaccine to screening programs.
Furthermore, if individuals were treated appropriately, there would be no benefit from screening and its cost-effectiveness would be lower.
The two alternative screening strategies vary in how screening would be organized.
A second strategy involves an idealized screening program such that, for all of those in the screened population, diagnosis occurs at the onset of disease.
Cost savings in mass population screening for colorectal cancer resulting from the early detection and excision of adenomas.
More knowledge of the nature of public preferences for screening programs and their attributes may contribute to the evaluation of such healthcare programs.
Screening programs raise particular ethical issues, since screening involves testing persons who have no symptoms of the condition being searched for.
Recommended neonatal screening includes screening for phenylketonuria, hypothyroidism, and various hemoglobinopathies.
Despite these favorable results, mammography screening has not yet been included in the cancer screening program.
Part of their activities will be the coordination of the evaluation of mammography screening programs on a national level.
Most countries, even those with formal policies, note relatively low levels of screening for hypertension.
Thirteen countries not currently evaluating screening program impact indicated that they plan to undertake assessment of one or more of these measures in the future.
Sensitivity analyses were done for screening costs based on different participation rates.
The costs of the various screening methods were calculated in euros at the 2004 price level.
Therefore, articles on risk reduction programs, screening programs, and rehabilitation programs were excluded, because these reports do not encompass the whole continuum of care.
About 30,000 pfu from the primary library were differentially screened.
We have not assessed the potential value of improved health due to eradication, upon which the value of screening may ultimately rest.
Diagnostic applications were most frequently reported (28 percent), followed by therapeutic prediction (22 percent), preventive prediction (18 percent), pharmacogenetics (16 percent), and screening (16 percent).
Effect of false-positive mammograms on interval breast cancer screening in a health maintenance organization.
About 8,500 women were screened in the period from 1993-98, but no published data yet exist.
However, survival data should be assessed cautiously because the implementation of screening policies might produce a misleading interpretation due to selection and lead biases.
They maintained that prostate cancer might be a deadly disease and, as such, should be treated after screening.
The study did not request data on screening distribution and volume.
Accuracy and effectiveness of routine population screening 49.
One of our major findings was that the application of the screening tests does not take the form of structured mass screening programs.
The conclusion is that screening cannot be supported without the results of further research (15).
Specifically, screening is encouraged and suppor ted when it is deemed beneficial.
The committee made a recommendation against screening women under the age of 50.
In 1997, all counties offered screening with varying age limits and time intervals (9).
No county or municipality has organized screening programs for prostate cancer.
There are two kinds of technologies that aim at identifying conditions of patients: diagnostic tests and screening tests.
Assessment of fracture risk and its application to screening for postmenopausal osteoporosis.
An important consequent issue in relation to screening or diagnostic interventions is the availability of therapy or cure, once problems have been identified.
In effect, this makes the costs of screening and early treatment higher than those of late treatment and its associated medical follow-up.
Considering, at last, a change in the cost of screening tests, and using the extreme value of the interval, results were not modified.
The number of trisomy 21 pregnancies detected is (the number of affected pregnancies screened) x (detection rate).
However, evidence of mortality reduction is not sufficient to justify the implementation of a national mass screening program.
Both studies resulted in a slightly lower net cost of screening, a slightly lower number of lifeyears gained, and a slightly lower cost-effectiveness ratio.
A case-control study of screening sigmoidoscopy and mortality from colorectal cancer.
Note that private costs were not collected for one center whose screening program had been completed before the private cost assessment was undertaken.
Recommendation to include colorectal cancer screening in public health policy.
In total, 33,353 women were screened and the overall detection rate was 3.3 per 1,000.
Although the risks of radiation exposure are negligible, screening mammograms can generate false-negative and false-positive results.
Assessments of the three screening interventions analyzed in these papers have been carried out.
Ongoing activities concentrate on the introduction and organization of mammography screening programs.
The assessment and implementation of screening for breast cancer is an excellent example of the interaction of health policy, assessment, and implementation of mass screening.
In this leaflet, it is recommended that family practitioners perform screening examinations on asymptomatic men over the age of 50 every 2 years.
Colorectal cancer screening using fecal occult blood tests followed by identification and removal of lesions can reduce mortality from colorectal cancer.
The highest number of assessments was found in the case of screening for genetic aberrations and severe congenital malformations.
The horizontal and vertical extent of the screens amounted to approximately 70 deg and 55 deg, respectively.
Slides were screened for metaphase identification and chromosome analysis (chromosome count).
Interacting proteins were screened followed by the isolation of plasmid and were sequenced to identify the gene.
Thus, our results could be relevant to mutational screens, toxicology screens, hormone treatments, and functional assessments of zebrafish retinal development and regeneration.
In summary, we used random chemical mutagenesis and screening to find a mouse model for autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa.
Of these 19 successful individuals, 12 (63.15%) were from the screened group of nearnative speakers.
Large numbers of mice established by in vitro fertilization with cryopreserved spermatozoa: implications and applications for genetic resource banks, mutagenesis screens and mouse backcrosses.
Stereo images are projected onto its 3 x 3 m2 screens of the walls and the floor.
After the blower, the air passes through flow-conditioning screens, grids, and honeycombs, and then a 5 : 1 contraction, before entering the development length.
Small temporary hides, blinds or screens may be constructed for the purpose of scientific study of the avifauna.
When the inner electron reaches its inner turning point, the outer electron experiences a net attractive force from the screened nuclear potential.
First trimester screening for fetal aneuploidy: biochemistry and nuchal translucency.
On the whole, the 30-year incidence peak provides a strong justification for screening young adults before they have their first child.
Current methods for screening for hantavirus antibodies in rodent populations are laborious, combining sampling in the field and subsequent analyses in the laboratory.
Such themes included: bene ts of early detection, priority for screening, experience of screening and the barriers to screening.
Shop assistants were sleeping in shops, their beds being screened off by temporary partitions.
The results were screened and duplicates were eliminated.
One hopes that as more of the mutations are screened functionally that promising candidates for study will be identified.
A six-bay end cluster can be freely planned by removing all screens and par titions, and then by enclosing group and seminar spaces.
The disadvantages of using computer screens for displaying information is that they are likely to flicker.
All of the clinically available nutrition screening instruments lack sensitivity and specificity and cannot be relied on individually as definitive diagnostic tests for protein-energy malnutrition.
The self-rating scales are valid for screening, case definition and dimensional assessment of hypochondriacal disorder, including the differentiation between hypochondriasis and somatization.
She gave an example of a case of advanced mouth cancer being diagnosed following a routine dental screening exercise in one of the hostels.
Hearing screening in a dental office using self-assessment.
The use of screening instruments is advisable f or its early detection and treatment.
Based on their responses to five screening instruments (see below), subjects were divided into screening positive and negative subgroups.
Findings could be used to enhance screening instruments and identify problem behaviors, such as low levels of social interaction, which could be targeted for intervention.
A caution on the use of cut-points applied to screening instruments or diagnostic criteria.
In addition to the baseline alternative, the authors investigated eight different screening strategies and calculated the incremental cost-effectiveness of these eight strategies.
The main purpose of the trial is to determine whether screening in men in the 55 to 79-year-old age group reduced prostate cancer mortality.
Of them, 59 selected by a psychopathology screening test were clinically assessed by a psychologist.
Due to a lower than expected death rate among controls, the investigators resumed screening between 1982 and 1986.
Second, chance fluctuations in the results of the screening test might mask cancer detection, particularly if the interval between the screening tests were small.
Of course, early lesions are the principal targets of screening tests.
On a fundamental level, cancer-screening trials differ from therapy trials because of the high amount of "noise" relative to the "signal" of screening effect.
The hybrid cell lines were screened to identify those cell lines that contain the chromosome 10 homologues.
He said that screening sets up the expectation that something has to follow.
Barriers to screening in clinical practice must be identified and removed.
Currently, screening is a research tool, not a clinical tool.
He noted a growing understanding of the importance of screening for alcohol and other drugs together.
Would reimbursement for screening and brief intervention increase screening and intervention, and subsequently, decrease morbidity and mortality?
Should they be screening for patients with the worst problems?
Implementation will require increasing emergency department physicians' knowledge in order to increase confidence in screening skills and to dispel myths about the futility of treatment.
Against the screens stood still another gallery, with a single platform.
The screens gallery and two side galleries were all provided with suitable rails.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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