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词汇 example_english_sale

Examples of sale

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Only one of the columns for yearly sales is provided here.
The occupational categories used are: professionals and business executives; clerical and sales workers; farmers and farm labourers; skilled workers; and unskilled workers.
Try though they might, the authorities had no way of banning sales transactions in bad money when bad coins served those transactions well.
If the quotations collected in other studies are not representative of the universe of annuity sales, the results and comparisons may be biased.
The global growth in the sales of certified organic products has increased by an average of 20-25% per year since 19904.
Six of the nine organic winter pear handlers reported export sales, with exports ranging from 5 to 40% of their total pack.
When they were sold, however, these sales do not appear to have been handled very differently from other sales.
Each new instalment in the series (through volume 7) has equalled or improved upon the sales figures of its predecessor.
At times, sugar sales were the only immediate means of getting money for vital imports, and sugar was sold while still in the field.
All of them stressed that on sales floors, at consumers' doorsteps, in purchasing agents' offices, acting was just as necessary as on the stage.
We distinguish between two types of transmissions : gifts and sales, the dividing line being whether the transaction included a price or not.
In other words, was land freely alienable or were sales mediated by the taravad and/or other social factors?
State officials objected to both land sales and squatting as development strategies because they believed that such activities led to land fragmentation and degradation.
The price effect valorised particularly mining production, increasing profit margins and the value of sales abroad.
Particularly in sales charts, the quality of a record is equated with its exchange value, as the ranking depends on the number of items sold.
Antibiotics, analgesics, and antirheumatoid preparations continue to top the pharmaceutical sales charts (7;10).
A large market share may also be a proxy for the size of the sales force and the number of branches and distribution channels.
The politics of purchase area farmers intersected with national politics in important ways that promoted both land sales and squatting.
In 1968, the economy was functioning at a normal pace, with sales, personal income, and industrial production all growing above average.
In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, this right meant that sales of inherited land to non-relatives could be declared invalid within a specified time period.
He wanted to illuminate the creative process for an artistic elite, and his concepts were more abstract than the practical admonitions found in sales texts.
Currently, stereotypes are always "hand-crafted", based on empirical observations like user type analysis or sales data.
Using cost-plus pricing increases the percentage of household income from farmers' markets by 6.7, as it also increased total farmers' market sales.
The total sales volume of proton pump inhibitors for the group with dyspepsia exceeded 1.3 billion in 1998.
Noticeably, improving the fiscal balance by cutting public expenditures or by means of a sales tax reform both enhance economic growth and conservation of forests.
They have been developed on the basis of concrete business demands and the experiences of the sales and marketing departments.
People advertise the release dates well in advance and eagerly wait for initial sales figures.
A concomitant financial restructuring, which injected 60,000 million dinars into enterprises by 1987, bolstered sales, profits, capacity utilisation, and productivity in almost every sector.
When urban sales taxes are increased, the investment-induced increase in labour productivity and profits is withdrawn.
With a high-priced hardback, they have gone for the assured - but few - sales to academic libraries around the world.
The prohibition of leasing of®ces was ®rm and + contrary to that of private sales + unanimously supported by jurists and legal opinion.
Since abilityto-pay is low in poor nations, tying the innovator's compensation to benchmark year sales results in low powered incentives for work on 'unprofitable' diseases.
Their main sources of income are from live performances (mainly in clubs and pubs), and from recording sales.
According to the report, world-wide sales of industrial robots peaked in 1990 with a total of almost 80,000 units.
Cassettes have also become increasingly popular, and because they are inexpensive and readily accessible, sales are quite robust.
The current popular expression te sales 'you exaggerate, you're going over the top' is another example of this use.
Since this mechanism relies on benchmark year sales, firms will have an incentive to promote and market their drug to increase these numbers.
The value of the crop residues (stover) has been based on prices for sales between far mers.
Most notably, inventory investment is no longer procyclical, and its correlation with final sales becomes negative.
The present manufacturing industry provides services from marketing through sales; however, reclamation, recycling, and discarding of products are normally outside the domain of manufacturing industries.
Men, who typically make most decisions regarding cash sales, are not usually responsible for meeting the family's nutritional needs.
Two thirds of the deficit were covered with bond sales.
We should use the arms sales as a political catalyst.
They were not commercial undertakings, aiming for sales income to exceed production costs, rather investments made by interested parties involved in legislation.
The last column calculates the equivalence multiplier, the annual multiplier necessary to equate actual sales to those determined by the mechanism.
At the end of the benchmark year, a calculation will be made using the year's sales data to estimate the private value of the innovation.
The price should be as high as possible to maximise takings but as low as possible to maximise sales.
Although profitability is steady at 6.2%, their compromise seems to have been sales growth.
The structural variables are robust across models 1 and 2, and there are statistically signi®cant coef®cients in the sales and education categories.
Increasing local food sales to this population may require new marketing strategies, such as increasing the level of convenience.
The record had more than a million sales in its first week of release, outselling all other singles combined.
Closing is the last phase in a sales interaction, in which a decision will be made by the prospect.
In this scenario we study the effect of increasing the sales tax in urban sectors by five percentage points.
Average annual sales of chests of opium for these reporting periods were: 403, 745, 617 and 928.
Traditionally, a sales person will discuss the individual order with the customer.
When excise sales were far too low, they intensified their enforcement efforts through police patrols, informers and other tried and true methods.
Ultimately, of course, opium reformers demanded an end to the excise system altogether in favor of sales restricted to opium for medical purposes only.
At this time, the government decided to stop all sales and distribution of the gazetteer.
Hewing the market economy path, the government music industry began to aggressively promote sales of this commercially viable popular music.
In 1975, sales reached what appears to be their peak, with 251 sets sold.
The group, however, was unable to agree upon any criterion for selecting designees other than the quantum of sales.
Since subscriptions are usually paid in advance of receiving the product or service, they avoid the volatility of retail sales or pay-per-play.
Although not discriminatory, the system of co-ordinated gas sales could still be regarded as reducing competition in the gas market.
The message in sales was much the same.
Any extra sales of grain to such users were at a negotiated price.
With the above understanding, a custom product design involves two phases: customer selection in the sales view and product variant derivation in the engineering view.
Revenue is the sum of product sales income and income from maintenance.
Sales of real estate which recognized the seller's right of redemption were allowed, as were sales specifying a limited period of ownership.
Thus, in this period (1651 to 1720), sales to non-kin occurred frequently, even when children of the former holders were readily available.
The majority of transactions were still between relatives, but the form of transmission tended to change from gifts to sales.
In most samples, sales to clearly identifiable kin are between zero and 20 per cent.
Purchases outweighed sales by a factor of about two, and their absolute level surpassed the mean value recorded for farmers (903 versus 723 gulden).
The data about the main plant are given for sales value, capital stock, wage bill, fuel cost, and other material input costs.
The crucial point is that for the hybrid seed crops, seed companies invested over 10 per cent of seed sales in research.
Thus, in scenario 4 we add a domestic sales tax on domestically produced agricultural products.
In contrast, farmers in the north received over 90 per cent of their timber sales revenues.
The total annual treatment cost thus constitutes 0.48 per cent to 1.6 per cent of sales revenues.
Farmers must select rice with traits that are desirable for onfarm consumption as well as production and sales.
The food, beverages and tobacco sub-sector represents 46 per cent of the total sales directly attributable to tourists.
Since agricultural sales for pratical purposes still are beyond reach of tax collection, the administrative system must be developed to deal with this.
One result of this would be a rapid drop in disc sales and, in response, a winding down of the publishing investment.
However, the organization may also obtain funds from diverse activities like cotton transport, fibre grading, trade, and export or input sales.
The solution for most publishers has been to gain greater control over their own distribution through direct internet-based sales.
However, its effectiveness and, no doubt, its sales were reduced by its presentation.
The new maps deserve a larger volume of sales than they will get in this relatively little-visited region.
Money from groundnut sales could be used to purchase fertilizer.
Fewer sales means fewer parcels to deliver, whether by white trucks with an eagle or big, brown trucks.
If there is less information and less prospecting, there will be fewer sales.
If the sales price is more or less than book value, a gain or loss, respectively, is recognized to the extent of the difference.
As a general rule, any difference between the sales proceeds and book value is recognized as a gain or loss when the asset is sold.
In 1986/87, 70% of mergers involved firms with combined sales of over 1 billion ecus, whereas the figure in 1988/89 was over 90%.
The cost of this is covered by increased singles sales and the eventual high sales of the album.
There is also the possibility of further income for the composer from sales of sheet music.
However, record company sales forces do supply music videos to the limited number of record shops which stock them.
However, the areas of marketing, sales, and promotion are at the heart of every record company.
On every release, targets are set for the whole sales force by the sales manager or director, in consultation with the marketing division.
According to the company, exchange rate factors had a favourable effect on sales, especially in the third quarter.
The stability of the product and shelf-life of the product in its sales pack are considered separately below.
In our example, the relationship between each year's sales is shown by the bar chart but the line graph shows the trend over the period.
Damaged stock means lost sales, and lost sales mean less profit.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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