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词汇 example_english_rigorous

Examples of rigorous

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
In the epidemiological literature, however, insomnia tends to be defined using a variety of approaches, ranging from rigorous diagnostic algorithms, to single questionnaire items.
The treatment of linearised rules in the rest of the section, though rigorous, will not be too formal.
The style of writing is rigorous and clear, and the material is well organized.
The aim is to provide insight into the more rigorous formalization that will be provided in the following sections.
Our task-based approach is presented in view of a rigorous mathematically-based optimization formulation, where cost functions characterizing human performance measures are implemented.
Rigorous validation and quality control procedures have been imposed throughout the development course.
Unfortunately, rigorous scientific data are lacking on the efficacy and effectiveness to justify medical practice.
A more rigorous analysis of the epidemiological impact of vaccination for meningococcal disease is essential for proper health economic estimates.
Using only the most rigorous design, on the other hand, ignores the probative importance of replication and corroboration that multiple studies afford.
Rigorous comparisons among the various studies are difficult, given the diversity of areas, stimuli, behavioral task and recording paradigms involved.
Subjecting "force" and "attraction" to rigorous mathematical treatment does not entail that "force" and "attraction" are transformed into pure mathematical concepts without any physical meaning.
If repopulation of soon as possible, based on rigorous evaluation of the cells does not keep pace with those being lost, such evidence as exists.
On the other hand, the only known rigorous classical method for calculating the collision integral is through the theory of fluctuations.
Indeed, most past work has focused on implementation issues; our current work focuses on defining rigorous semantics.
The volume would have benefited from more rigorous editing in the form of grouping the contributions appropriately and avoiding minor duplication between authors.
Rigorous bounds on the fast dynamo growth rate involving topological entropy.
The pursuit of rigorous complexity (surface) solicits a ludic richness (depth) for the purposes of understanding and illumination.
The policy networks approach has been subject to considerable criticism, heuristic fatigue, and has lacked rigorous empirical testing.
In this work, no rigorous attempt to calculate the optimal number and locations, and control gains has been made by the authors.
Part of this discussion is nonrigorous, but it provides an intuitive understanding of the processes under consideration, and additionally guides the later rigorous development.
Their research virtues, the authors say, are rigorous theorization, assembling comprehensive empirical data, and the ' ' attempt to take these data seriously ' '.
However, we must be cautious about drawing rigorous conclusions from such comparisons.
In the absence of rigorous fiscal tightening, the burden of adjustment fell disproportionately on monetary policy.
A more rigorous editing would have provided a more immediate message without losing any of the key elements.
The algebraic framework gives a rigorous basis for describing and reasoning about processes semantically, as well as offering new insights into existing constructions.
However, there are few rigorous evaluations of these models to yield generalizeable conclusions as to their effectiveness.
Reports on the next phase of an unusually rigorous research project will be eagerly awaited.
Composition students studied rigorous forms of counterpoint, fugue, and stylistic composition for various instrumental and vocal forms.
The impressionistic nature of the work is, perhaps, not a rigorous analytical approach.
They may appear anecdotal, but are susceptible to rigorous game-theoretic analysis in terms of context-specific game models.
Such studies would adopt similar rigorous protocols as used by zoologists for providing accurate methods of quantifying fruit abundance available for dispersers.
I would, however, have preferred a more rigorous theorisation of some of its key positions.
While rigorous in its intellectual and scholarly character, the book also reads like an intriguing story.
Without rigorous user studies we can not develop a precise evaluation.
However, positive rights, notably the right to mental health, deserve the same rigorous and sustained attention that has been given to civil and political rights.
Conversely, social scientists need to make their insights more rigorous and suitable for computation.
The first chapter discusses propositional logic, and is a detailed and rigorous but accessible account on the topic.
The more rigorous attempts to establish criteria, however, seem not to have been much more fruitful.
Often it seems that he serves as a fair, rigorous umpire within the rules of the game as the specialists have set it up.
Rigorous control of marital opportunity was clearly one strategy through which parishes sought to inhibit entitlement to poor relief.
Obviously, a very large and differentiated database would be necessary to perform rigorous tests of causal relationships in the model.
While their analysis is based on cross-sectional data, our panel design provides a far more rigorous test of the hypothesis.
At its most rigorous, the rule demands that exclusivist faith be able to logically defeat defeaters of its position.
Further rigorous, comprehensive and systematic study of the issues taken up in this book will bring us fruitful insights and more interesting questions.
A successful trial appears to need good leadership well as good science; a rigorous protocol without practice collaborators being of little value.
Randomized controlled trials provide the most rigorous evidence for effectiveness.
We do not intend to perform a detailed and rigorous study of associated effects here.
A more rigorous theoretical analysis, including the relativistic effect, should be performed in a future study.
In this paper, a number of aspects of a more rigorous accounting of the tokamak geometry have been identified and discussed.
They bring a rigorous empirical approach to research, providing a challenge task, experimentation, empirical validation and comparison of results, and replication.
The nonrelativistic approaches are either not rigorous or not considered in general plasma.
Therefore, a rigorous analysis of correctness of the algorithms becomes possible by stating these algorithms in the language of coinductive type theory.
With these provisos, geometric reasoning is completely rigorous.
The first main contribution of our paper is to give a rigorous counterpart at the semantic level of this two-level view of a modular language.
Then we are concerned with a rigorous justification of the residual-based error formula and, in particular, with giving answers to the two open questions.
A very rigorous statistical adjustment for profile effects in monolinguals was made.
The estimate (3.29) therefore provides on the solution found numerically an a posteriori estimate, both rigorous mathematically and tractable in practice.
Archaeologists have attempted to capture elusive insights into textiles through rigorous study of artifacts associated with textile production.
He has thrown out a massive agenda for contemplation, rigorous thought, some research, and hugely important political decisions.
Each of these topics is presented in detailed and rigorous prose.
Rigorous mathematical modelling of functional and stochastic relations allows for a systematic description of the processing chain.
The fourth feature was the development of designs that could provide rigorous tests of hypotheses about environmentally mediated risks.
I have always liked the rigorous confusion around ' popular music' as one category of music amongst others, existing only in relation to other categories.
Then we use rigorous experimentation to explore the strategy space and determine the best combination of strategies.
Law and economics scholars believe that the rigorous use of economic analysis is one such constraint.
In order to undertake a rigorous and clear analysis, it is necessary to clarify our terms.
Our knowledge of which interventions are most effective is however limited by the paucity of rigorous evaluation studies.
Quite frankly, the tome could stand more rigorous editing.
Any trait that satisfies the rigorous evidentiary standards of the special design approach is highly likely to be an adaptation for the proposed function.
In our view, it is not reasonable to postpone discussion on this semipermanent basis, because other rigorous and conceptually sound approaches are available.
The economic complexity of the agreement involved the purchase and resale of certain vital component parts to meet the rigorous contract standards.
Even if special design cannot be convincingly demonstrated, rigorous attempts to meet this evidentiary standard can produce novel scientific contributions.
The disattenuated correlations are obviously higher, and we await psychometrically more rigorous work than ours for more accurate measures of the true magnitude.
Without a doubt organic farming research must continue to have a strong practical context but not at the expense of rigorous science.
As a consequence, the algorithms generally demand rigorous consistency in the manner in which examples are described.
Although other methodologies guarantee a rigorous control of intervening variables, the experimental tasks required of participants are often farremoved from natural music listening activities.
Such actions, however, require rigorous operational standards and huge investments, even if undertaken within hours after pest introduction and detection.
There is a parallel opposition between rigorous, healthy market forces and lax, debilitating governmental assistance and regulation.
A mathematically fully rigorous argument is not possible because of the complexity of the problem and the discretization procedure.
Rigorous academic research is also needed for us to stay equipped with tools to tackle our increasingly complicated environment.
In this paper, we use the rigorous-analysis-of-heuristics framework to investigate this conventional wisdom.
Phenomenological criticism can be pursued only after a rigorous critical description under the terms of formalism.
Throughout the book the author uses an approach which is rigorous and quantitative without being overwhelmingly mathematical.
Rigorous antibiotic therapy, including intramuscular injections of rocephrine, also yielded unsatisfactory results.
With respect to the methodological issues, we must balance rigorous follow-through and long-term studies with studies that are germane to emergency departments.
Deconstructors themselves claim a kind of rigorous economic necessity and accountability of their own that can sound quite theoretical and total.
What really matters is an attempt to limit a hypothesis, derived from a theory, and to see how far it can withstand rigorous testing.
Although there may be more or less rigorous ways of doing this it can not be denied that the central activity is the same.
What animals are capable of discriminating between has been subjected to rigorous experimental study for many decades.
The more rigorous the enquiry, the more elusive become the real grounds for opposition.
A rigorous mathematical quantification of this approach is still incomplete.
The explanatory theories which survive the most rigorous testing through attempts at falsification are the best corroborated theories at any particular time.
The literature had yet to examine the long-term results of early grade retention, using rigorous statistical and methodological controls.
In addition, no studies of adolescents or young adults who were preterm employed comprehensive neuropsychological testing including rigorous measures of executive function.
In the final section the author discusses some of the more rigorous ways of measuring productivity which have been proposed in the past.
Recently several approaches to language have come closer to providing a more rigorous approach to analogy.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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